View Full Version : RAW Results - 2nd Jul, 2007

Flair Country
07-03-2007, 02:40 PM
The July 2, 2007 edition of Monday Night Raw comes to us from Dallas, Texas. The show opens with a recap of John Cena successfully defending his belt at Vengeance two weeks ago. Lashley's dive over the top is damn impressive. It's a slick package with quotes from some of the competitors talking about how much the belt means to them.

Mr. Kennedy comes out ready to wrestle and demands the mic. He says he should be the WWE Champion, but never got to cash in his Money in the Bank. This promo should be on Smackdown, and Kennedy should be a face. Kennedy blames the fans for putting too much stress on him and they caused him to compete before he was ready. From now on, his actions will serve one man, and one man alone. He is ready to do the MISSSSSTAAAAHHH KENNEDY~! bit, but John Cena interrupts.

Cena gets some boos in Texas. He calls Kennedy the new guy and formally introduces himself. The crowd is split tonight. Cena is trying to remember who he is in the ring with, and says MISSSTTTAAAHHH...cameltoe. A camel toe chant breaks out. Cena says rumor has it that Kennedy likes to talk...a lot. He calls him Mr. Crappypants. Cena wants to know if the crowd thinks they are to blame for Kennedy's MITB loss. Some more juvenile names. Mr. Kenny G is pretty funny, though. Cena says to him and the crowd, Kennedy's word is worthless. Triple C says he doesn't like Kennedy. Cena craps on Kennedy's gimmick some more. Goodbye, heat!

King Booker comes out to the ring and says bravo to John Cena for his virtuoso performance. There is only one man royal enough to compete for the WWE Championship, and his record against Cena is flawless. He's speaking about himself, of course. You will recall that Cena won a Best of 5 series against Booker for the US Title in the fall of 2004, so flawless isn't accurate. Book challenges Cena for the title.

Randy Orton is the next contender to come out and stake a claim to the number one contendership. He says since Booker and Kennedy are new to RAW, he will explain how things work. Orton says he's been around the longest, and has ended RVD's and HBK's careers. And he has never had a one on one championship match with Cena before. Bobby Lashley comes out and gives us the 'cold, hard facts'. Kennedy lost the MITB. King Booker and Orton both lost their championships. Lashley never lost his belt, thus he is the uncrowned champion and vows not to rest until he takes the belt from Cena.

Things look to get violent, but William Regal comes out. Coach is on holiday, so Regal is in charge. It gets a few cheers. He says at the end of the night, we will know who the number one contender is, and there will be a contract signing. Tonight's RAW will be a Beat the Clock edition! Everyone will compete in singles action, and the one with the fastest time will face Cena at the Great American Bash for the WWE Championship. He wishes them all luck, and tells Randy ('sunshine') that his match is first. A tweener Commissioner Regal could be a welcome change of pace. Commercial for ESPN's Bronx is Burning. If the Yanks keep losing, things will get heated this summer, too.

Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy

Lockup into an Orton headlock. Shoulderblock and a quick cover by Orton. Roll up by Hardy. Orton dropkicks Hardy out of the ring and rolls him back in for a one count. Hardy dumps Orton and hits a baseball slide through the ropes. Slingshot body press to the floor by Hardy and he covers for two in the ring. Orton with a lariat for a couple near falls. Randy does the Garvin/Orton Stomp and leg drop for two. Abdominal stretch on the mat by Orton. Hardy punches out, but Orton gets a waistlock on the mat. Scoop slam for two by Orton. Another scoop slam gets two. Orton hits a third for another two count. Orton goes back to the bodyscissors on the mat as we reach the 4 minute mark. European Uppercut by Orton. Hardy punches and kicks back. Hardy with a neckbreaker for two. Mule kick by Hardy and he dropkicks Orton in the corner for two. Sitout gordbuster by Hardy and he goes to the top. Orton rolls out of the ring and onto the apron. He snaps Hardy's neck off the top rope for two. Whisper in the Wind gets two. Orton counters the Twist of Fate into an RKO (!) for the win at the 7:06 mark.

Your winner, Randy Orton!

The Just for Men Stay in the Game moment is from the Women's Championship match (?) at Vengeance when Candice won the belt from Melina. She comes out and joins JR and King for commentary.
Melina vs. Maria

Melina tires to reason with Maria, then shoves her. Maria with a Lou Thesz press. Clothesline by Melina. Melina spins Maria around by her legs, then pulls the hair. Maria's face is rubbed into the mat. Hair Pull Curb Stomp by Melina. Kick to Maria's chest. Melina stares at Candice and Maria kicks her, but Melina kicks right back. Forearms to the back, a DDT, and more forearms by Melina. Maria fights back and hits a bulldog. Hard irish whip into the corner by Maria and she goes for the ten punches, but Melina drops her face on the top turnbuckle. Inverted Leg Drop Bulldog by Melina for the win.

Your winner, Melina!

Melina goes up to the commentary desk, but Candice takes the fight to her and stands triumphant on the desk.

Triple H video package in anticipation of his comeback. Some fairly graphic surgery footage. Eleven time champion sounds pretty good to Triple H.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan is in the back with Dusty Rhodes and Dust introduces Cody Runnels to him. I guess Cody is on RAW now? Randy Orton comes up and says one day, Cody can be just like him. He says he followed in his own father's footsteps and was better than him. He says Cody will be better than Dusty one day. Randy says Legend, but only implies the last part of that. Dusty says he is being disrespectful, so Orton slaps him. Cody tries to get involved, but Dusty holds him back.

