View Full Version : Candice's Injuries, Bischoff Released Again, Hogan News, More

06-04-2007, 10:57 AM
- Candice Michelle was interviewed by the Wilkes Barre Times-Leader in Pennsylvania to promote next week's TV tapings. When the real vs. fake question was mentioned, Michelle said, "If I could take a picture of what my legs and body looks like right now, I have 20 bruises on my body. I’d show them those bruises first. Second, I’d talk to them about injuries.” Michelle also discussed her GoDaddy.com gig and being on the cover of Playboy, among other topics.

- Hulk Hogan and his family recently spent several days in Wyoming, filming an episode of "Hogan Knows Best" where the family goes to a horse ranch. "I had been afraid of horses all of my life because I'd never been around them," Hogan told The Jackson Hole Star Standard. "But being up there, it was just really cool. The demeanor of the horses was so calm. When I die, I want to come back there as a horse."

- Eric Bischoff's recent book has just been released again, this time in paperback.

- Matt Striker will be making a SmackDown! Your Vote appearance at Seminole Community College this week.

Credits: PWInsider

06-04-2007, 02:14 PM
Why is it that when someone gets interviewed by somebody other then a wrestling interviewer they have to bring up that subject of being real vs. fake?
That shit is so old and people need to stop asking that shit. Everybody knows what wrestling is so people need to move on damn.

06-04-2007, 08:16 PM
hogan and linda are still together?

Role Model
06-04-2007, 08:57 PM
Not good to hear that Candice body is being beaten up and broken down but hopefully with a short rest and a week off that will change.

I'm eager to read Bishoff's new book as I've heard it brings up more of expreinces and with an exciting career in the business like he did it always excites me to read his stuff.

06-04-2007, 09:22 PM
i want to read eric's book very badly