View Full Version : RAW Results - 25th Jun 2007

06-27-2007, 09:51 AM
RAW Results - 25th Jun 2007
Location - Corpus Christie, Texas

Chris Benoit tribute
1967 - 2007

We begin tonight’s show with a graphic that reads ‘In Memory of Chris Benoit 1967-2007.

Vince McMahon is in the arena in Corpus Christi, Texas and he says that the arena was going to be full of fans with the storyline being the alleged demise of his character. In reality Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy, and son Daniel are dead. Their bodies were found in their home in Atlanta. Vince says that they extend their condolences to the extended family of Chris Benoit. Tonight, they will pay tribute to Chris Benoit with some of the most memorable moments in Chris’s life. You will hear from Chris’s peers, the people who loved Chris. Tonight will be a three hour tribute to one of the greatest WWE superstars of all time. It will be a tribute to Chris Benoit.

We see a video package for Chris Benoit that features his early days as well as his time in ECW and WCW. We then see Benoit eliminating Big Show to win the Royal Rumble. Then we see Benoit making Triple H tap out at Wrestlemania XX to win the World Title. We then see Chris celebrating in the ring with his family and Eddie Guerrero. We end the segment with the graphic that opened the show.

We are back with a video package of Chris Benoit talking about his career and how it started. We hear comments from friends and family who knew that he would be a pro wrestler. We see Benoit back in Canada after he won the World Title at Wrestlemania XX.

We are back with Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross and Jim says that it is a situation that you hoped never to deal with. Jim talked about how he was one of the greatest wrestlers and a friend. Jerry talks about how it might be one of the toughest shows. Jerry talks about the knowledge that Chris, Nancy, and Daniel are gone after seeing the footage from Wrestlemania XX. Jim talks about Wrestlemania XX. We start off with footage from the Royal Rumble in 2004.

We join the match in progress and Bill Goldberg takes care of everyone in the ring. Goldberg eliminates Charlie Haas while Nunzio is on Goldberg’s back. Van Dam with a kick to Goldberg and then Goldberg with a spear to Nunzio. Billy Gunn is eliminated by Goldberg. Nunzio is the next man to be eliminated by Goldberg. Goldberg sets for a Jackhammer on Big Show but Lesnar comes in and gives Goldberg an F-5. Goldberg wants a piece of Lesnar and that distraction allows Kurt Angle to eliminate Goldberg. Jericho tries to eliminate Angle, but Angle fights back and he punches Jericho in the corner. Big Show and Cena battle by the ropes and Angle and Jericho join in while Van Dam and Benoit battle in the corner. Van Dam and Benoit join in and try to eliminate Show but Show pushes them all off. Show takes everyone down and then he headbutts Jericho. Angle clips Show and then Van Dam with a snap leg drop. Jericho with a Lionsault. Van Dam with a Five Star Frog Splash. Cena with the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Benoit with the diving headbutt. Angle tells everyone to pick up Show to eliminate him but they cannot get Show up. Show eliminates Cena and then he tries to take care of Van Dam. Van Dam tries for a monkey flip but Van Dam is tossed to the floor. Show tries to eliminate Jericho but Jericho skins the cat and Jericho with a drop kick to Show. Show sends Jericho to the apron and then he Irish whips Jericho. Jericho goes up for a bulldog from the turnbuckles. Jericho tries to get Show over for the LionTamer and Show taps. Angle hits Jericho from behind and then Angle punches Jericho. Jericho tries to eliminate Angle but Show punches Jericho and Angle falls to the apron. Show gets Jericho up for a choke slam and he eliminates Jericho with the choke slam. Show and Angle exchange punches but Show with a side slam. Show grabs Benoit and gives him a choke slam. Angle tries for a German suplex but Show with a butt bump to take Angle down. Angle hits the Angle Slam on Show and Benoit with punches to Angle. Angle with an Angle Slam to Benoit. The straps are down and Angle asks the crowd which one he should go after. Show tries for a choke slam but Angle rolls through and puts Show in the ankle lock. Show taps but it is irrelevant in this match. Show eliminates Angle as he goes for the ropes. Benoit with a diving head butt to Show on the apron and Show returns to the ring. Show grabs Benoit by the throat for a choke slam but Benoit counters with a Crippler Crossface and Show taps one more time. Show gets up and hits a side slam to get out of the hold. Show tells Benoit that it is all over and he presses Benoit over his head. Benoit turns it into a choke and Show drops Benoit on the apron but Benoit holds on and he takes Show over the top rope to the floor to eliminate Show to win the Royal Rumble.

