View Full Version : WWE Opposing TNA Trademark, SD! Added To Dictionary

07-11-2007, 06:07 PM
Source - PWInsider

Merriam-Webster has announced a new list of words that will be entered into the next edition of their dictionary. Among the 100 or so new words is "Smackdown", which is described as: "a contest in entertainment wrestling."

WWE is opposing TNA's registration of the "VKM" trademark. They have until October 17th to file their claim.

i think the wwe are being stupid opposing the trademark. i think there will be a time when the wwe will try and trademark nearly everything to do with wrestling

Garden State Saint
07-11-2007, 06:10 PM
I'm not surprised but its not a big deal.

07-11-2007, 06:28 PM
Neither am I and considering how much money the WWE has in their budget they'll probably get it but lets not forget that it was TNA's own fault in showing the WWE building in the first place.

Garden State Saint
07-11-2007, 06:37 PM
The VKM gimmick sold a couple shirts and that was about it. Whatever.

07-11-2007, 11:02 PM
TNA was the one that called out WWE so why shouldnt they its the mans initials after all and they are using it

07-12-2007, 12:51 AM
What is VKM anyway?

07-12-2007, 07:07 AM
What is VKM anyway?

Its a Tag Team in TNA
Voodoo Kin Mafia (BG James/Road Dogg and Kip James/Billy Gunn) They suck Basically anyway

And VKM In WWE Is Vince McMahon's Intials

07-12-2007, 01:23 PM
sounds pretty stupid to me,but hey...!?

I'm sure that if Vinnie Mac could put a trademark on the word "grapefruits" just to make money off of the grocery stores that sell them to the public,and say that "they are selling his "oversized testes":haha:,so he should get the money for it",he would!.

On a side note,I'm just curious how the WWE can oppose the VKM trademark,when it stands for "Voodoo Kin Mafia".and NOT "Vincent Kennedy McMahon".
TNA was just "implying" that it stands for Vince Kennedy McMahon,and they don't even do that anymore!

Garden State Saint
07-12-2007, 02:45 PM
^It must have been a slow day at the office. Either file this claim for the VKM trademark or watch an Al Snow match.

07-12-2007, 10:39 PM
before you know it they will start sueing eachother for using the same color ring ropes