View Full Version : WWE Draft News, Candice Blogs Again, SD Dark Match

05-30-2007, 09:42 AM
Candice Michelle has posted up a new blog entry on WWE.com, her first since February. In February, both she and Melina were having a "blog battle" on WWE.com. But things started to get a bit too personal, and WWE put an end to it. Candice did a blog entry back in March in which she was kind of "shooting" as she had some unflattering things to say about Melina, including how she's perceived backstage. As she noted during a radio show appearance that same month, WWE.com refused to post the blog entry directed towards Melina. In her latest blog entry, Candice makes note of WWE.com refusing to post the last one and that it upset her. Also, Melina was engaged in a feud with Ashley Massaro in the build for WrestleMania, and they didn't want that to be a distraction because the two weren't feuding at the time. It's kayfabe when she talk about Melina because they're currently in a feud, but the other parts of the blog seem to be how she really feels.

WWE knew they had issues with the rosters so they decided to do the draft lottery to mix things up a bit. The feeling was even though the could mix and match with the new liberal usage of talent, it made more sense to put a focused effort into mixing up the brands and put some new storylines on the table via the lottery. It was an idea that came out of the recent injury wave. The USA Network was more than happy to give them the extra hour on June 11 for the draft because Raw gets good, if not great ratings. Now, the hope is that they use this as a positive to spice the brands up a bit.

WWE advertised locally Batista & Chris Benoit vs. MVP & Edge for tonight's dark match in London, ONT, so that fans don't leave when SmackDown is done taping and the ECW taping starts.

sources: PWInsider.com, Wrestling Observer

05-30-2007, 10:38 PM
why would u only stay for 2/3 of a wrestling show thats kinda dumb since u bought tickets for it