View Full Version : The Reasons Daivari & Armando Estrada Have Been Removed From WWE TV

Role Model
06-04-2007, 09:33 PM
Source: Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter

The reason WWE pulled Daivari from his heel speaking role is because the company is becoming more sensitive to accusations that they are exploiting the war in Iraq or terrorist threats in general. Daivari, who is deemed fearless backstage, didn’t care to push the envelope and never asked the writers to tone anything down. However, WWE television network affiliates have voiced their displeasure with the character, promoting its removal.

Speaking of controversial mouthpieces, Armando Estrada has not been seen with Umaga as of late because the McMahons felt that they had one people too many out to ringside with their wrecking crew. Some readers had thought that maybe Estrada was feeling some backstage heat, however, that is not the case and he will return with Umaga once he is finished as Vince McMahon’s henchman.

06-04-2007, 10:44 PM
I was wondering why I had not seen Estrada very much. That must be the reason they had his little wheel chair bits a couple of weeks ago.

06-04-2007, 10:50 PM
thats unfair to davairi people get offended to much

06-05-2007, 11:10 AM
They are exploiting the 'war on terrorists'. But that was Muhammed Hassans gimmick. Since Divari was with The Great Khali, he didn't speak about the crowd being 'racist' etc.. But I guess thats the way it is. And for Estrada, I'll be looking forward how he's going to make his return after this judge, jury, excutioner storyline.

06-05-2007, 02:45 PM
people are way too touchy and get offended too easily.
i say if it offends you don't watch it

Role Model
06-05-2007, 03:58 PM
There was just too many people in Vince's corner. Seemed a bit silly to me having all of those people. Although, what is really the point of Umaga having a handler now that he's pretty much been going at it alone, save for the matches he's been in at Vince's side.

06-06-2007, 02:45 AM
People are hyper-sensitive these days about things on TV. The Muhammad Hassan character was taken off TV, fine, he sucked anyway. But Daivari? Why? I had the pleasure of working with Shawn (Daivari) many times when he was still working the midwest indy scene, and I have never met a more down-to-earth, genuinely nice guy in my life. Shawn is a great person, and I know he won't let this get him down.

06-06-2007, 03:06 PM
I agree not cuz every1 here hates censoreship cuz I have hated censoreship 4 a long time and now people r starting to hate it cuz its getting whose. I did a rant on this last year and got alot of good feedback, but no one is fighting the FCC. So it will keep getting whose onless so one stops them.

06-08-2007, 04:55 PM
i was wondering y i dont see those loud mouths on wwe

06-08-2007, 05:17 PM
Prowrestling is all about steriotypes,thats the whole deal.did anyone in wwe/wwf bitch about the iron sheiks gig in the 80s?no but fans did and it put asses in the seats to watch ppl wrestle him.