View Full Version : The Brian Ong Incident; Great Khali Kills a wrestler

06-20-2007, 01:57 AM
Brian Ong was a trainee wrestler at The All Pro Wrestling Boot camp, he was from California and contrary to the popular belief, he was NOT a kid. He was born in 1974.

On 28th May 2001, Brian Ong was in a training session in Hayward, California, the camp was for beginners and Brian Ong was there to learn to take and give some wrestling moves. The trainers told the students that they were now going to teach the move FlapJack and Dalip Singh (The Great Khali) would be the person demonstrating it, then they asked for a volunteer.

Two people volunteered for receiving the move along with Brian Ong, those two people were first given the FlapJack by Dalip Singh. The move was done in this way:


The receiver runs towards the giver, the giver bends down and the receiver hops onto his back, then the giver gets up in tandem and at the same time also applies force to push the receiver upwards, the receiver then leaps into the air and falls face first.

When two wrestlers had successfully received this move from Dalip Singh without any problems or injuries, Brian Ong came in. But Brian Ong did the move wrong, here is a diagram explaining what Brian Ong did:


What happened was that, Brian Ong got towards Khali, Khali got down, Brian hopped on his back, but as Khali got up and pushed him above, Brian didn't bounce off in tandem and instead he grabbed Khali's shirt, which caused him to turn 90 degrees and land on his skull.

When he fell on his skull, Brian Ong got a concussion, what happens in a Concussion is that inside a person's skull, the brain is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid within which it floats, but when a person's head is forced to a hard surface, the impact causes the Brain to be disturbed and certain parts of the Brain are affected, a Concussion for the first time is generally not very harmful, but if repeated it may cause serious injury/death.

So when Brian Ong got this first concussion, he began feeling dizzy but then he got up and asked the trainers that he'd like to receive the move again so that he could get it right. If Brian could have done the move right in the second attempt there would have been no problem, but he again did it the same way as he had done the first time, which caused him another concussion therefore making the situation worse which ultimately led to Brian Ong's death.

There was no fault of The Great Khali aka Dalip Singh in this case, he was just a wrestler who was giving the move, and it was not Dalip who did the move wrong, but Brian Ong who did it incorrectly, but the major fault was of the All Pro Wrestling who did not make the training safe enough for everyone.

Later on, Brian's parents Norman and May Ong sued APW and ultimately won the case with a $1.3 Million dollars paid to them in compensation. Norman Ong, Brian's father, said "We are pleased with the jury's verdict and hope that this wrestling school and all wrestling schools will learn that they must treat all their students properly, train them appropriately and not allow any desire to train someone they hope to be a star to overcome their duties to every student."

But those people who call Dalip Singh a murderer and a killer and blatantly say "HE KILLED A GUY OMG". Please understand that it was not Dalip Singh's fault, Ong did the move incorrectly and APW's arrangements were not safe enough.

Credit: Khali.info

Just wanted to share this.

06-23-2007, 11:52 PM
wow, never heard this before

06-24-2007, 12:05 AM
I didn't even knew that this happened. Burt clearly Khali isn't a murderer. Mistakes happen.

06-24-2007, 12:44 AM
Brian Ong was a rookie at 27 years old? >_> wow.. so many guys nowdays starting much younger then him.

06-24-2007, 11:06 AM
oh, poor guy, gotta feel sorry 4 him dont u

06-25-2007, 04:51 PM
Aw, too bad, after the first one they should have gone through what he did wrong and what he should have done correctly then made sure he knew what he was doing and then let him try it again...I knew about this since Khali came to WWE and that's why I was sort of worried about Cena in the ring with him...

06-25-2007, 05:43 PM
Aw, too bad, after the first one they should have gone through what he did wrong and what he should have done correctly then made sure he knew what he was doing and then let him try it again...

He should have never continued after the first concusion.

06-25-2007, 06:04 PM
I think this is old or ive heard it before