View Full Version : Update On Chis Jericho's Return, More Wrestlers To Appear On News Shows

Black Widow
07-14-2007, 07:56 PM
As I reported previously about Chris Jericho's gimmick change the talk has now died down. A WWE staff member is saying that he has heard nothing ever since the first time he got the leak. It is said that Y2J being a babyface is better off than having a serious role which may be a potential heel. Even though the fact that Jericho will be back in the lineup will boost some ratings it will be better off him being a good guy. His return has been a long awaited one and it will definitely get the fans going at their shows. It is said that the time is here for people to forget about the tragic events of Chris Benoit's family and slowly move forward returning to normalcy.

The WWE may be sending several other wrestlers to appear on shows to support the sports entertainment industry. All the major news networks have been covering the Benoit story in one way or another. Steroid use has always been a major topic within sports in general but WWE getting involved with such a heated topic may not be such a great idea for the company. They are already getting lots of attention as is. Putting more wrestlers or former WWE wrestlers on the show may be have a negative effect. In result digging themselves a very deep hole.

(Source: Ray Costello & WestEnder Newsprint)


07-15-2007, 06:50 PM
Jericho was always a good guy in my eyes as long as he doesnt change his attitude to like a lashley type person thats cool