View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 22nd Jun 2007

06-24-2007, 07:31 AM
Smackdown Results - 22nd Jun 2007
Location - Charlotte, North Carolina
Announcers - Michael Cole and JBL

We begin tonight’s show with Edge coming out to the ring for the Cutting Edge. Edge waits a moment before he welcomes everyone to the Cutting Edge with a heavy heart. He says that it was only two weeks ago that he conducted the Mr. McMahon’s final interview. He talks about the special episode of Raw with the memorial service for Mr. McMahon. Even though Mr. McMahon put him in a match on Sunday against Batista there were no hard feelings. He wonders who could have committed such a heinous crime. Edge says that he has his opinions while he is sure that the fans have their own. Sometimes it is the people you least expect. Edge brings out one of the newest members of Smackdown . . . Torrie Wilson.

Edge welcomes Torrie to the Cutting Edge and Torrie wants to know what Edge meant by ‘person you would least expect’. Edge says that people see Torrie and see a beautiful Diva who was a two time Playboy cover girl. They see one of the biggest names that Smackdown drafted. Edge wonders if Smackdown drafted a person who could have perpetrated the tragedy that befell Mr. McMahon. Torrie is dumbfounded by Edge’s claims. Edge points out that a few weeks ago Torrie and Ric Flair had a heated confrontation with Mr. McMahon on Raw and that led to Torrie’s match with Carlito. Edge continues his direct examination by asking Torrie about how she seduced Mr. McMahon when she came to the WWE. He asks Torrie if she felt scorned when her relationship with a married man ended. Torrie says that she would never do that. Edge wonders if Torrie is calling him a liar. Edge says that he sees one liar in this ring and he is looking at her right now.

They are interrupted by MVP’s music and Montel Vontavious Porter comes to the ring. Porter stops Edge and says that Edge cannot come out on national television and call a person a liar without proof. Porter apologizes to Torrie and he says that some people are shaken up and they are too zealous in their pursuit of the truth. Torrie thanks Porter but before she can finish her comment, Porter interrupts Torrie and says that what she should be doing is taking a lie detector test. Porter says that Torrie lied about her age when she joined the WWE and now she is lying about her involvement with another WWE superstar. Porter says that Torrie could be lying about her involvement in the whole Mr. McMahon tragedy.

Ric Flair comes to the ring and he punches Edge and Porter. Edge hits Flair from behind and Porter works over Flair while Edge holds Flair. Batista comes to the ring and Porter and Edge leave as fast as Batista arrives. We go to commercial.

We are back and Teddy Long is talking with Vicky Guerrero in the office while Cole mentions that they have made the main event for tonight and it will be Ric Flair and Batista against Edge and Montel Vontavious Porter.

We see footage of last week’s match that established Jimmy Wang Yang as the number one contender for the Cruiserweight Title.

Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore vs Jamie Noble and Chavo Guerrero

Moore and Noble lock up first and Moore with a side head lock take down but Noble with a head scissors. Moore escapes and both men get to their feet. Noble with a drop toe hold into a reverse chin lock but Moore with a hammer lock when he escapes the hold. Noble with an elbow and shoulder tackle. Moore with a hip toss and then he returns to the arm. Noble with a knee and then he tags in Chavo but Moore with an arm drag to Guerrero into an arm bar. Moore with a drop kick for a near fall followed by an arm drag. Yang tags in and he kicks Guerrero but Guerrero is able to get to his corner to make the tag to Noble. Yang wants Guerrero but Guerrero remains on the floor. Yang blocks a kick from Noble and hits a leg sweep and then he returns to the arm. Noble with a knee but Yang responds with a rana. Guerrero distracts Yang and that allows Noble to recover and Noble hits Divorce Court on Yang. Noble kicks Yang in the arm and then he tags in Chavo. Chavo kicks Yang and then he hits a Saito suplex for a near fall. Guerrero with a key lock and then he turns it into an arm bar. Yang punches Guerrero to get out of the hold but Chavo with a drop toe hold and senton splash. Noble tags in and he kicks Yang and then Noble returns to the arm. Noble with a crossface chicken wing but Yang gets out of the hold with a snap mare but Noble with a leg trip and Guerrero is tagged in and he connects with a splash onto the arm. Chavo with a Latino uppercut and then he kicks Yang. Guerrero with an arm bar but Yang with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and he runs his shoulder into the ring post. Noble tags in and he goes up top and Yang catches Noble with a reverse atomic drop and drop kick. Guerrero tags in and he keeps Yang from making the tag. Chavo tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Yang lands on his feet and Moore is tagged in. Moore with a clothesline and drop kick followed by a back body drop. Noble gets into the ring and Moore connects with a spinning heel kick. Moore with a springboard cross body and then he sends Chavo into the turnbuckles and Moore hits his version of Whisper in the Wind for a near fall but Noble breaks up the cover. Moore throws Noble out of the ring and then Yang hit a somersault senton from the apron onto Noble. Moore with a cover on Guerrero but Guerrero gets out of it and hits the Gory Bomb for the three count.

