View Full Version : Smackdown rating good news for WWE

06-24-2007, 07:38 AM
Last night's edition of Smackdown did a 2.6 fast national rating, with a 5 share. That is up from the 2.4 that they did last week.

It also placed The CW Network in a fourth place finish for the night but first place CBS only did a 3.8. So, Smackdown actually tied CBS for first place in the covered adult 18 to 49 demographic with a 1.3 fast national rating.

06-24-2007, 04:19 PM
smackdown doesnt need a stupid angle to get better ratings like raw

06-24-2007, 06:21 PM
smackdown doesnt need a stupid angle to get better ratings like raw

Clearly it does though. Raw hits in the upper 3's everyday, with the occasional 4.0s and above. Smackdown went UP to 2.6. How is that them not needing an angle to get better ratings? They definately need one, but they just haven't done it.

Flair Country
06-24-2007, 07:37 PM
Clearly it does though. Raw hits in the upper 3's everyday, with the occasional 4.0s and above. Smackdown went UP to 2.6. How is that them not needing an angle to get better ratings? They definately need one, but they just haven't done it.

They also have about 1/3 of the talent that RAW does now after the draft. That and RAW has been pulling some 3-hour "specials" recently to catch more ratings. I still much prefer Smadkdown over RAW and I'm glad to see more people are tuning in to the show.

06-25-2007, 05:59 PM
this means the death angle will continue

06-25-2007, 06:14 PM
They need to give Edge something better to do than Batista and make the Cruiserweight division be more alive and stop putting stupid matches like Funaki vs Mark Henry or Matt Hardy vs Finlay... I know for sure ECW will get more ratings now... I only used to watch RAW and hated SD and ECW then the draft forced me to watch SD and ECW due to Nitro and Edge's move...