View Full Version : Kennedy Claims To Not Use Steroids, Astin News, More

Black Widow
07-14-2007, 02:33 PM
-- Ken Kennedy appeared on On The Record on Fox News earlier tonight. He appeared in the studio with Martha MacCallum, who was filling in for Greta Van Susteren, because he happened to be in the New York City area -- which is where the Fox News studios are located. Earlier in the night, he appeared at a WWE fan gathering at the Spotlight Live Club in New York City with some other WWE stars. Martha asked Kennedy if he uses steroids. He said that he does not use steroids. Kennedy said he has been drug tested five times since he joined WWE and has passed every single one. He also added that there was a steroid problem in WWE in the past, but there isn't one now. According to Kennedy, Chris Benoit probably took steroids the day he died, because he passed his last test in April. According to Kennedy, Eddie Guerrero and Brian Pillman died because of the lifestyle of the past and that it's not an issue now. He also said that only five people have died while being employed to WWE and that the rest were just on the "independent scene." Kennedy said he doesn't think the toxicology reports will provide any answers in the Benoit case. You can catch the replay tonight at 1:00 A.M. EST. Kennedy comes on at around the 43 minute mark.

-- ABCNews.com published a report on Thursday titled "Beyond Benoit: More Wrestlers Tied to Doc" naming the other wrestlers named in investigator documents into Chris Benoit's doctor, Phil Astin III. The first paragraph of the article reads, "At least six professional wrestlers - including Chris Benoit, former champion Lex Luger, and popular current star Rey Mysterio - have been implicated in the federal government's probe..." They also name Marcus "Buff" Bagwell, "Hardcore" Bob Holly, and Mark Jindrak (who was in WWE during the time period of his use) as being patients of Astin in the story. The article also says that Astin's records were seized as part of the investigation and notes that the local Fox News affiliate confirmed that "O.G." and "M.J." were indeed Rey Mysterio and Mark Jindrak. You can read the ABC News report at abcnews.go.com/Sports/story?id=3370423.

-- Konnan appeared on the "Between The Ropes" radio show on Wednesday night. He said that about 90% of full-time wrestlers are on steroids and/or growth hormones, and about 30 to 40% over use or abuse drugs.


07-14-2007, 06:47 PM
have you seen kennedy? he has fat all over his stomach.. not as much as big show, but enough that u can see it.. this guy doesnt use steroids.

Ill Will
07-14-2007, 08:09 PM
I'm getting kind of tired of Kennedy acting as if he knows everything that goes on in the WWE. Maybe from his perception, there aren't any steroid problems, but he doesn't say it that way. He acts as if he CAN'T be wrong. Even with all the evidence that has came out, he acts as if it's simply crazy for anyone to even speculate that steroids might be in use just because HE hasn't witnessed it. He needs to get over his ego trip and stop acting like he's completely omnipotent because he's a current superstar, and as if nothing anyone else says is credible. Is it not possible that certain superstars receive a higher degree of leniency? Is it not possible that issues that come up may be kept very quiet and hidden, even away from the all-knowing Ken Kennedy? Is it not possible to CHEAT on a piss test? Seriously, Kennedy needs to get over himself.

07-14-2007, 09:31 PM
Kennedy DEFINITELY does not use steroids... Cena,Batista etc. are more likely to be using steroids. If Rey Mysterio is using steroids and is confirmed to be associated to steroids, why is WWE promoting him so much? I thought they would keep him quiet, guess not...

07-15-2007, 12:27 AM
i doubt Rey mysterio is on roids. I mean, he does not look like he is and if he is they must suck!