View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 15th Jun 2007

06-17-2007, 05:02 AM
Smackdown Results - 15th Jun 2007
Location - Philadelphia , Pennsylvania
Announcers - Michael Cole and JBL

We start off tonights show with a warning that tonights show contains content depicting Mr. McMahons fatality, and may be considered inappropriate.

We begin the show with Michael Cole somberly discussing Vince McMahons comments from the opening segment of this weeks episode of Raw and Vince leaving the building before he entered the limousine.

The wrestlers are in front of the Fist-O-Tron for a ten bell salute for Mr. McMahon. The crowd is not too receptive to the ten bell salute and Bradshaw calls the crowd reaction pathetic. Bradshaw says that Vince was like a father figure to him. He says that this is embarrassing to the city of Philadelphia and to wrestling. We go to commercial.

We are back with footage from Wednesday of Ed Kaufman, Executive Vice President of World Wrestling Entertainment who made a statement about the investigation into what happened at the end of Raw.

Paul London and Brian Kendrick vs Deuce and Domino (with Cherry)

Kendrick and Domino start things off and they lock up but Domino backs Kendrick into his corner but Kendrick with forearms. Deuce comes in but Kendrick fights him off before London connects with a running forearm. London and Kendrick with a double drop kick to Domino. Kendrick with an arm bar and London tags in and hits a double axe handle from the turnbuckle. Kendrick tags in and he connects with an elbow to arm from the turnbuckles. London tags in and he hits a double stomp on the arm. Kendrick tags back in and they hit a double hip toss for a near fall. Kendrick with a front face lock but Domino with a knee and an Irish whip. Kendrick with a forearm to Deuce on the apron as he is sent into the corner and then he avoids a charge by Domino. Kendrick with kicks to Domino. Deuce pulls the rope down as Kendrick comes off the ropes and Kendrick goes over the top rope to the floor. Domino suplexes Kendrick back into the ring for a two count. Deuce is tagged in and he hits a diving fist drop for a two count. Deuce with a knee to the head followed by a knee drop for a near fall. Deuce with an arm bar as he isolates Kendricks other arm. Kendrick with a kick to get out of the hold but Domino is tagged in and he stops Kendrick from making the tag. Domino tries for a suplex but Kendrick lands on his feet and then he hits an enzuigiri. London makes the tag and London hits a slingshot drop kick followed by a running forearm. London with a reverse atomic drop followed by a kick. London with a running drop kick into the corner. London blocks a punch and then he hits a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Kendrick with a kick and drop kick to Domino that sends Domino out of the ring. Kendrick goes out after Domino but Domino slams Kendrick on the floor. London hits a springboard kick to Domino on the apron but Deuce hits the Shining Wizard on London for the three count.

Winners: Deuce and Domino

We go to comments from William Regal and he talks about how Mr. McMahon made him the WWE Commissioner. He talked about their chemistry. Regal talks about a time when he made reference to a situation involving Al Snow and how he thought that Mr. McMahon was going to wet himself. Regal also talks about the time that he had to kiss Mr. McMahons backside but he said that it was a wonderful backside because of his breeding. Regal says that Mr. McMahon is one of the few Americans he respected. Now that Mr. McMahon is gone he feels that part of him is gone. We go to commercial.

We are back with comments from Teddy Long. He says that he started in the WWE for nine years and has been in the business for twenty-three years. He was told by some that he would never draw money or had any talent. He came to the WWE to prove himself to Mr. McMahon and he got that in the WWE. He says that Mr. McMahon believed in him. Teddy talks about the two pictures in his office. One is of Martin Luther King and the other is of Mr. McMahon. Mr. McMahon made it happen while Dr. King made it possible.

