View Full Version : *SPOILERS* SmackDown! (To Air 20 July 07) - NEW WHC

Dangerous Incorporated
07-18-2007, 01:59 AM
http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/231/sdas9.gif (http://imageshack.us)

- Teddy Long annouches that Edge is injured and has to vacate the belt.Edge came out walking kinda depressed, no fireworks, he talked about his championship goals. He aired his own tribute, which was pretty funny with "Simply The Best" song. Teddy anoucnes that the belt will be decided in a 20-man battle royal.

- Torrie Wilson Vs. Victoria: Ok match, Torrie got a huge pop. Victoria won with the windows peak.

- 20 Man Battle Royal: Cant really remember all the details but. The last three men were Batista, Kane, and Khali. Batista was trying to get Kane over the top rope, but Khali came from behind and tossed them both.

- Khali Interview with his announcer about his win.

- Teddy Long and Vickie talk backstage about Khali's win. They contemplate on who should face Khali at GAB. Teddy long decides to have a match between Kane and Batista to decide who gets to face Khali at GAB.

- MVP Interview: Talks about his match with Matt Hardy at GAB.

- Matt Hardy Vs. Kenny Dystra: Decent match. Matt Hardy won with a super twist of fate.

- Kane Vs. Batista: Crowd went crazy for this match. Good match. At the end of the match, Khali came to the ring and hit Batista, causing a DQ. Teddy Long came out and anounced that Khali would face both Kane and Batista at the GAB, in a triple threat match.

Note: After ECW ended, we got a bonus match which was the match for GAB. It was Kane, Batista, and Khali for the belt. Short match just to satisfy the fans I guess. Khali had been thrown outside the ring and came back and used a chair and caused the DQ.

http://img183.imagevenue.com/loc226/th_20763_5079590_122_226lo.jpg (http://img183.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=20763_5079590_122_226lo.jpg) http://img9.imagevenue.com/loc732/th_20764_5079200_122_732lo.jpg (http://img9.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=20764_5079200_122_732lo.jpg)
Source: PWInsider

Will be updated shortly.

07-18-2007, 02:04 AM
Beat me by 2 secs and I did not need a source lol. 20 man battle royal sounds good but why the hell did they choose Khali :sad:

07-18-2007, 02:13 AM
why the hell do they tell us on ECW? i mean dont they WANT us to be shocked?

Dangerous Incorporated
07-18-2007, 02:39 AM
I still dont understand that if Kane was the No. 1 Contender then shouldnt he rightlyfully be the next Champ?

07-18-2007, 02:40 AM
This is a joke!!!! Anybody but Khali

07-18-2007, 03:11 AM
Why the hell wouldn't they give it to Kane, the number 1 contender for the Belt not some freak who can't wrestle for crap. I'm so glad I gave up on WWE right now.

07-18-2007, 03:37 AM
The WHC title officially has no value what-so-ever, just like the Ic title :\

07-18-2007, 04:11 AM

PS: This belt really is cursed...and taking the best with it...

07-18-2007, 05:05 AM
Dammit all to hell I was hoping the earlier reports were false...this freakin sucks. I hope he loses it fast. I would even give it back to Batista over Khali

Bad Boy
07-18-2007, 05:46 AM
wow, WWE is gonna hit Rock Bottom with this... Khali as World Champ, I didnt like Henry or Hardy as champ, and now Khali... hell make Batista champ, make even funaki champ, anyone but Khali... that dumbshit cant even speak english... wtf is going on in Vince's mind... and Khali vs. Kane for the World Title, thats not a good match, last time they two fought they didnt put up a good match

Dangerous Incorporated
07-18-2007, 06:15 AM
No further spoilers are out just yet. I will update first post when they are.

Bad Boy
07-18-2007, 06:18 AM
well, I'll be damned... now please Vince, give the strap to Kane, if Khali wins, SD gonna drop ratings like anything...

07-18-2007, 06:22 AM
I thought it was going to be Kane vs Batista at GAB for the number 1 spot?

Although, if Dangerous is correct, Kane has way more chance to win the Championship at GAB now than he did before with Edge.

Dangerous Incorporated
07-18-2007, 06:23 AM
Everybody wants Kane to win the title and I thought Vince gives his fans what he wants....like Vince blowing up!!

Things seems to be changing every 5 mins LD so who really knows right now but it appears to be that either Kane or Batista will vs Khali @ GAB.

