View Full Version : J.Rs blog: Discusses Benoit funeral and the critics about him going and alot more.

07-19-2007, 10:45 AM
Jim Ross has posted his latest blog entry, discussing a variety of topics. You can check out the full entry by clicking here (http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/2007/07/18/jr%e2%80%99s-family-bar-b-q-going-strong-jr-addresses-callous-media-story-les-thatcher-unlikely-wrestlers%e2%80%99s-union-dr-death-hall-of-famer-larry-king-michigan-wolverines-jr-and-king-to-make-auto/).

- Jim Ross has his say about some of the articles and columns that have been written about his attendance at the funeral services of Nancy and Daniel Benoit: "Just a quick response to an article I was emailed that essentially hammered yours truly for attending the Benoit services last Saturday in Daytona. I was asked to attend the services of Nancy and Daniel Benoit by the WWE to represent the company and I did so willingly. At no time did I want or attempt to create the alleged “media stunt” that some ill informed journalist in New York City has written about. As reported, I did respectfully sit in the back of the church, but by no means was I the first to leave the church and walked out of the church, after the services had concluded, with Dean Malenko and Fit Finlay along with Vicki Guerrero. I did wear my hat, as I usually do when I leave my home for trips, but obviously not in the church. I spoke perhaps 60 seconds with the media as I was getting out of the car and out of the rain, while putting on my jacket, before entering the church and did not have a “press conference” nor had I planned on even talking to the media. I may have answered 2-3 questions at most. The media wanted to talk to me again after the service and I declined. I did not bring up the “steroid issues” but merely answered the very first question out of the media’s mouth and attempted to dispel that topic quickly as I was not there to discuss anything, much less “steroids”. It has been written that “sources say” I was not an invited guest to attend the service. That is true but I never realized one had to be invited to attend any funeral service. In my last blog, I wrote of my true feelings and emotions of this experience. If I am made a scapegoat or a villain by the media thru “sources say” then so be it. I honestly and sincerely went to Daytona to pay respects to Nancy, a long time friend, who I had known since the 80’s, and to her son Daniel who I had known since his birth 7 years ago. I will have lasting memories of this service forever and I still cannot articulate how badly I feel for Nancy’s family and friends over their loss. If my attending this service was an inadvertent distraction to the family, then I apologize, but I can assure all who matter, that my intentions were honorable and I was not sent to Daytona to do “damage control” as some have speculated. I do know that Nancy would have appreciated my paying respect to her memory. Nonetheless, some have “piled on” yours truly for simply doing what I thought was best. Selected letters and comments by some fans on wrestling websites recently inferring such are hurtful and just plain wrong. I know what is in my heart and I know what my intentions were in attending the service so let others say what they wish, as I know the truth."

Some more highlights from this edition:

- One-dimensional is one-dimensional. Whether it is being a one trick pony high flyer or a one trick pony power wrestler it matters not. A lack of versatility for any wrestler is a liability. Jason, I don’t “hate” high flyers but they need to have mat wrestling skills as well. The big muscle guys must be able to wrestle as well as be apt in properly utilizing their physical strengths.

- The likelihood of a “wrestlers union” as you mention is about as likely as old J.R. waking up tomorrow weighing in at a nifty, buck sixty five. You saw how former wrestlers act when they are given a chance to communicate on one common issue, recently on the infotainment news shows. It has been, at times, embarrassing. I do think that more services can be made available to all wrestlers by their respective companies and feel that the system in place to assist all talents will be ever evolving. Financial planning, the management of wrestler’s schedules, the physical and mental well being of all performers, etc should be a focus just as it is in other entities such as the NFL, MLB, etc., none of which are without issues.

- Val Venis is one of the more fundamentally sound wrestlers around. Perhaps his old persona isn’t doing him any favors, I don’t know, but make no mistake, Val can wrestle.

- I finally saw the Larry King broadcast with all the wrestlers on it and wasn’t overwhelmed with the questions asked or how King’s producers prepared Larry for the show. Plus there may have been too many guests booked for only a one hour program. I was expecting more.

- I do have worries and concerns about Dusty Rhodes returning to the ring this Sunday. Dusty is no spring chicken but his heart and spirit are young. I hope that the HOFer is physically as good as could be expected AFTER the Bash.

- Will there be a WWE vs. TNA PPV or series of matches? Not in my life time, under the current ownerships. Nor will I ever be 30 years old again, nor will I decorate our restaurant in Norman in burnt orange. Not that there is anything fundamentally wrong with burnt orange.

- If Teddy Hart is getting yet another chance to make it in the WWE, the choice is his whether he succeeds or fails. Ted must show maturity and professionalism as his athletic ability will help him increase his chances in making it. Only time will tell.

- Yes, Big Daddy V does remind me of a modern day Abdullah, the Butcher. I can only hope that Big Daddy has the success that Abby has had over the many years. Big Daddy has quite the “look”.

- I never offered Virgil a 500K contract and if I had, I feel strongly that Virgil would have accepted and that I would have been sent for counseling.

As always, the blog is a great read, and you can check out the full entry by clicking here (http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/2007/07/18/jr%e2%80%99s-family-bar-b-q-going-strong-jr-addresses-callous-media-story-les-thatcher-unlikely-wrestlers%e2%80%99s-union-dr-death-hall-of-famer-larry-king-michigan-wolverines-jr-and-king-to-make-auto/).


This is always a great read and I recommend for all to get into J.Rs blog as he gives a good no nonsense side of wrestling and other topics.