View Full Version : J.R posts 2 blogs in the last couple of days with lots of news.

07-08-2007, 09:59 PM
Jim Ross has posted two new blog entries in recent days on his website, http://www.jrsbarbq.com/.

Here are highlights from the first entry

- The Dynamite Kid was probably ahead of his time with the many things he did in the ring. Tommy Billington was special and would be a main eventer today, regardless of his lack of size that some people feel is necessary to be a star. I would suggest that the British Bulldogs are definitely Hall of Fame material.

- I don’t know RVD’s future plans but I wish him well no matter what he does. It wouldn’t surprise me to see Rob take some time off and allow his body to rest and to heal. Rob is a special talent and he married an Oklahoma girl so you know he ranks high on my list of favorites. It is tough to say if Rob will ever return to the WWE as that is a question for Rob himself to address.

- I did not get the impression that Bobby Lashley turned “bad guy” against John Cena as Raw went off the air Monday Night. I do like the competition nonetheless. The fans will decide who they will cheer and for whom they will jeer…just as it should be.

- Bill Watts and Vince McMahon have many similar traits. Both are alpha male type individuals, both are extremely versed in the intricacies of the business, neither likes to lose at anything, and both have been great teachers/mentors to me. Plus, it isn’t overly bright to P.O. either one of them, from my personal experience, just like my late father. I can honestly say that I would not be in the position I am in today, able to lead a great life in providing for my family, if it had not been for Watts and McMahon who both have their challenging sides, but who each also practice “tough love” and allow the men to separate from the boys.

- I got into wrestling in 1974 and the ‘media” has NEVER covered wrestling regularly or positively as a rule. Most of the media’s egocentric stars won’t allow themselves to admit they either watch or used to watch wrestling. Straight laced sportscasters don’t consider wrestling a legitimate sport and the entertainment writers generally don’t consider wrestling as “good” entertainment no matter the fact that Monday Night Raw for example is the top rated cable TV series in existence. The only time the media generally covers wrestling is when a “mainstream celeb” is involved or there is a tragedy or a headline grabbing controversy. I don’t know why this is the way it is but it isn’t anything new.

- Many people come out of the wood work after a tragedy for perhaps two reasons. One is that it is the only time many in the media want to cover wrestling and two, many of the ex-stars of days gone by are looking for another 15 minutes of notoriety/fame. I am not going to go into all the stupid remarks some former wrestling personalities have made in recent weeks because they do not deserve the recognition. If these “ex-stars” wanted to “help the business” why have they waited until now to start? More importantly, what are they going to do when the sensational reporting has moved to the next tragedy?

- A Mr. Perfect DVD is in the works, as I understand it, but I don’t know the release date. It should be a great one, nonetheless.

- I did not read Hogan’s comments in “US”. I was shocked when I heard Hogan say that he thought Nancy Benoit was a “devil worshipper” which was news to me and perhaps Hulk was misquoted which can easily happen.

- As I understand it, a Rock DVD is in the works. The “Great One” is one of my all time favorites and I am hoping to get him to Norman on September 8 for the OU-Miami college football game.

Some highlights from the second entry:

- I don’t know Mick Foley’s plans for this year but I never see Mick wrestling anything resembling a full time schedule again. I do see Mick continuing to devote much of his time to the many charitable events he does. Mick can and does add to any TV show he is appearing on, especially if he is involved in a personal issue that allows for Mick to be his “Cactus Jack-like” old self.

- The King used to wear his wrestling gear while announcing simply out of habit. He doesn’t do so these days, but be assured that he would love to wrestle more in the WWE and could be better at it than many we see on a regular or semi regular basis in my view.

- Kane may go down in history as one of the more underrated WWE superstars ever in the eyes of many fans. Any company could only wish they could sign more individuals of character, talent, and ability as Kane…..as long as he doesn’t set any more announcer’s on fire!

- Any Mr. Perfect DVD would have to include selected Perfect vs. Bret Hart matches. I recently spoke with Bret and wished him a belated 50th birthday and welcomed him to the “Club.” He sounded great and we had one of the most rewarding visits that I have had with an ex-wrestler in years. As I have said here on many occasions, I have the upmost respect for Bret and we laughed about the time his Dad Stu and I were waiting on The Hitman in the Dungeon and Stu got bored and started demonstrating torturous, submission holds on yours truly. We have a photo of such in our restaurant. If more young wrestlers used Bret’s wrestling philosophy and actually learned how to mat wrestle instead of being one-dimensional, high flyers the business would be better off.

- Have I heard the rumor of Raw going to 3 hours this fall? Yes, I have heard the rumor, which is all it is at this point. All that means to me is more work and a longer time between bathroom breaks. I have no issue if Raw goes to 3 hours or not.

- What is my favorite version of the Midnight Express. Any one featuring Jim Cornette. Bobby Eaton was silent but deadly, Dennis Condrey was tougher than a $2 steak, and Sweet Stan Lane brought a smoothness to the dance. I have no favorite Midnight Express, just as I have no favorite daughter.

- If non main event wrestlers don’t try to blow away the main eventers on a nightly basis then the non main eventers need to be replaced. Wrestlers that steal the show often enough get noticed I assure you.

- I have absolutely met Jushin Liger, on many occasions and was instrumental in his American debut on national TV on TBS for WCW way back in the day. I found Liger to be a class act and very respectful. And what an awesome performer too. Liger vs. Pillman was one of my favorite matches to call over the years.

Ill Will
07-09-2007, 03:07 AM
I will be at the OU/Miami game in September. It would be awesome if J.R. and The Rock were there!

07-09-2007, 02:07 PM
- I got into wrestling in 1974 and the ‘media” has NEVER covered wrestling regularly or positively as a rule. Most of the media’s egocentric stars won’t allow themselves to admit they either watch or used to watch wrestling. Straight laced sportscasters don’t consider wrestling a legitimate sport and the entertainment writers generally don’t consider wrestling as “good” entertainment no matter the fact that Monday Night Raw for example is the top rated cable TV series in existence. The only time the media generally covers wrestling is when a “mainstream celeb” is involved or there is a tragedy or a headline grabbing controversy. I don’t know why this is the way it is but it isn’t anything new.

This is 100% true and I don't know why ether. How about that I agree with something JR has said. lol