Steve Austin says that Chris Benoit is one of the most talented wrestlers he knew. Benoit gave everything in the ring regardless of the size of the crowd. Austin talks about wrestling Chris Benoit in Edmonton. He says that Benoit was one of the most honest people he ever met. He says that Benoit held everything together and he was always polite and generous. Austin says that he will miss Benoit a lot and he has total respect and wishes that Chris was still with them. We go to commercial.

We are back with a video clip where Benoit talked about how he got into the business by going to the shows and helping out. He talks about when he met Dynamite Kid and that started his desire to become a wrestler.

Michael Cole and John Layfield talk about Chris’s passion and his family. Cole talks about what defines you is your children and that was the case with Chris. He says that Chris’s children were very respectful and they would talk and laugh with everyone. Bradshaw talks about how his children were always dressed in suits and would show respect to the wrestlers. Bradshaw talks about when he was talking to Benoit about starting off as the Pegasus Kid and Justin Hawk. Bradshaw says that he wishes he would have been able to call a Benoit match tonight instead of talking about his life.

John Cena says that he thinks this is the most difficult thing he had to do. He says that this has been very sudden and he does not know how to react to this because it is so sudden. He says that they should celebrate the life of Chris Benoit. He says that Chris is the type of guy you want to go to war with because he was so tough. If he knew you meant business, he looked out for you. He formed a lot of bonds with people and they were treated like he was their brother. He lived for the business and he did everything for it. He respected everything about the business. His set of ideals were something that he looked up to. He says that Benoit didn’t take any s*** from anybody. He appreciates everything that Chris did for him. Cena says that he hopes that everyone watching appreciates what Benoit did in his life. He did it for the fans. It is fitting because he is a man who lived for the business and Cena says that he respects Chris for that. Cena says that Benoit was like John Wayne because he was a tough man, but you could tell when he cared about you. He was not the type of guy you would say ‘I love you’ to and he never had the chance to say it to him. Cena tells Benoit that he loves him.

We are back with the portion of the Chris Benoit DVD about his time in ECW. He talks about the opportunity. Benoit talks about his matches with Too Cold Scorpio.

Joey Styles and Tazz talk about the footage from ECW when Benoit started there in 1994. Joey talked about the excitement in the ECW locker room that Benoit signed with the company. Tazz says that Chris Benoit brought credibility to the locker room. Tazz says that Benoit was not just a great pro but he helped the younger guys. When you got in the ring with Chris Benoit despite how he was in the back, you had to up your game. He says that Benoit was like a machine in the ring. Joey says that he enjoyed calling Benoit’s matches. Joey talks about how happy they were when Benoit was drafted to ECW. Joey talks about the car ride when they were happy that they would get the chance to call Chris Benoit matches.

We go to last week’s episode of ECW when Chris Benoit wrestled Elijah Burke.

