View Full Version : The Fourth Cryptic Blog - Matt Hardy

Black Widow
07-16-2007, 06:29 PM
The Fourth Cryptic Blog

Hello my cyberamigos! In case you don't know or have forgotten what a Matt Hardy cryptic blog is, let me enlighten you. It's where I randomly and cryptically state several random thoughts as they come to me. And everything is on a realtime format. So.. Here we go...

It's 2:58 a.m. and I'm sipping on a Sunny D & V and listening to perhaps my favorite song ever, "Corduroy", by Pearl Jam. My favorite lines in the song are, "All the things that others want from me, I can't buy what I want because it's free... Can't be what you want because I'm me." I love seeing my blinking little green light. It's always exciting to see who it is. So in the five years I've been in my house, I've never had any problems with my air conditioning. It screwed up this weekend and my house has been a sauna cause I can't get someone out to fix it until Monday. A friend of mine jinxed me I tell you. She knows who she is, HA! "The Grudge" by Tool just started. I cheated like a mofo on my diet tonight. I just had a cheeseburger with no mustard and fries at Kelly's Truck Stop. Mmmm! I'm not planning on ending my white-hot streak anytime soon. Let's look at the list of superstars who've recently suffered unfortunate Twist of Fates--Joey Mercury, Mr. Kennedy, King Booker, The Miz, Mr. Kennedy again, William Regal, Finlay, Lance Cade, M.V.P., and Chris Masters. I'm one Twist away from the U.S. Title. I've never been the guy that things happen for overnight, I take my time and make things REAL. I'm not afraid to bust my ass and sacrifice to achieve and succeed. Professionally or personally. Nirvana just came up on my iPod with "Heart-Shaped Box." Sometimes I think it's weird that I am often times driven harder by negativity towards me than positivity towards me. At least I never get down from negativity. As always, I thank all of you who bring the "MATT FOR CHAMP" signs and support me at WWE events. It will always be US versus THEM. There's such a fine line between love and hate, it's crazy! "One Million Bottlebags" by Public Enemy is playing. Thanks for always watching my matches and giving me feedback Apollo, I greatly appreciate it. Only one person in the world will get that. The media and the "internet writers" have been so tough on the WWE. "Personal Choice" is something every professional wrestler has. At 32 years old, I have no complaints with my life or livelihood. I've been blessed, I've busted my ass and worked hard and I've succeeded. I'm not attempting to brag or boast, but I'll use myself as an example. I have an amazing house paid for, two cars paid for, and could walk away from wrestling tomorrow. There are several guys just like me today. The WWE doesn't make anyone's life bad--succumbing to temptation and greed is what makes someone's life bad. Kanye West just came up with "All Falls Down." I love the professional wrestling business and am very protective of it-- always will be. You think he knows? You can't make your mind tell your heart something different regardless of how hard you try. It's been SO nice to get some of the recognition and praise I've been getting on the 'net recently. I've worked long and hard for it. The latest iPod jam is "Rockstar" by Nickelback. I recently came across an Edge message board and there was a thread discussing my "obsession" over the "situation." I think the only people stuck in 2005 are the people that were in that thread. It's been a very long time since I've harbored any negativity due to the "situation." If only people knew what went down in Europe. Tool's up again with "Vicarious." That song sums up the media and public pretty well. Man, I was in awesome shape during THS episode "Vass Fitness." It makes me giggle how quickly people will flip the relationship status switch on MySpace. It's so awesome how pure and innocent the soul and intentions of Lucas are. I actually cleaned my house up this weekend--that a rarity. Pearl Jam with "Gone" is jamming. "And to be quite honest with you, I took some stuff out of your case--it's the only time I've ever technically stolen from you!" Only three people in the world know what this hilarious quote means. I encourage everyone out there to not dwell on the mishaps of the past, just learn from them. We should never make the same mistake twice. Why did Jeff keep doing drunken Swantons into the bushes that night at the Ale House? Pearl Jam again with "Animal." What about when Jeff yelled "YOU PAID TO SEE ME!!" at the top of his lungs on "The Quest For Sod?" Loved it. But not as much as they love me in Laredo, HA! My goal is to be the real M.V.P. of the WWE--the best wrestler/entertainer/storyteller in the company. "Sadness" by Enya just hit my eardrums. Ah yeah, that's love-making music! Why was someone so nervous in the Waffle House when I got eye to eye with her--it was too cute. My advice to all of you is this--don't trade magic for fact until you obtain the facts you want. It's just about hot-tub time. Wow, I slapped the f*ck out of Andrew in "It's The Goose." Bryan Adams with "Run To You" just invaded the airwaves. Stay strong, always believe, keep the faith, and don't ever give up on yourself. And don't forget to say your prayers. We can all use the help from upstairs. I'll talk to you all very soon...

Quote of the day - "If you've never heard that silence, it's a God-awful sound" - Matchbox Twenty, Kody

