View Full Version : Vince's Bizarre Ideas: Kane's 36 Inch Member, Steph's Death, More

06-09-2007, 10:35 AM
- Former WWE writer Dan Madigan recently appeared on an online radio show talking about his time in WWE. He said he got hired by WWE when his agent sent a movie script to WWE and they liked it. He pitched a lengthy exorcism angle that would end with Stephanie McMahon would be exorcized on a PPV show. Stephanie loved the idea so much she gave him a job.

Madigan also said that when he wrote the WWE film See No Evil, Vince McMahon suggested a scene where Kane would masturbate on screen and it would show that he had a 36-inch penis. Madigan said he didn't like the idea and out of all the people in the room, he was the only one who spoke out against it. He also said his version of the movie was much darker than the final version. He praised Kane for his work in the movie.

Madigan said he was with WWE on the European tour when his wife had a miscarriage and his father in law died so he had to come home. While at the funeral, he says, he got a call from WWE asking him to come back to Europe for a meeting on Tough Enough. The former WWE writer then quit the company following this incident.

Credit W-E

06-09-2007, 06:40 PM
im sure vince would like to see that.....sick SOB

Role Model
06-09-2007, 07:10 PM
I had no idea that this was possible, but my opinion of Stephanie has fallen even lower. My opinion of Vince was already at rock bottom, so I'm not shocked. Vince isn't helping those gay rumors by wanting to see Kane masturbate with a 36-inch penis...