View Full Version : RAW Results - 16th Jul, 2007

07-17-2007, 05:13 AM
RAW Results - 16th Jul, 2007
Location - Corpus Christi, Texas
Announcers - J.R and Jerry 'The King' Lawler

The King of Kings plays on the Titantron, but King Booker comes out instead of Triple H with Queen Sharmell by his side. He says perhaps the crowd was expecting someone else. Booker didn't like last week's video implying that Trips is the King of Kings. Booker calls it blasphemy and Sharmell tells us that Booker is the only King in WWE. Booker strips Triple H of any association with the word king.

Booker would also like to address another King...Jerry Lawler. Book says he's respected Lawler for many years and asks, as a sign of respect, that Lawler remove 'King' from his name. Lawler says he is a fan of Booker's, but Lawler has been a king for over 30 years and doesn't see why they can't coexist. Booker replies that a Kingdom can not be split. Jerry says he won't call himself the King on RAW out of respect for Booker. Booker asks, or axes, Jerry to kiss his ring. Lawler refuses to comply. Booker says he isn't asking Jerry, but he is ordering. Jerry still says no. Booker slugs him, but Lawler fights back. Booker drops the accent and says, "I'm gonna git yo ass, Jerry!"

Flair predicts Cena will defeat Lashley at the Great American Bash.

Recap of Umaga destroying Santino Marella is shown. The next match is to determine who will face Umaga for the IC Belt at the GAB.

Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Santino Marella vs. William Regal

All four are former Intercontinental Champions. Shelton takes out Hardy with a Cactus Clothesline and Marella puts Regal in an armbar. Regal pulls Marella to the floor. Shelton gets Jeff back in the ring and hits some punches. Hardy fights back and tosses Shelton in the corner. The two cross body block each other. Regal elbow drops Hardy for two, and does the same to Benjamin for another two. Marella rolls up Regal for two. Snap suplex by Marella. Benjamin blindsides him. Snap suplex by Benjamin to Marella for two. Santino kicks back and scores with some knees. Shelton rolls up Marella for two. Marella tries for a roll up of his own, but Regal knees him in the face and pins him to absolutely no reaction.

Santino Marella is eliminated by William Regal.

Benjamin works on Regal. Hardy comes back and punches Regal in the corner. Benjamin takes Hardy out of the corner for an Electric Chair Drop. Regal covers for two before the commercial.

Back from the break, Regal and Shelton combine to suplex Jeff Hardy into the ring. Both make the cover for two. The two then fight over who covers. Regal tries to shake his hand, but attacks from behind and knees Shelton. Exploder Suplex by Regal. He gives Hardy a back elbow, followed by a knee drop for two. Shelton punches Regal, but Regal and Shelton collide in the corner and fall down. Hardy knocks down both men. Mule kick knocks Shelton from the ring. Back body drop and corner dropkick to Regal. Hardy ducks Regal and hits the Twist of Fate to eliminate Regal.

William Regal is eliminated by Jeff Hardy

Shelton leaps off the top with a Blockbuster for two on Hardy. Benjamin mounts Hardy and starts punching him for two. Hardy comes back with Whisper in the Wind. He knocks Haas off the apron and throws Shelton to the floor. Jeff then slingshots over the top rope to knock both down. He rolls Shelton in, but misses the Swanton Bomb. Shelton covers, but only gets two. Shelton goes for a powerbomb, but Shelton reverses it into a pin with a bridge for the win. Good match, best on RAW in a few weeks, actually. Everyone but Marella looked good and got some offense in, and the match made the IC belt seem important.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

Randy Orton is in the back with Todd Grisham, and we find that Cody Rhodes has accepted Orton's challenge to fight on RAW tonight. Orton says he is the Legend Killer, and if could end Shawn Michaels' career, Cody should think about what he will do to him and his father, Dusty.

Maria is in the back trying to console Santino, who thinks (correctly) that he is a loser. He mentions seeing Transformers with her and says it was a miracle. Note from Ed: Awesome movie. If you were a fan of the cartoon, you will love seeing it. Santino says he feels like quitting, but Maria changes his mind. He wants Maria to spend the night with him, and says he will 'makea' her pancakes. They hug and he smiles.

Batista says that Bobby Lashley will win on Sunday.

Snitsky, who looks horrible and has yellow teeth, says he likes hurting people. His opponents pain is his pleasure.

Snitsky vs. Val Venis

Val, who only appears on television to do jobs now, gets more of a reaction than Snitsky. Val goes for a wristlock, but gets pushed into the corner. Val blocks a charge, but is caught when he jumps at Snitsky and rammed in the corner. Snitsky hits the back, then throws Val into the ropes before hitting the back again. Val reverses another attempt, but Snitsky clotheslines him and hits the Pumphandle Slam for the win.

Winner: Snitsky

Snitsky puts his foot on Val's chest, and Val knocks it off. That makes Snitsky mad and he picks him up for another Pumphandle Slam.

Grisham wonders why Cody accepted Orton's challenge. Cody says unlike Randy, he would never disrespect his father. He says at the GAB, there is no way Randy can RKO his legacy, or concuss Rhodes' following. He mentions his match tonight and walks off after a hug from Dusty.

Jerry Lawler is in the ring talking about the Texas Bull Rope Match of Dusty Rhodes vs. Randy Orton. Jerry Lawler has to explain how it works. They are attached by a rope with a cowbell in the middle. The only way to win is by pin or submission. What, no four corners? Lawler says he was seen Rhodes toss his opponents over the top rope and yank them back in, and he has seen Rhodes tie people up with the bull rope. Good promo that put over Rhodes and the gimmick.