Winner: Chavo Guerrero and Jamie Noble

We see the FBI lectern and we will hear from Inspector Beck tonight. We go to commercial.

We are back and Maryse welcomes us back to Smackdown in front of a roaring fire.

Funaki vs Mark Henry

Funaki with a kick and side head lock but Henry picks Funaki up and then takes Funaki down. Funaki punches Henry but it has no effect on the big man. Henry presses Funaki over his head and then he tries to throw Funaki over the top rope to the floor but Funaki gets out of the hold. Funaki kicks Henry in the leg but Henry pushes Funaki away. Henry steps on Funaki’s leg as he chokes Funaki in the ropes. Henry with a slam to Funaki and then he decides to do it again. Henry gets Funaki up again and puts Funaki in the bear hug and Funaki is out as the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Mark Henry

Michael Cole talks about the shock that still remains about what happened to Mr. McMahon. Michael Cole warns the viewing audience about the images they are about to see. We go to the video package that was shown on Raw a few times about the ‘investigation’ about the limo explosion. We go to commercial.

We are back and we are in Teddy Long’s office as he searches through his bag. Vickie Guerrero enters and she tells Teddy that she has taken care of everyone’s travel for next week’s Raw and now she wants to know if there is anything else that she needs to do. Teddy can’t think of anything else for Vickie and then he tells Vickie that tonight is going to be a big night that he hopes he will never forget. Teddy says that life is too short and then Kristal enters the room and asks if she is interrupting anything. Teddy says that he has something special that he needs to do tonight and he is going to do it in the ring after the next match. He asks Kristal to join him for what he is about to do.

Matt Hardy vs Fit Finlay

The crowd is clearly behind Hardy as the bell rings. They lock up and Hardy backs Finlay into the corner and he gives a clean break. They lock up one more time and Hardy with another clean break but Finlay yells at Hardy. Hardy with an arm bar but Finlay with a forearm that sends Hardy into the ropes. Finlay with a side head lock and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Finlay returns to the side head lock but Hardy goes to the arm. Finlay with another forearm and he follows that with shoulders in the corner. Hardy with a double leg take down and he has Finlay in a side head lock. Hardy with a take down as he keeps the side head lock applied on Finlay. Finlay with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall as well as a reverse chin lock. Hardy gets to his feet and he punches Finlay but Finlay takes Hardy down and hits an elbow drop. Finlay returns to the reverse chin lock. Hardy sends Finlay into the corner and follows that with the running clothesline and bulldog for a near fall. Hardy returns to the arm bar. Finlay with a kick but Hardy with a punch and he sends Finlay into the turnbuckles. Hardy kicks Finlay in the chest and Finlay falls through the ropes to the floor. Hardy tries for a baseball slide but Finlay moves out of the way. Hardy punches Finlay, but something reaches for his leg from under the ring and it is Hornswoggle. Hardy kicks Hornswoggle but Finlay hits a clothesline on the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Finlay has Hardy in a sleeper. We see footage during the commercial of Finlay working on Hardy’s head and neck. Hardy with a jawbreaker to get out of the hold. Hardy punches Finlay followed by an elbow and elbow drop for a near fall. Finlay takes Hardy down with some help from the hair and gets a near fall. Finlay with a rear chin lock followed by a European uppercut. Finlay slams Hardy and then he tries for the Vader Splash but Hardy gets his knees up. Hardy climbs the turnbuckles but he is too slow getting up so Finlay is able to recover and he pulls Hardy off the turnbuckles and Matt lands face first on the canvas and Hardy holds his knee. The referee holds Finlay back as he checks on Hardy. Hardy gets to his feet but he goes down as quickly when Finlay works on the knee. Finlay with a single leg crab followed by a spinning toe hold. Hardy makes it to the ropes and Finlay releases the hold. Hardy kicks Finlay but Finlay with a single leg sweep and he returns to the single leg crab. Hardy is able to push Finlay off with his other leg but Finlay returns to the knee and he connects with an elbow to the knee. Finlay with a modified figure four leg lock and Finlay gets a two count. Finlay goes to the head with a knee drop. Finlay throws Hardy out of the ring and the referee starts his count but Finlay goes out after Hardy and then he sends Hardy knee first into the ring steps. They return to the ring and Hardy with a clothesline but he cannot follow up as Finlay returns to the leg and he goes after Hardy’s knee brace and he takes it off. The referee admonishes Finlay as he throws the knee brace out of the ring. Finlay returns to the leg and hits a leg drop on the knee and puts Hardy in the Indian Death Lock. Hardy punches Finlay to get Finlay to release the hold. Hardy struggles to returns to his feet but Finlay with a knee to the leg. Hardy with an enzuigiri as he finally gets back to his feet. Hardy with a kick to Finlay followed by punches and a Side Effect for a two count. Finlay sends Hardy into the turnbuckles and he punches the leg. Hardy with an elbow and then he goes up to the second turnbuckle for an elbow. Hornswoggle enters the ring and the referee is distracted long enough for Finlay to get the shillelagh and hit Hardy in the leg but Hardy hits the Twist of Fate for the three count.

