View Full Version : Mark Henry & Fit Finlay Interviews, Nancy Benoit's Funeral

Flair Country
07-14-2007, 08:05 PM
For those of you who care, here is a link (http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0707/13/ng.01.html) to the transcript of Fit Finlay's appearance on Nancy dis-Grace last night. I tried watching it but that woman is just unbearable to me. It's a lot easier to read the transcript.

Mike already posted the link (http://www.statesman.com/sports/content/sports/stories/other/07/14/0714henry.html) to the interview with Mark Henry, where he talks about the rigors of the road and his disdain for drug usage. I find it very interesting that he mentioned that he drives alone because if he were to get pulled over by police for some reason and they found drugs on someone else, he would get blamed for them too. I admire his honesty but I would bet WWE doesn't exactly like seeing that quote right now. It's a very good read.

Today was the funeral for Nancy and Daniel Benoit in Daytona Beach, FL. We were told that it just ended a little while ago. There was media and about 120 people there, including some WWE employees. Three weeks later it is still so hard to believe that this actually happened.

The family of the late Nancy Benoit announced that they have formed a foundation in the memory of Nancy and Daniel Benoit. The family is asking that in lieu of gifts or condolences, donations be made to the foundation. Donations can be sent to:

The Nancy and Daniel Benoit Foundation for Battered Women and Abused Children
c/o Decker, Hallman, Barber and Briggs
260 Peachtree St. Suite 1700
Atlanta, GA 30303