Benoit with a waist lock take down on Burke into a front face lock. Burke with a reversal but Benoit counters with a hammer lock. Burke gets to his feet and he gets Benoit in a side head lock. Burke with an elbow and Benoit tries for the Crippler Crossface but Burke avoids it and gets a near fall. Burke and Benoit stare each other down and Benoit with a number of chops but Burke with a rollup for a two count. Burke is able to get to the ropes when Benoit tries for the Crippler Crossface. Burke with forearms but Benoit with a chop. Burke works on Benoit in the corner and he follows it with a hard Irish whip for a near fall. Burke with a kick to Benoit’s back and chest. Burke punches Benoit and gets a near fall. Burke with a kick to the ribs and then he tries for a seated abdominal stretch but Benoit tries to block it. Burke with a front face lock but Benoit with a Northern Lights suplex for a two count. Burke gets Benoit up and drops him on the top rope and then he connects with a running elbow and Benoit is knocked to the floor. Burke goes out after Benoit and rolls him back into the ring. Burke chokes Benoit in the ropes but he misses a splash into the ropes when Benoit moves. Benoit with forearms to Burke’s head followed by elbows to the head and a snap suplex for a near fall. Benoit with a knee to Burke followed by a Northern Lights suplex for another two count. Benoit with the Hat Trick German suplex combination. Benoit goes up top for the diving head butt but Burke gets his knees up and both men are down. Burke with an STO for a two count. Burke with forearms to the ribs and Burke gets Benoit up for a suplex but Benoit with knees to get out of the hold. Benoit tries to get Burke into the Sharpshooter but Burke gets out of the hold. Burke misses the Elijah Express and Benoit puts Burke in the Sharpshooter and Burke taps.

CM Punk talks about how he was disappointed last night that he could not wrestle Chris Benoit, but now he feels really guilty. Chris Benoit was a hero of his and he was honored to work with him. He considered Benoit to be a friend. Though he never wrestled him, he learned a lot from Benoit. He hopes to honor Benoit’s memory. Punk says that he wants to help the next generation of wrestlers the way that Benoit would. He says that he misses Benoit.

We are back and we see the statement that Vince McMahon made at the start of the show.

Jim Ross tells Benoit’s two surviving children that their dad was a great man. It did not matter if it was a rival or a friend in the ring. We go to a match from WCW when he faced Dean Malenko. Jerry says that he would rather wrestle people who were his friends because of the camaraderie he had with the guys. Jim Ross talked about Benoit’s integrity.

Chris Benoit versus Dean Malenko from Hog Wild in 1996.
Malenko takes Benoit down and punches him. Benoit chops Malenko and kicks him but Malenko responds with knees. Benoit with a knee to Malenko and then he slams Malenko’s head into the turnbuckle. Benoit with a forearm to Malenko but Malenko with a forearm and he sends Benoit into the turnbuckles. Malenko with a delayed vertical suplex for a two count. Malenko with a neck breaker followed by an elbow drop for a two count. Malenko with a reverse chin lock as he tries to wear down Benoit. We see Elizabeth and Woman at ringside. Benoit returns to his feet but Malenko with an elbow. Benoit with a head butt to Malenko followed by a kick. Benoit slams Malenko’s head into the turnbuckle and he chokes Malenko in the ropes. Benoit gets a near fall and then he chops Malenko against the ropes. Benoit with a back elbow for a series of near falls. Benoit with a rollup but Malenko with a counter and we see a series of two counts from both men. Malenko with a hip toss and he puts Benoit in a short arm scissors. Benoit rolls through and he gets a two count. Benoit lifts Malenko up and hits a modified electric chair drop for a two count. We go to commercial.

We are back with Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler and Jim talks about how Chris Benoit’s wife was at ringside with Benoit for that match.

We return to the match and Benoit puts Malenko in the Texas Cloverleaf. Malenko tries to press out of the hold but Benoit pulls Malenko back into the center of the ring. Malenko tries to press out of the hold again but he falls to the mat again. Benoit lets go of the hold. Benoit kicks Malenko in the leg but Malenko with an enzuigiri. Malenko gets up in the corner and Benoit sends Malenko into the corner but both men bump heads and they go down. Malenko gets up first but Benoit is able to work over Malenko by working on the leg. Benoit grapevines the leg as he works on Malenko’s leg with a focus on the knee. Benoit returns to the leg as there is less than 30 seconds left in the match. Malenko with an inside cradle as time expires in the match. The referee says that there will be another five minutes in the match.

The match continues as Malenko limps from the damage to his knee. Benoit with a back body drop. Malenko with a dragon screw leg whip and Benoit favors his knee. Malenko with an elbow drop to the knee. Malenko misses a short arm clothesline but Benoit hits a Dragon suplex for a two count. Benoit tries for another Dragon suplex but Malenko drops down but Benoit gets a two count. Benoit misses a drop kick when Malenko holds on to the ropes. Malenko puts Benoit in the Texas Cloverleaf. Woman gets into the ring to pull Benoit to the ropes. Malenko turns it into an STF> Malenko grabs Woman and that allows Benoit to get the rollup for the three count.

