View Full Version : RAW live notes - 18th Jun 2007

06-19-2007, 02:14 PM
By Joe White:

I was at RAW in Richmond,Va and here are my thoughts and notes.

WWE had Jimmy Hart and a big tent sponsored by ziddo.com looking for the "Biggest WWE Fan" Fans could sign up free of charge and record a 30 second spot on why they were the biggest fan. Jimmy was selling it hard on the megaphone in between fans.

Doors open at about 7:10 and at about 8pm we were treated to a bunch of Heat matches that I will not even mention because let's face it. Who watches Heat anymore? The only thing I will say is that Chuck Palumbo was doing his new biker gimmick. All I can say is that he is no Undertaker when it comes to riding that bike, but at least his music was good. Also Cade and Murdoch beat the Highlanders with the old Hi-Lo in a decent match. Other than that Heat sucked.

Odd enough during the Chucky P. match some bimbo with the arena came up and told me that I couldn't take any pictures. I responded by telling her what she can do with herself and went on about my business.

Getting to see Foley in person was cool, but I tend to agree with you guys on the staff here in that he has become more of a press/money hungry whore. When his match didn't happen it did not shock me one bit. I would have like to have seen some sort of video package showing him train for his big PPV title match or something, but oh well.

When Booker came out it shocked all the people around me. They were all saying "I thought he was on Smackdown." Shows ya how good that draft being on WWE.com was.

London and Kendrick came out next to a pretty good pop. The teenybopper girls behind me taped me on the shoulder and asked me "Who is that?" So I had to explain. Then they did the same for TWGTT, go figure. Short and sweet match that did what they needed to do and that was put over London and Kendrick. Good call by WWE on this one.

During the break we had a camera man come and sit at the top of our section and that could only have meant one thing. It was Sandman time! I don't know how it came off on TV but the got a HUGE pop. I am glad he is on RAW.

The Cryme Tyme skit was funny to the crowd, but let me just say that the entire crowd even the teenyboppers behind me know that this angle is B.S. They are not fooling anybody despite that the Wall Street Journal is saying.

Daivari vs Jeff Hardy was OK. The crowd went nuts for Hardy as well they should because he just give you his all every time he goes into that ring.

Again all the little video segments about McMahon in between the matches got either booed or they got the old "What" treatment. The crowd even started a bulls*** chant at one point.

That crowd did not take Thomas Pagliaro aka the limo driver serious at all. I got laughs from my section every time I yelled at him to take that hairpiece off. Quote of the night came from him when he said "If I would have been close, I would have been blown up too!" Well no freaking DUH!

Ken Kennedy....what can I say about him, but AWESOME he had that crowd in the palm of his hand tonight. All I can say is that they really need to push him when he gets better.

The segments with Steph's Limo in the back was a joke to the live crowd also. Everybody around me was like "Well I wonder who they are going to blow up tonight"

The crowd basically shat on all the divas up next except Mickie James who got the best pop of the night next to Cena due to Richmond being her hometown.

Randy Orton and King Booker (with Queen Sharmell) versus John Cena and Bobby Lashley was ok. Those Little kids and the women love Cena and all the guys hated him tonight. When I asked one of the ladies why they liked him all I got was "Because he is cute." Ok never mind that he only has his "five moves of doom" to his credit. I guess as long as they buy his shirts then we will have him shoved down our throats every week.

The Steph segment got the "What" treatment from the crowd then they booed when she walked off.

All and all an ok show with just too much talking for me, but I knew it was gonna happen so I can't complain to much

Thanx to Joe White @ PWInsider.com