Flashback to Santino Marella winning the Intercontinental Title from Umaga back in April. Flash forward to Vengeance, where Umaga was cheered for beating on Santino. In the back, Santino checks on Maria. She says she is concerned about him challenging Umaga and tells him he doesn't have to do this. Santino says people don't take him seriously, and that is why he must prove himself. Quick kiss for luck by Santino.

Intercontinental Title Match: Santino Marella (c) vs. Umaga

Umaga slowly stalks Santino. He throws Marella off of a waistlock. Santino with kicks, but Umaga catches him. Umaga misses a big splash and Santino gets a low dropkick. Umaga pulls Santino out of the ring and squeezes Santino's head against the ringpost. Santino is tossed back in the ring. Umaga applies pressure to the shoulder. He chops Marella down. Umaga misses a Stinger Splash and gets kicked in the head for one. Umaga's kick out sends Marella from the ring. Santino goes to the top, but Umaga catches him midair for a Samoan Drop. He drags Marella to the corner and connects with the Whipsplash. Umaga lifts Marella up and nails the Samoan Spike to win the match.

Your winner, and NEW Intercontinental Champion, Umaga!

No reaction from the crowd. WWE still has some work to do to get the belt over again.

King Booker vs. Val Venis

The time to beat is 7:06. Val with a side headlock and shoulderblock. Booker with an inside cradle for two. Side kick for two by Booker. He chops Venis and elbows him in the corner. Venis with some forearms to the back, then a back drop driver for two. Booker with a lariat for two. Booker throws Venis' shoulder into the ringpost. Booker with some kicks to the chest and an armbar. Venis makes the ropes. Suplex by Booker gets two.

Venis punches back, but Booker hits a back elbow for two. Venis blocks a back body drop and ducks a kick. Venis with a clothesline and elbows. Reverse neckbreaker by Venis gets two. Booker comes back and hits the Scissors Kick for the win and 2:36 to spare. 4:30 is the new time to beat.

Your winner, King Booker!

Kennedy is in the back with Super Crazy, trying to see if he understands the Beat the Clock concept. Kennedy says everyone knows Super Crazy will lose anyways, so he asks him to take a dive. He offers a few pesos in return. Kennedy asks if they have a deal, and Crazy says, "Si." Kennedy says Gracias and walks off.

Mr. Kennedy vs. Super Crazy

Kennedy wastes time by calling for the mic from the ceiling after the bell rings. He starts to speak, and Super Crazy rolls him up from behind for the win. Kennedy's shoulder was clearly up at one point during the pin.

Your winner, Super Crazy!

Kennedy chases Crazy to the back.

Booker T and Sharmell are talking to Lashley's opponent, Shelton Benjamin. King Booker says they have been comrades for a long time. His proposition is for Shelton to last 4:30, and if he does, he will get the first title match. Shelton says Bobby can't catch him in 4:30, and they have a deal. Shelton has to kiss Booker's ring to seal it.

Todd Grisham is in the back with Dusty Rhodes and wants his thoughts on the confrontation with Randy Orton. Rhodes wants Orton in the ring next week.

Carlito is complaining to Jillian Hall about having to face Sandman. Sandman interrupts and opens a beer all over Carlito. He loves to drink, but Carlito will find out how much he loves to fight. Carlito says he is cool and spits apple at the Sandman. Sandman spits beer in Carlito. When Carlito looks back, Ron Simmons is in Sandman's place and says, "Damn!"

Sandman vs. Carlito

Sandman walks the guardrail and opens two beers during his entrance. Lock up to start. Sandman pushes Carlito to the corner. Another lock up and this time Carlito gets Sandman in the corner, and hits a cheap shot and some punches. Sandman with a punch of his own and a back elbow. Carlito rolls out of the ring and snaps Sandman's neck off the top rope. Stomps by Carlito and another left hand. Carlito twists the head of Sandman. Carlito with some elbows to the head. Sandman elbows out, but Carlito blocks a charge . He picks up the Singapore Cane, but the ref takes it from Carlito. Sandman takes it from the ref and hits Carlito.

Your winner by disqualification, Carlito!

Bobby Lashley vs. Shelton Benjamin

Shelton tries to avoid Lashley. Lashley takes him down and the do some mat wrestling, with Shelton immediately kicking out of pin attempts. Shelton bails from the ring. Lashley punches Shelton then hits a big overhead belly to belly suplex. Shelton bails again as King and Queen look on. Shelton gets on the apron, but jumps back to the floor. Lashley is able to chase him back into the ring. Shelton turns a back body drop into a DDT. Awesome spot. Shelton gets two. He really had to do some work to hit that. Lashley ducks a clothesline and hits a T-Bone suplex. Lashley with some clotheslines and a spear in the corner. Argentine gutbuster by Bobby for two. Shelton gets out of the Oklahoma Slam and kicks Lashley in the face for two. Shelton goes to the top, but as he comes down, Lashley spears him at about the four minute mark.

Your winner, and number one contender for the WWE Championship, Bobby Lashley!

Another Triple H video package is shown. Lots of classic clips shown.

William Regal comes out to take care of the contract signing. King Booker probably should have gone over since WWE could have really built a Lashley-Cena match into something special if given enough time. Instead, they'll only have two more episodes of RAW to get this match over. Lashley comes out next (shouldn't he have just stayed in the ring?). Cena's out next. Cena wastes no time and says they both know who each other are. Cena says it will be a great match and he looks forward to it. Lashley says that makes two of us and signs the contract.

Kennedy's music plays and he comes out with Booker. They call the signing a farce. Cena says if those two want some, they can come get some. Cena takes on Kennedy, and Lashley takes care of Booker. Cena grabs the contract and signs it. When he turns around, Lashley spears him. Lashley picks up the title belt and throws it down next to Cena. Bobby walks off as we get some replays off the spear. JR puts over Lashley's thirst for the gold to end the show.
