View Full Version : More Details Of Nancy & Daniel's Funeral Service

Black Widow
07-15-2007, 03:11 PM
As might be expected, the funeral services today for Nancy and Daniel Benoit were extremely emotional. The service opened with the recording of Elton John's classic song, "Daniel".

To follow up on my report earlier about many feeling a lot of resentment towards Marc Mero. Bob Ryder is reporting once source told him that "It sickens me that he's on all those shows plugging his website and offering to go speak at schools. He's using this horrible tragedy to try to get his name out there about his personal training business."

Other people who attended the funeral service aside from the ones I mentioned earlier in my article, Brian Hildebrand's wido Pam was on hand. Chris Benoit had been very close to Hildebrand and was devastated by his death due to cancer. Ryder also says that Pam had kept in touch with the Benoit family over the years and spoke to Nancy days prior to her being murdered.

(Source: Bob Ryder, pwheadlines.com)

07-15-2007, 04:16 PM
Marc Mero is so sick... That must have been a very sad event...