View Full Version : Dynasty? I Think NOT!

06-15-2007, 05:05 AM
First off I can honestly say that the NBA is not bias based on race. Secondly SCREW THE SPURS. How can you say that they are a dynasty I mean sure winning 4 titles in 9 years isn’t easy but there is no way and I mean NO way on god’s green earth that they can even match up with the great teams that were lead by Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Hakeem Olajuwon, Joe Durmars, Michael Jordan, Bill Walton, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Moses Malone, or even Wilt “The Stilt” Chamberlain. I mean come on sure Tim Duncan is a good player but he is no Chamberlain or Olajuwon or Kareem. Hell the only Spur that matches any little bit of talent that is comparable to those greats is maybe Robert Horry. That’s only because he played with one of them. Also he is only the 8th player to win 7 NBA Championships the other 7 are Boston Celtics. Just look at what the Spurs were going to do I mean they almost traded Ginobili for Jason Kidd. It you stop to think would this Spurs team be the same. I honestly think they wouldn’t be I mean sure you look at past teams and they all had players that were dominate at their position. I mean just look at when the Pistons won the title a couple years ago. All 5 starts were great at their spots and 4 of them could easily shoot the 3. With the exception of Ben Wallace but he WAS the landlord inside the paint. Big deal it was this Spurs team that beat Detroit in ‘05 but come on match them up to any historic team and see how they would do. They would get put in their place.

Wow after all that I feel somewhat better but come on there isn’t a team that can match up to the historic teams.

06-15-2007, 05:11 AM
I completely agree with you BDK, the Spurs arent even close to a dynasty. 4 in 9 years isnt as impressive as it sounds. In my opinion the only true dynasties are UCLA in the John Wooden era and the other dynasty is the man, the myth, Bill Russell. The Pats arent a dynasty, the Bulls were as close as you'll ever be in this day and age. People need to stop slurpin' the Spurs, they are great dont get me wrong but Dynasty? I Think NOT!

06-15-2007, 05:13 AM
Thank you Voodoo I mean I might consider them a dynasty if they can repeat next year. The same goes for the Patriots if they can Superbowl this year.

06-15-2007, 05:50 AM
I absolutely hate the Spurs!! sure they have good players but still, they can't really do that much with it... The Spurs are the WWE of real wrestling

06-15-2007, 02:29 PM
I absolutely agree that the Spurs will be a dynasty after it's all said in done. I don't think this is going to be the last championship that they win.