View Full Version : WWE Notes On SNME, New Iraqi Heel Gimmick, & More

06-01-2007, 03:54 PM
-- The new Backlash DVD at Blockbuster comes with a free bonus disc of Santino Marella beating Umaga for the IC title as well as the Lashley vs. Umaga no-DQ match.

-- Saturday Night’s Main Event will be airing in Canada on Global TV, which is a major step up from last year when it aired on City TV and drew horrible numbers.

-- There is an Iraqi gimmick heel tag team in development at OVW called Omar & Ali Akbar.

Source: WrestlingObserver.com

i hope the wwe don't have the iraqi gimmick going too long as i don't want another muhammad hassan who caused controversy with nearly everything he did

Role Model
06-01-2007, 03:58 PM
Now what I don't understand is WWE is pushing an Iraq team, but also dealt with not having Dhavari become a manger because he was and let go Hassan because he was also, so what makes these guys any different? Probably nothing which is totally bs because it just makes no sense to push this go far and then just have to give them away because of it all. Hopefully it doesn't get that far so we don't have to see a hassan repeat.

06-01-2007, 04:38 PM
Why does the WWE has to get involved with things happening outside wrestling, and bring it into wrestling? Oh well.

06-01-2007, 09:07 PM
i miss hassan i liked him he had potential