07-18-2007, 06:25 AM
Well Batista vs Kane sounds to be a good match. But I didnt like the first time Khali and Kane feuded.

Bad Boy
07-18-2007, 06:26 AM
just whoever takes the strap off Khali... and as far as Vince giving fans what they want, never happened lately... he always does what we don't like... like Cena still the champ, Khali the new champ etc etc

Dangerous Incorporated
07-18-2007, 06:29 AM
just whoever takes the strap off Khali... and as far as Vince giving fans what they want, never happened lately... he always does what we don't like... like Cena still the champ, Khali the new champ etc etc

Touche. Vince needs to start listening to us or else!! :bat:

Bad Boy
07-18-2007, 06:41 AM
or else, one day his limo might blow up FOR REAL!! lol

Dangerous Incorporated
07-18-2007, 06:45 AM
lol Im looking forward to the WWE after Vince especially with all the BS going atm.

I stand corrected it is a triple threat match @ GAB

http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/7739/5079670gf6.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
A sign of things to come by the looks. Turn the belt around you Great Galoot!! :rolleyes:

07-18-2007, 08:38 AM
I do not want Batista getting the belt back.

07-18-2007, 08:46 AM
Things seems to be changing every 5 mins.

Well when a champion who they have plans in store for him all of a sudden get injured, expect that. I definetly want to see Kane win. Batista has been up there for a while, and I'd like to see something diffrent. Khai simply sucks, no reason needed for him. ECW was really a bad idea, If they had never brought the brand, WWE wouldn't be in this desperate situation. They would have more superstars in the brands, or atleast more talent put into SmackDown and Raw.

Dangerous Incorporated
07-18-2007, 08:48 AM
^^ Oh trust me I did, it was just a matter of trying to keep up with the info coming and finding what is right and what isnt and I made a boo boo but all is fixed now.

Triple X
07-18-2007, 10:22 AM
khali is gonna ruin the show it should have been between kane and batista at the bash

07-18-2007, 02:47 PM
I'm actually kind of glad Khali has the belt, now WWE disapointed the fans again. Soon they'll come running to TNA. Kane? Kane doesn't care, he just wants to put guys over. Altho with the lack of talent now everyone could have the title, but Khali is just damn wrong lol. Batista could win it.

Bad Boy
07-18-2007, 03:27 PM
I wudnt mind Batista winning, he is alrite... Kane is a good choice too... just Khali shudn't retain... but WWE being so screwed up, Khali might retain

07-18-2007, 04:25 PM
Ok it sucks that Edge is not champ. Kahli? come on Vince. Of all the other people on SD I think they could have found someone better to be champion.

07-18-2007, 06:32 PM
i think batista will win the title on sunday. i really do not want this to happen as he lost a "last chance" match at the last pay-per-view and it would stupid to give him the belt so soon after losing that match

07-19-2007, 12:37 PM
Mark henrys little interview the other weekend where he spoke about not waanting to travel with other superstars because he did not want to get caught with drugs is why he was not chosen to be in the title hunt I am guessing.

I would have liked to have seen Matt Hardy get the nod but there is just to much history with the WWE for him to get a title run at this point.

I agree with a few others that kennedy could have been brought back to Smackdown as Edge could have brought him in and said he wanted him to have the title, kind of like Edge putting his own man on the title till he returns and so on.

I am not sure where they will go with this, I do not see Kane winning on Sunday but I can wish :). Batista is the only over guy that WWE might think about giving the title to and have him and Khali feud over it, atleast till Rey comes back which if is at this PPV could have a hand in the result of the match. Although I am not sure if the WWE will place him in the title run right off the bat.

Should be an interesting match none the less at GAB.

Dangerous Incorporated
07-19-2007, 12:50 PM
Good luck with vBookie on that match guys!

07-20-2007, 08:10 AM
My thoughts on the Great Khali is that he can be very good and still has the potential to be dominant if he can be more mobile and use the speed to provide more of a move-set that can work for his size, power and mobility. I would have prefered if Mark Henry won the Belt since he doesn't even have a match at GAB and probably would of been a better match to have Kane vs. Mark Henry anyways considering they're last encounter when Henry demolished Kane at One Night Stand. Khali/Batista had a match, Kane had a match, Matt Hardy had a match so why not give it to a guy whose been solid on the mic and can be an effective Monster Heel.