Dean Malenko says that when he looks at his career and the battles that he had and the rooms that he has shared on the road. Chris Benoit is one of the people who enriched his life. He met Chris in the early 1990s in Japan along with Eddie Guerrero. That was the start of a fifteen year friendship. They were there for each other during ups and down in and out of the ring. They talked about everything. Dean says that there are very few people who got to really know Chris because he was a very private person. He talks about how him, Chris, Eddie, and Scott Norton would call Chris “Houdini” because he would get lost during conversations. Some people might have thought that Chris was arrogant because of the way he acted, but he was not like that. He says that as an opponent there is nothing better than having someone who will push you and take you to the next level. He says that Chris was unselfish dealing with young talent to help them hone their skills. He says that it is ironic that in a two year time span he lost two of his closest friends, Eddie Guerrero and Chris. The original ‘Three Amigos’ were not the suplexes but him, Eddie, and Chris. He sends his condolences to Chris’s fans as well. He says that Chris was a machine in the ring who gave 120 percent every night. Chris was a consummate pro and will be missed. Chris left a legacy in the business and a model for the young wrestlers to follow. Dean talks about how he gave Chris the idea for the Crippler Crossface. Dean says that Chris will be missed by all wrestling fans. Dean talks about all of the companies that Chris worked for and some of the opponents that he wrestled over the years. Dean says that he will miss Chris’s friendship. The one thing that he can hold on to is that his two closest friends for the last fifteen years are together arguing. He says that he will miss Chris as a brother and a friend. He says that he will never forget Chris.

We are back with another Chris Benoit video package.

We see the empty arena and Michael Cole talks about how Benoit will be remembered as one of the greatest. Cole talks about how Chris Benoit garnered respect wherever he went. He talks about how it was a privilege to call a Chris Benoit match. Whether Chris would win or lose a match, he would look at the audience and the fans would be on their feet. The fans appreciated what Chris gave in the ring. Bradshaw points out that Chris was not the greatest talker but he was a great wrestler. Bradshaw talks about his match with Chris Benoit for the United States Title last year.

We join the match in progress and Benoit climbs the cage but Bradshaw pulls Benoit back to the mat with an electric chair drop. Bradshaw gets a two count. Bradshaw puts Benoit in a sleeper. The referee checks on Benoit’s arm and he is not out. Benoit returns to his feet and escapes the hold with a belly-to-back suplex. Bradshaw with boots to taunt Benoit. Bradshaw misses a short arm clothesline and he hits two German suplexes. Benoit tries for the third suplex but Bradshaw with elbows followed by a big boot. Bradshaw starts to climb the cage and Benoit goes after Bradshaw and he pulls the champion back into the cage. Benoit tries for a German suplex from the top turnbuckle but Bradshaw holds on to the cage. Benoit is able to hit the German suplex from the top turnbuckle and both men are down. Benoit has the referee open the door but Jillian distracts the referee. While Jillian is not looking Bradshaw pulls Benoit back into the ring and Jillian hits Bradshaw with the door. Benoit puts Bradshaw in the Crippler Crossface but the referee does not see it. Bradshaw with a two count on Benoit. Benoit tries for a German suplex but Bradshaw holds on to the referee. Bradshaw with a low kick and Bradshaw gets out of the cage to win the match and retain the title.

Stephanie McMahon says that Chris Benoit was an amazing wrestler. He was passionate in the ring but he was also passionate about his family. Chris thought it was cool that she married Triple H. She talks about how happy Chris was when she was pregnant. Chris always thought that family was the best. Chris loved his family and when his children were in the arena, they worshipped their dad. She considered Chris to be a friend.