Matt Hardy vs William Regal

Hardy with a side head lock take down and Regal with a rollup for a near fall before they return to their feet. Hardy with a shoulder tackle and then he returns to the side head lock and take down. Regal backs Hardy into the corner and he connects with a forearm on the break. Regal with a side head lock but Hardy gets out of the hold with a top wrist lock. Regal with a bridge into a front face lock. Hardy with an arm wringer and side head lock. Hardy backs Regal into the corner but Regal with a forearm on the break. Hardy with an elbow and slam and then he goes to the turnbuckles for the screaming elbow from the second turnbuckle. Hardy tries for the Twist of Fate but Regal is able to get out of the hold and sends Hardy into the ropes and Regal with a forearm. Hardy with a back body drop and Regal goes outside the ring to regroup. Hardy goes outside but Regal sends Hardy face first into the apron. Regal puts Hardy on the corner of the apron and the ring steps and he kicks Hardy in the ribs. Hardy with punches but Regal with a series of knees that send Hardy to the mat. Regal with an arm bar and then he connects with knees to the back. Regal with an arm bar and then he kicks Hardy in the back. Regal continues to work on Hardys back and ribs but Hardy gets out of the hold and Regal is sent into the ropes. Hardy hits a Side Effect for a two count followed by an Irish whip and running clothesline but Regal blocks the bulldog and hits a Regal suplex by Hardy gets his foot on the ropes. Regal tries for a kick but Hardy blocks it. Hardy with punches but Regal with a knee. Regal tries for a Pedigree but Hardy turns it into a back body drop for a two count. Regal continues to hold on and he turns Hardy over and hits a Tiger Bomb for a two count. Hardy with a knee and a Twist of Fate for the three count.

Winner: Matt Hardy

We go to commercial.

We are back with Jillians comments about Mr. McMahon. She says that it is hard to put into words how she feels. She says that she never dreamed that she would be a witness or part of what happened on Monday night. She says that there is no way to put it into words.

We return to Cole and Bradshaw with footage of the fire department putting out the fire. Cole says that the investigation continues. We go to commercial.

We are back with comments from Chavo Guerrero. He says that a lot of people think that Mr. McMahon was a jerk but he built this business by being a jerk. He made the business what it is today. He wonders if the WWE will still be around and he says that he hopes and thinks it will be.

Before the next match, we see Batista walking in the back and he is stopped by Ric Flair. They hug and Batista welcomes him to Smackdown.

We see footage from last weeks match between Montel Vontavious Porter and Batista including Batista being sent over the top rope by the running boot into the corner.

Montel Vontavious Porter vs Batista

Batista goes for the leg but Porter avoids him. Batista tries again and Porter stays on his feet. Porter goes for the leg but Batista with a front face lock. Porter with a reversal into a side head lock. Batista with a shoulder tackle and Porter goes outside to regroup. Porter returns to the ring and Porter with a waist lock but Batista powers out of the hold into a drop toe hold. Batista with a forearm to Porter and an arm bar. Batista slams Porters head into the turnbuckle. Porter rolls outside to the floor one more time. Porter returns to the ring but he seeks sanctuary in the ropes when Batista wants to lock up. Porter with a punch and kicks to Batista. Porter slams Batistas head into the turnbuckles. Porter kicks Batista in the corner and the referee admonishes Porter. Porter hits a short arm clothesline for a two count. Porter with a forearm and punches. Batista with a series of kicks and then he sets for the Batista Bomb but Batista takes too much time and Porter gets out of the hold and rolls outside the ring one more time as we go to commercial.

We are back and Batista with an elbow to Porter but Porter rolls outside one more time. Batista goes after Porter but Batista is sent into the ring steps. The action returns to the ring with Porter waiting for Batista but Batista moves when Porter tries for his running boot. Batista pulls Porter out of the ring and slams his head into the apron. Batista tries to send Porter into the ring post but Porter is the one who sends Batista into the post. Porter sends Batista into the ringside barrier and then Porter with a running boot that sends Batista over the ringside barrier and into the crowd. Porter kicks Batista and then rolls him back into the ring. Porter with a near fall and then he puts Batista in a rear chin lock. Batista escapes the hold with a snap mare but Porter with a drop toe hold and crossface and elbows. Porter with an arm bar and crossface on Batista but Batista punches Porter. Porter with a kick but he runs into a clothesline from Batista. Porter and Batista exchange punches but Batista with a back body drop and running clothesline into the corner. Batista charges into a boot but Porter charges into a side slam. Batista tries for a power slam but Porter gets out of the hold and hits a DDT for a two count. Porter with punches in the corner but Batista pulls him out of the corner. Porter with a drop kick that sends Batista into the corner. Porter sets for the boot in the corner, but Batista hits a spear and then he hits the Batista Bomb for the three count.

Winner: Batista

Sergeant Slaughter provides comments about Mr. McMahon and he says that it is a sad day. The WWE lost its commanding officer and he lost his general. They say that generals start a war but the sergeants fight it. Slaughter says that Mr. McMahon was on the battlefield with him. He says that Mr. McMahon needed to be thanked for what he did. He wonders if Mr. McMahon is in heaven or hell, but wherever he is, Slaughter says that he will continue to fight for him. We go to commercial.

We are back and Cole talks about the continuing investigation. We see footage of the limo wreckage. Cole says that federal investigators have taken over. We hear from the lead investigator, Daniel Beck at a press conference.