Winner: Matt Hardy

Michael Cole talks about the emotional victory by Matt Hardy and then he talks about the emotion that was exhibited by ‘his daughter’ Stephanie McMahon. We go to Stephanie’s comments from Raw. We return to Cole and Bradshaw and Bradshaw talks about the loss that Stephanie must have felt. Cole talks about the federal investigation. Cole says that they want to know the fan’s opinions on the WWE website.

Teddy Long and Kristal walk in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with a video package for the Major Brothers.

We are told by Michael Cole that we will hear from Inspector Beck as we see the lectern one more time.

Teddy Long and Kristal Marshall come to the ring. Teddy appears to be very nervous as he almost trips on the ropes and then he drops the mic. Teddy says that he is out here because of what happened to Mr. McMahon. He says that to go as suddenly as he did, it is scary. It made Teddy realize that life is precious and something can happen at any time in any place. Teddy tells Kristal that she changed his life in a profound way. Teddy says that he never knew that he could be as happy or as in love as he is now without Kristal. Kristal is his life and inspiration and he cannot see himself living his life without her. He says that he has a question for Kristal and it is the most important question he has ever asked. Teddy gets on his knee and he has a ring for Kristal as he asks her to marry him.

Kristal thinks for a second and then she starts to cry as she ponders her decision. Kristal leaves the ring and walks away. She starts to walk back to the ring but she turns around and runs to the back.

We go to Teddy Long and he looks like Kristal ripped out his heart and stomped on it as we go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Teddy Long’s apparent failed proposal to Kristal Marshall.

We see footage of Teddy going to the back during the commercial.

We see footage of the carnage that has followed the Master Lock on Raw.

Chris Masters vs Danny Shanley

Masters with a forearm to Shanley’s back followed by a punch to the face. Shanley tries to reverse an Irish whip but Masters will not budge and then Shanley falls victim to a short arm clothesline. Masters with kicks and an elbow drop followed by a punch. Masters chokes Shanley on the bottom rope and then he connects with a forearm to Shanley and an elbow drop while Shanley is draped across the apron. Masters with punches to the chest and then he rakes the face. Masters slams Shanley and then he decides to slam Shanley again. As Masters toys with his opponent he connects with an elbow to the collarbone. Masters works on Shanley’s neck and turns it into a side head lock. Masters with a knee to Shanley followed by an Irish whip. Shanley with a boot and then he charges at Masters but Masters with a spinebuster and then he sets for the Master Lock. Masters applies the Master Lock and Shanley is out.

Winner: Chris Masters

We go to commercial and see the tribute to Sherri Martel.