We are back with Chavo Guerrero. He says that Chris Benoit was his friend and may have been his best friend. Chris was a part of the Guerrero family. The day that he found Eddie Guerrero, the first person that he called was Chris Benoit. After telling Chris, it almost broke his heart as much as finding Eddie. For someone who rarely showed emotion, Chris cried uncontrollably because Eddie was Chris’s best friend. He was able to be with Eddie on his last day and was the last person to see Eddie. Chavo says that he spent the night at Chris Benoit’s house last week. Chris was a very private person who does not let too many people in. He spent time with Chris’s family and he felt at home. Then they went to the house shows and went to dinner. They each missed their flights last weekend. They called to check on each other. To go through this again with someone he respected so much as a person and friend. There was no one else like Chris Benoit in the ring. It was an honor to be in the ring with Chris. Some of his best matches were with Chris Benoit. He learned so much from Chris and he would thank Chris after their matches. They always left with a hug and told each other that they loved each other. The last time that he talked to Chris, on the day before Chris passed away, Chris ended the call with ‘I love you Chavo.’ Chavo says that that Chris was his friend and he loves him and that Chris was a part of his family. Chavo thanks Chris for the time that they spent together with their families at Wrestlemania. He talks about how he appreciated Chris for trusting him with his children. Chavo thanks Chris for being his friend.

We are back and the camera pans to the ring. Joey Styles lets people who just tuned in what happened with Chris Benoit, his wife, and young child. Joey talks about how Chris Benoit was known as the Pegasus Kid in Japan. Tazz says that he wrestled Chris Benoit as the Pegasus Kid in Japan. Tazz talks about Benoit’s matches against Jushin Liger while Benoit was the Pegasus Kid.

Pegasus Kid versus Jushin Liger from 1990.
Pegasus Kid puts Liger on the top turnbuckle and hits a superplex. Pegasus Kid goes up top but misses a diving headbutt. Liger with a rolling kick for a two count. Liger with a power bomb for a two count. Liger with a slam and then Liger goes up top and hits a senton splash for a two count. Pegasus Kid with a rana as a counter to a power bomb for a two count. Pegasus Kid with a running clothesline to Liger and then he sets for a Tombstone piledriver and he hits it. Pegasus goes up top and he hits a leg drop for the three count.

William Regal says that he would love to talk about everything he did with Chris Benoit but he only says that he wants to talk about how Chris Benoit was the most dedicated man in wrestling. Regal says that Benoit was the absolute best.

We are back with Vince McMahon’s statement that opened the show and the second hour.

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about one of his greatest matches against Chris Jericho. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about Chris’s heroes in the ring and they talk about the Dynamite Kid. We go to a video package where Chris talks about one of his first matches. A friend talks about how Benoit was going to be the next Dynamite Kid.

Chris Benoit versus Chris Jericho from the 2001 Royal Rumble
Benoit with a drop kick to Jericho and the ladder hits Jericho in the face. Benoit with a belly-to-back suplex and then Benoit puts the ladder on the ring post. Benoit with a kick to Jericho and then Jericho Irish whips Benoit into the ladder. Jericho perches the ladder on the rope and then he drives it into Benoit’s face. Jericho puts the ladder up in the corner and he pushes it onto Benoit and hits a missile drop kick into the ladder. Jericho puts the ladder up in the center of the ring and he climbs the ladder. Benoit with a belly-to-back suplex to Jericho over the top rope to the floor. Benoit climbs the ladder and he gets to the top of the ladder but Jericho grabs Benoit’s leg. Benoit kicks Jericho off but Jericho climbs the ladder and he puts Benoit in a Boston Crab on the top of the ladder Jericho pushes Benoit off the ladder but Benoit kicks the ladder and Jericho falls off the ladder. We go to commercial.