Edge provides comments about Mr. McMahon. He says that with everything that happened this week, he thinks about this company and his livelihood. He thinks about the sacrifices he made, the blood that he has spilled, and the tears that he cried. Edge compares that to the sacrifices that Mr. McMahon made. He wonders who will become the rudder of the ship and the foundation that holds the ship afloat. Edge says that he does not have the answer and he says that it is a scary place to be. He says that probably mirrors the feelings of everyone in the company. We go to commercial.

We are back with comments from Kristal Marshall. She says that Mr. McMahon was very controversial chairman. Whether you loved him or hated him, he was good at what he did. Kristal says that she saw a man who was passionate about what he did. Her last interaction with Mr. McMahon was strange. He went off the deep end. Kristal says that the family in the WWE will miss him. She says that the fans will miss him as well.

The Cruiserweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero comes to the ring to see who his opponent will be at Vengeance.

Daivari vs Jamie Noble vs Shannon Moore vs Jimmy Wang Yang

The match starts off and Moore and Noble square off while Daivari and Yang battle on the other side of the ring. Moore with a reverse atomic drop and cover for a near fall. Daivari sends Moore out of the ring but Yang with a rollup for a near fall. Yang chops Daivari but Daivari with a knee. Yang with a leg trip and a rollup for a near fall but Noble breaks it up. Noble with a forearm but Yang with a running kick into the corner but Moore drop kicks Yang to the floor. Daivari chops Moore but Moore kicks Daivari and hits a spinning heel kick. Noble chops Moore and gets a near fall. Daivari holds Nobles leg but Noble with an elbow to Moore. Noble kicks Daivari off and then he hits a pescado. Moore with a somersault pescado. Yang goes up top and he hits a cross body onto Daivari and Noble. Yang rolls Noble into the ring and then he goes up top. Moore stops Yang on the turnbuckles and he tries for a superplex but Noble gets under Moore and when Moore hits the superplex, Noble hits a sit out power bomb. Noble covers Moore but he can only get a two count. Daivari kicks Noble and then he covers Moore for a near fall. Daivari covers Noble for a near fall. Daivari with punches to Noble but Noble with a flying leg lariat. Noble puts Moore on the top turnbuckle but Moore pushes Noble off. Moore with a moonsault for a two count. Daivari throws Moore out of the ring. Yang with a boot and moonsault on Daivari for the three count.

Winner: Jimmy Wang Yang

We go to commercial.

Edge vs Ric Flair

Flair starts off the match with a Woooo. They lock up and Flair with a clean break and another woooo and a Flair strut. Edge with a side head lock take down and Flair turns it into a top wrist lock and Flair pulls the hair to take Edge down. Edge backs Flair into the corner again and he breaks clean until Flair woooos and then Edge slaps Flair. Flair responds with a series of chops to Edge. Flair with a hip toss and Edge rolls outside the ring. Edge returns to the ring and he connects with a knee and punches. Flair with chops and then he holds on to the ropes when Edge tries for a drop kick. Flair with a clip and then he sets for the figure four leg lock but Edge stays out of the hold. Flair with punches and chops as he continues to work on the leg. Flair with a single leg crab. Flair picks Edge up and chops him again and then he hits an atomic drop on the knee and then he chops Edge. Edge gets out of the ring before Flair can lock in the figure four leg lock. Edge with a forearm to Flair on the floor but Flair with a chop. Edge with a back body drop on the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Edge chokes Flair in the corner. Flair responds with chops while Edge punches Flair. Edge with a suplex to Flair for a near fall. Edge goes outside and chokes Flair over the apron. Edge punches Flair in the head followed by a knee drop. Flair chops Edge and kicks him. Edge with punches and forearms. Edge with an Irish whip and splash in the corner that leads to the Flair Flop. Flair punches Edge in the knee but Edge responds with a kick to the head. Edge with an enzuigiri and Flair does the Flair Flop again. Edge goes up top but he is met with a chop when he returns to the mat. Flair woooos and struts before he chops Edge followed by a back body drop. Flair with a rolling knee drop and a belly-to-back suplex. Flair sets for the figure four leg lock and he locks it in.

From out of nowhere, Montel Vontavious Porter enters the ring and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Ric Flair (by disqualification)

Flair chops Porter and then Edge with a spear to Flair. Porter and Edge attack Flair but Batista comes out and he clotheslines Edge. Batista punches Porter and sends him over the top rope to the floor. Edge with a spear to Batista. We go to credits.

Report by: PWInsider.com