View Full Version : News On The Possibility Of Samoa Joe Signing With WWE

Dangerous Incorporated
07-18-2007, 01:22 AM
Samoa Joe was recently offered a new contract from TNA, but he turned it down. This may turn into a big story or it may just be a leverage deal.

According to a source in WWE, there is mild interest in him but it's nowhere near a lock that he'd be signed. He's not particularly tall, doesn't have the WWE build, plus he wouldn't be able to do most of his high impact stuff.

One person compared him to Tazz, a guy that people raved about due to his work in ECW, but then when he got called up to WWE and all of his suplexes and such were taken away from him, he was just a short guy that ended up as an announcer within a few years. When Tazz first got called up, in fact, Vince McMahon took one look at him and almost ended his in-ring run before it started. Former WWE writer Chris Kreski, who died of cancer a year or so ago at age 42, pushed really hard for him and ended up getting him on TV at least for a period.

One person did note that, worst case scenario, he could go to WWE and get a bad gimmick and probably no push, but then when that deal expired if TNA was still around he could go back there and just based on being a former WWE guy (see Tomko) probably get the biggest push of his career.

The current plan for him in TNA is to continue to build up the Joe vs. Kurt feud to culminate in a match for the title this fall. His current deal expires in a few months, so they may be building up towards a match that might never take place if he leaves before the PPV is booked.

source: www.f4wonline.com

07-18-2007, 10:43 AM
oh man, Joe better not sign with WWE!!! I will be PISSED OFF!!!!!!! That would be the dumbest thing Samoa Joe could do!!

but I do find this part to be hilarious though! LOL!!

One person did note that, worst case scenario, he could go to WWE and get a bad gimmick and probably no push, but then when that deal expired if TNA was still around he could go back there and just based on being a former WWE guy (see Tomko) probably get the biggest push of his career.

07-18-2007, 03:02 PM
yes joe on WWE would be the worst move but were else could he go?

Garden State Saint
07-18-2007, 03:06 PM
I've been a huge Samoa Joe supporter for years now and him signing with WWE would be really interesting from the pure standpoint of him havig new faces to work with. If WWE wants to create a new image of their athletes/wrestlers then Samoa Joe would be a great start. Joe is a smart guy, he'll do whats right for him.

07-18-2007, 04:45 PM
ity would be terrible if he went to the WWE he would be miss used

07-18-2007, 06:35 PM
i think he should stay with tna as i can see him being a mid card wrestler at best if he were to join the wwe

07-18-2007, 06:42 PM
Well if Samoa Joe did go to the WWE, (which he has worked at heat tapings before) I would have the feeling that he wouldn't be on Raw or would be shown the OVW route then place him on SmackDown or ECW. These are the same people that raved about CM Punk and said he would get a bad gimmick. If Joe were in the WWE I am pretty sure that hed be able to keep his gimmick. If he didnt sign with TNA a more likely option would be to sign with ROH. He has tremendous feelings about that place like it was his second home so I see him more going to ROH than to the WWE at this point but if he wants Money he will go to the WWE if he wants to be with his friends then hed go to ROH/WWE (some friends like Colt Cabana, CM Punk, Umaga are already there)

Garden State Saint
07-18-2007, 08:54 PM
Don't forget John Cena, Paul London and Victoria.

Just thinking any guy would be held back if he want to a company is ridiculous. Joe making the jump and taking a gamble with his career would be really admirable. Movement in TNA is very very limited and I would imagine he already sees this. You're always better off taking a chance.