We are back and the match continues. Jericho runs the ladder into Benoit’s face and then he resets the ladder in the center of the ring. Jericho climbs the ladder and he kicks Benoit away. Jericho comes off the ladder but Benoit catches him and puts Jericho in the Crippler Crossface. Jericho taps but the referee will not ask Jericho to release the hold because there are no pinfalls or submissions. Benoit sends Jericho into the ring post. Jericho hot shots Benoit into the ladder. Jericho runs the ladder into Benoit and he sends Benoit into the corner. Jericho climbs the ladder and so does Benoit as they fight in the corner. Jericho tries for a superplex from the top of the ladder but Benoit with a head butt that sends Jericho off the ladder. Benoit climbs the ladder and he tries for a diving head butt but Jericho moves out of the way. Jericho puts the ladder on top of Benoit as he climbs the ladder but Benoit pushes the ladder over and Jericho hits the top rope and goes to the floor. Benoit sets up the ladder and he climbs it but Jericho hits Benoit in the back with the chair. Jericho pushes the ladder over and Benoit hits the top rope before going to the floor. Jericho climbs the ladder and gets the Intercontinental Title belt to win the match.

Jim Ross talks about Chris Jericho’s reaction to Benoit’s death. Lawler talks about Benoit’s passion and desire. He says that Benoit was not in it for the money. He wrestled because he loved it and loved performing in front of the people. He says that there was nobody more intense in the ring than Chris Benoit. Jim Ross mentions that we will see Benoit’s match from Wrestlemania XX.

We are back with Joey Styles and Tazz. Joey says that Benoit was one of the greatest champions.

Edge says that there are three people in the industry that he feels that he can go to and talk to. Two of them are gone now. He remembers watching Stampede Wrestling as a teenager in Toronto. He saw an eighteen year old guy named Chris Benoit start his career and he thought that Benoit was awesome. Benoit became one of the greatest to put on his boots. Edge says that he had the pleasure and privilege to step in the ring with him. It was two Canadians fighting for the last beer when they were in the ring. He had some personal issues in his life and Benoit was the first person that he talked to because he trusted Benoit and Benoit cared. Everyone in the locker room loved Chris. Chris carried himself with pride and dignity everywhere he went. Two weeks ago in Orlando, he wrestled Chris and he had fun being kicked in the head and chopped so hard. He says that Chris was smiling when they went through the Gorilla Position. Edge says that Benoit’s smile was the biggest compliment. Edge talks about when he had his neck surgery, Benoit was the guy who he called for advice and Chris was always there. He talks about a show in Dothan, Alabama and he came with his son Daniel. Edge talks about how Daniel was doing the warm up exercises with his dad. Edge talks about how lucky Chris was. Edge says that Chris would probably be hot at him for crying, but he loves Chris and he misses him.

We are back with Bradshaw and Michael Cole. Cole asks Bradshaw about how emotional Chris was despite being a quiet man. Bradshaw says that he brought it every night. There were some superstars who were thrown out of the locker room because they did not show the proper respect. Cole says that Benoit gave 100 percent and made sure the fans went home happy.

We go to a video package.

We are back with Triple H and he says that it is hard to sum up a friend’s life in a few minutes. Chris Benoit was about respect. He demanded it and he received it. Respect for the wrestlers, the fans, and his family. There was a young wrestler who showed disrespect to Shawn Michaels and Chris taught that wrestler a lesson. Chris made the wrestler do one thousand squats and Chris did them next to him. The next day when that wrestler could not bend his legs, Chris made him do five hundred more. One thing that he will remember is the image at Wrestlemania XX and looking back at the ring with Chris holding the World Title. That was it to Chris. He just received respect. He had his family with him and it was everything for him. He cannot speak for everyone but he is pretty sure that everyone that Chris ever met respected him. Hunter says that there was no one in this world that he respected more than Benoit. He is not saying it because Chris is not there, but because he earned it.

Lawler and Ross talk about respect and how it is earned. Jerry talks about how everyone on the roster respected him. Jim Ross talks about the main event at Wrestlemania XX when Chris Benoit faced Triple H and Shawn Michaels.

