View Full Version : WWE News: Khali Pulled, Teddy Long, Road Warrior

05-10-2006, 12:38 AM
# The Great Khali was pulled from matches on last month's European tour after management saw his lone match on the tour with Matt Hardy. For the rest of the tour, he did run-ins where he'd beat up on the cruiserweight wrestlers. He went on the tour because he was supposed to get some ring experience which he desperately needs. Considering that management was afraid to put him out in the ring for matches in front of "easy crowds", that probably doesn't bode too well for his future. Nathan Jones is said to be better than him from an in-ring standpoint.

# The storyline excuse for Palmer Canon being gone from Deep South Wrestling was Theodore Long coming out in front of the crowd at the 4/27 tapings to say that he had banned him from the promotion. There were mostly cheers for the announcement, although, there were some boos as well. Canon was a top heel in DSW.

# The Road Warrior wanted some time off from the European tour so he could see his son James Laurinaitis play in an Ohio State spring game on April 23, however, Johnny Ace wouldn't give him any time off from the tour.

source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

05-10-2006, 01:11 AM
Thnaks for the news.

05-10-2006, 01:48 AM
There is some brotherly love there between Johnny Ace and the Road Warrior, man, it must be hard being brothers and one being the boss over another.

And wow, Nathan Jones better then someone in ring, he must be really REALLY bad....

05-10-2006, 02:28 AM
Khali is just a giant and maybe one day he will be able to do moves like the big show but right no he just seems like Andre the Giant who really didn't do anything but Andre had the size as a new thing for him.

Still 2nd Place
05-11-2006, 12:35 AM
# The Great Khali was pulled from matches on last month's European tour after management saw his lone match on the tour with Matt Hardy. For the rest of the tour, he did run-ins where he'd beat up on the cruiserweight wrestlers. He went on the tour because he was supposed to get some ring experience which he desperately needs. Considering that management was afraid to put him out in the ring for matches in front of "easy crowds", that probably doesn't bode too well for his future. Nathan Jones is said to be better than him from an in-ring standpoint.

Well now I am pretty sure my first thoughts of this guy was right on when I heard and seen this guy in the ring I got flashback of Taker Vs. Giant Gonzalez and that was shitty and I think we will get the same here I dont think he will last long on TV if they cant trust him on a normal show how can they book him in a PPV or Smackdown and have faith that he will be able to preform I think this is a bad sign and they should have looked at him better before putting him on TV in such a major role it seem that they do this alot and thats because the see the size of these guys and Vince is blinded by a guy size and he dont seem to really look at these guys and from the fans standpoint we want more then size

Flair Country
05-11-2006, 12:39 AM
Khali is just a giant and maybe one day he will be able to do moves like the big show but right no he just seems like Andre the Giant who really didn't do anything but Andre had the size as a new thing for him.

It's sad when there is a guy in the WWE that makes the Big Show look like he's got some talent.

05-11-2006, 01:59 PM
A comparison to Nathan Jones isn't good for Khali.

the madscotsman
05-11-2006, 02:12 PM
Imagine nt giving your own brother time off, to see your nephew.

05-11-2006, 10:37 PM
Damn sad news for WWE and must be pretty bad if they cant even give ANimal time off are they saying they cant afford him not to be in the matches then whats that say for the talent oh wait Khali nevermind lol.

Still 2nd Place
05-11-2006, 11:41 PM
The Great Khali is considered to be so bad in the ring that he's been labeled as a danger to his opponents and a risk to himself as well. His upcoming match with The Undertaker at Judgment Day just may be his only high-profile WWE match before he gets cut loose because he's said to be that inept. Khali's recent involvement at WWE shows has been limited to run-ins for the most part because management isn't too keen on him having actual matches.

Well, I guess that tell us just how bad is it I think it woul dbe smart to have Taken just steamroll him at the PPV if they are letting him go anyways and I think they should mak eit look like Taker is still a huge force ....(its just sad they had him run over Rey on smackdown and other superstars along his way I just think it sad that they didnt look deeper into this guy)

05-12-2006, 12:40 AM
Khali sucks thats why he was pulled