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes w/ Dusty Rhodes

Cody comes out with his own theme and green tights/yellow boots for those that care. Orton stares at Cody to start. He turns to Dusty to taunt. Cody with a waistlock. Orton elbows out. Cody dodges a charge, but Orton clotheslines him and stares at Dusty. Orton chokes and hits Cody in the chest in the ropes. He tosses Rhodes to the floor. Orton stalls to stare at Dusty again and Cody slams Orton's head on the mat. Back in the ring, Cody misses a cross body attempt. Randy does the Garvin/Orton Stomp. Orton jaws at Dusty again. Cody tries to take advantage, but falls to a powerslam. Back body drop by Orton and a knee drop followed by more stomps. Cody punches back, but Orton takes him down with some forearms. Suplex by Orton and another stomp to Cody's head. Chinlock by Orton. Cody gets out, but Orton knees him in the gut and gets another knee drop. Orton slaps Cody on the mat then punches him to avoid a pinfall attempt. Cody with some Dusty like punches. He goes to the top rope and the Son of a Son of a Plumber hits a missile dropkick for a very near fall. Orton with a European Uppercut and backbreaker. Orton gets ready for the RKO and tells Dusty to watch. Orton connects and pins Cody. Cody actually looked pretty good here in what little offense he had, and he sells well.

Winner: Randy Orton

Dusty gets in to check on Cody. Randy tries to sneak up on him, but Dusty knows better. Orton leaves the ring as the crowd loudly chants Dusty.

Stone Cold Steve Austin says Lashley-Cena is a dream match. He gives the edge to John Cena.

Melina w/ Beth Phoenix vs. Mickie James w/ Candice Michelle

Mickie gets a quick roll up, but Melina kicks out. The two lock up. Melina with a wristlock and kicks to Mickie's stomach. Mickie cartwheels out and gets a monkeyflip. Mickie tosses Melina into the corner and dropkicks Melina in the face as Melina is on her knees. Mickie blocks a charge in the corner, but is distracted by Phoenix. Melina dropkicks Mickie as she comes off the middle rope. Melina places Mickie in the corner and stomps her to the floor. Snapmare and chinlock by Melina. Mickie with some forearms and flying clothesline. She pulls Melina down by the hair. Mickie with a neckbreaker for two. Mickie blocks a charge and gets a rana out of the corner. Phoenix distracts Mickie again. Mickie kicks Beth down, but Melina hits her from behind, then hits the Guillotine Leg Drop for the pin.

Winner: Melina

Regal meets Hacksaw in the locker room. He asks Hacksaw for a 2 x 4 because Coachman wants to bronze it in tribute for Hacksaw. Many gay double entendres about wood follow, with Ron Simmons saying Damn as Regal tries to look like a gentleman.

Mick Foley says that Bobby Lashley is poised to take the gold.

Carlito vs. The Sandman

Sandman with a wristlock into hammerlock. Carlito makes the ropes. Carlito counters a back body drop and takes down Sandman. Carlito with some punches and stomps. He throws Sandman into the corner and kicks and punches him. Snapmare and Carlito torques Sandman's head. Sandman gets out and scoop slams Carlito. He climbs to the top, but William Regal runs in and starts punching Sandman in retaliation for Sandman hitting him last week. Hacksaw's music hits and Duggan comes down to make the save with his massive piece of wood.

Your winner by disqualification: The Sandman

JBL thinks that John Cena will win due to experience.

We see some replays of Kennedy being pinned by Super Crazy and Kennedy assaulting Crazy last week.

Mr. Kennedy vs. Super Crazy

Kennedy pushes Crazy into the corner. Crazy pushes back and scores with a rolling heel kick. Kennedy with a side headlock and shoulderblock. Crazy clips him in the stomach. Crazy hits some blows in the corner, but gets forearmed to the mat. Kennedy stomps and chokes Crazy in the corner. Kennedy with a face wash for two. Kennedy punches Crazy down and knees him in the gut. They trade blows in the corner. Kennedy with an Abdominal Stretch. He grabs the ropes for leverage. He turns it into a pin for two. Crazy blocks a splash on the mat and punches back. Crazy with some splashes in the corner and a scoop slam. He hits a couple springboard moonsaults, but Kennedy crotches him on the third attempt and hits a reverse superplex for the win.

Winner: Mr. Kennedy

Kennedy calls for the mic post match and announces himself as the winner again...Kennedy.

Six Million Dollar Man homage for the latest Triple H video.

Bobby Lashley and John Cena are brought to the ring for their showdown. Their are podiums set up in the ring and Coach is at a podium on the stage. Coach is the moderator and shows a clip of Lashley spearing Cena after the contract signing two weeks ago. Coach says Cena hasn't faced anyone like Lashley during this latest reign and wants to know if Cena thinks he will lose the belt on Sunday. Cena says that is an unbelievably great question. Cena puts on some fake tears and says the spear hurt him and he realized he can't win this match, and he never learned to read (Wayne's World shout out). Cena switches gears and says that was a terrible question. Cena addresses Lashley and says he's won, lost, but never backed down to the best in the land. He promises Lashley will get his best at the GAB. Coach asks Bobby what message he wanted to send with the Spear. Lashley doesn't want to answer any questions, and calls Cena the hype-man.

He throws down the podium and says Cena can talk, but Bobby is ready to fight. Coach says he runs the show, and tells them to take it seriously. Bobby says he is going to do something he should have done a long time ago. Coach says if he touches him, he will lose the title shot. Cena says the aggression will be Lashley's downfall, and says he shouldn't be concerned with Coachman. he should be concerned with the greatest opportunity of his life, or he will leave the ring without a belt. Lashley starts to walk back to the ring, but refs and security block his path. Cena puts over Lashley's credentials and he plans to put Bobby's invincibility to the test because the champ is here. That brings Lashley back out and they get face to face on the floor. Lashley shoves Cena's head and they start to brawl to end the show.