Chris Benoit versus Shawn Michaels versus Triple H for the World Title at Wrestlemania XX
Benoit has some words for Michaels but Michaels goes after Hunter. Benoit and Michaels alternate going after Hunter. Benoit tries for the Crippler Crossface but Michaels rolls through. Benoit with chops and then Benoit sends Michaels into Hunter and Hunter goes out of the ring. Michaels with a side head lock but Benoit with a head scissors. Benoit bridges and tries for a backslide but Michaels blocks it. Benoit tries for a German suplex and Michaels blocks it. Benoit with a Northern Lights suplex for a two count. Michaels with a clothesline to Benoit but Hunter with a clothesline to Michaels. Hunter is in charge now and he takes care of Benoit and Michaels. Hunter tries to send Michaels over the top rope but Michaels skins the cat. Michaels sends Benoit over the top rope and then he hits a back body drop on Hunter. Michaels punches Hunter in the corner. Hunter hits a high knee on Michaels for a two count. Benoit with a shoulder on the apron to Hunter but when he tries for a third one, Hunter with a knee to Benoit. Hunter runs Benoit’s back into the apron. Michaels with a baseball slide that takes Benoit and Hunter down. Michaels goes up top and hits a moonsault onto Hunter and Benoit. We go to commercial.

We are back and all three men are down in the ring. Michaels picks up Benoit and Michaels with a German suplex on Benoit. Benoit shows Michaels how to do it when he hits the Hat Trick German suplex combination. Benoit with the throat slash and then he goes up top. Benoit hits the diving head butt but he can only get a two count. Benoit with forearms to Michaels but Michaels with a flying forearm that sends Benoit out of the ring. Michaels kips up and he hits a reverse atomic drop and clotheslines on Hunter. Michaels with a slam to Hunter and then he goes up top and hits the elbow drop. Michaels gets ready for Sweet Chin Music and he hits it. Benoit pulls Hunter out of the ring to make the save. Michaels punches Benoit on the floor and then he sends Benoit back into the ring. Michaels chops Benoit in the corner. Benoit with an Irish whip and Michaels does the Michaels flip. Benoit tries for the Sharpshooter but Michaels fights out of it. Benoit with a catapult that sends Michaels into the ring post. Benoit with forearms to Michaels and then he tries to lock in the Crippler Crossface on Michaels and he finally gets it locked in. Michaels is about to tap but Hunter prevents Michaels from tapping. Hunter punches Benoit to get Benoit to release the hold. Hunter and Benoit battle outside and Benoit sends Hunter head first into the ring steps. Benoit chops Hunter on the floor but Hunter Irish whips Benoit into the ring steps. We go to commercial.

We are back and we return to the arena where Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about the way they will remember Chris. Jerry says that Chris was a great competitor. Jerry also talks about the deaths of Nancy and Daniel. It makes Jerry want to tell his family that he loves them. Jerry says that you should take the chance to tell your loved ones that you love them. Jim Ross says that he is going to miss Chris’s uncontrollable passion. He is going to miss seeing Chris compete. First and foremost, Chris Benoit was a great wrestler. Jim says that one of the most poignant moments happens at the end of this match.

We return for the conclusion of the match and all three men are down again. Hunter is the first to his knees but he wears a crimson mask like Shawn Michaels. Michaels rolls out of the ring. Benoit chops Hunter but Hunter with a knee and he sets for the Pedigree but Benoit counters with the Sharpshooter and he locks it in. Hunter tries to fight for the ropes as he claws to the ropes and he gets near the ropes but Benoit pulls Hunter into the center of the ring. Hunter is about to tap but from out of nowhere, a bloody Shawn Michaels with Sweet Chin Music on Benoit. Michaels covers Benoit but he only gets a two count. Michaels staggers to his feet and he sets for Sweet Chin Music one more time. Benoit ducks the attempt and Benoit sends Michaels over the top rope to the floor. Hunter sets for the Pedigree but Benoit counters and he gets Hunter in the Crippler Crossface. Hunter struggles for the ropes and then the referee checks Hunter’s arm to see if he is still conscious. Hunter tries to roll out of the hold but Benoit keeps the Crossface locked in and they are in the center of the ring. Hunter taps and Benoit wins the World Title.

After the match, Chris Benoit celebrates in the ring with the World Title belt. Benoit turns around and he sees Eddie Guerrero in the ring with his title belt. Eddie gives Benoit an ovation and then he hugs his fellow World champion.

We go to credits.