We are back and Teddy is trying to talk to Kristal but she will not come out and we hear her crying behind the door. The door opens and Kristal sits down. Teddy says that he did not mean to do it in public but he wanted everyone to know how he felt about her. Kristal asks to see the ring again and she puts it on. Kristal says that she will marry Teddy.

Cole and Bradshaw talk about the happy couple. Cole interrupts the joy that Teddy and Kristal are feeling to let us know that Investigator Beck is going to speak shortly.

It is time to run through the card for Vengeance:
For the WWE Title: John Cena versus Bobby Lashley versus King Booker versus Randy Orton versus Mick Foley
For the ECW Title: CM Punk versus Chris Benoit
For the United States Title: Montel Vontavious Porter versus Ric Flair
For the World Title: Edge versus Batista
And five other title matches.

Investigator Beck says that he is continuing to interview people during this investigation. He says that forensics have confirmed DNA from Mr. McMahon, the limo driver, and “one other well known personality”. He says the investigation continues to widen.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a video package of Michelle McCool running slowly while playing tennis.

Ric Flair and Batista vs Edge and Montel Vontavious Porter

Edge and Flair start things off and Edge backs Flair into the corner but Edge tries to punch Flair on the break but Flair moves and Flair with a series of chops and punches. Flair with another set of chops that sends Edge to his knees. Flair with a key lock and he tags in Batista but Edge quickly tags in Porter. Batista runs Porter into the corner and he connects with a series of shoulders and a punch. Batista with an arm drag and snap mare followed by a kick to the back and the chest. Batista slams Porter and then he tags in Flair. Flair with a running knee drop on the man he will face on Sunday night. Flair sends Porter into the corner and he chops and punches Porter. The referee pulls Flair out of the corner but he maintains control in the match as Batista is tagged back in. Batista with a shoulder tackle to Porter followed by a suplex for a near fall. Batista chops Porter and then he tags in Flair who kicks Porter followed by a snap mare and elbow drop for a near fall. Batista tags back in and he punches Porter in the midsection. Porter with a kick to Batista and then Edge distracts Batista from the apron and Batista goes after Edge. This allows Porter to connect with a big boot and both men are down. We go to commercial.

We are back and Edge punches and kicks Batista. Edge chokes Batista in the corner and the referee pulls him off. While the referee is with Edge, Porter tries to get in a few shots but Batista knocks Porter off the apron. Edge hits Batista from behind and the former champion goes down. Edge with a series of kicks to Batista and then he taunts Flair before returning to Batista. Edge with a waist lock but Batista gets out of the hold and he punches Edge. Edge with a drop toe hold and elbow drop to Batista. Porter tags in and he connects with an elbow drop and crossfaces to Batista’s chest for a near fall. Porter with a cravate and a series of knees. Batista grabs Porter on a clothesline attempt and hits a uranage. Flair is tagged in and he chops Porter and punches him. Flair with a back elbow and back body drop. Flair woooos before he hits an atomic drop on the knee. Flair starts to apply the figure four but Edge interferes with a spear. Porter gets a two count when the cover is broken up by Batista. Edge tags in and he kicks Flair. Edge with knees to the ribs followed by an elbow drop. Porter is tagged back in and he connects with a knee drop for a near fall. Porter with a seated abdominal stretch on Flair. Flair gets to his feet and he chops Porter but Porter responds with a kick. Flair with a chop to Porter but Porter with an elbow. Flair pops up and wants more. Porter with a drop toe hold followed by a running boot for a two count. Edge tags in and he sends Flair into the corner and punches Flair. The referee pulls Edge out of the corner and admonishes him. Flair chops Edge but Edge responds with forearms. Edge with an Irish whip and back body drop for a near fall. Porter tags back in and he punches Flair. Porter with an Irish whip but he misses a running boot into the corner and Flair clips Porter. Edge and Batista are able to be tagged in and Batista punches Edge followed by a back body drop and a running clothesline into the corner. Batista with a running powerslam and then he brings Porter into the ring. Flair chops Porter but Porter with a knee. Porter is back body dropped over the top rope to the floor as Flair goes after him. Batista charges at Edge but Edge leap frogs him. Edge sets for a spear but Batista hits a spinebuster. Batista with the Batista Bomb for the three count.

Winners: Batista and Ric Flair

Report by: PWInsider.com / Edited by: LionDen