View Full Version : Batista Comments On Fight With Booker T

The Crippler
05-10-2006, 07:45 PM
It had to be done
May 10, 2006

“We had to get past this. It had been brewing for a long time,” says former World Heavyweight Champion Dave Batista in an exclusive interview with WWE.com about the brutal fight he had with Booker T Monday on the set of the WWE SummerSlam commercial shoot in Encino, Calif. The fight was so intense both men were left swollen and bloodied and it took nearly a half dozen Superstars to separate them.

“It’s over,” says Batista. “We will agree to disagree. We won’t be friends, but we will work together. I can promise you we won’t cause problems.” But Batista does have an issue with the way he’s been portrayed in the locker room. “Some guys say I’ve been running around claiming to be the top-money draw in the company, that I’m carrying the WWE on my back. I never said anything like this, the rumors break my heart. I would never disrespect guys like Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H with comments like these. I am not a Prick!”

Batista says he hopes the issue is finally over. “I want to move on, it’s like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I can’t wait to get back to work again”.

Credit: WWE.com

Still 2nd Place
05-11-2006, 12:25 AM
This whole thing with T and Batista is a shame if it real but it dont change my thought on either guy we all lose are temper and shit happens I am sure that T might think Batiosta is not showing him the respect he thinks he deserves but I find it hard to believe that he dont show guys like Flair and Taker and HBK or anyone resepct I know I have not read any thing about him be direspectful so my feeling is that it went down both guys lost there temper and things blew up and they both agree they will never ne friend lets just hope they can keep there feeling aside and this dont happen again