View Full Version : Smackdown results - 20th Jul, 2007

07-21-2007, 11:19 PM
Smackdown results - 20th Jul, 2007
Location -
Announcers - Michael Cole and JBL

Teddy Long is in the ring and he mentions that last week, Edge was injured so badly that he is unable to compete for the next thirty days. A champion must defend his title within that time so Edge will be relinquishing the title. Teddy Long brings out the man who will be making his final appearance as the World Champion, Edge.

Edge comes to the ring and he puts the title belt on the top turnbuckle as he enters the ring with his mic. Edge holds the belt in his hands before putting it back on his shoulder. Edge says that this is going to be very difficult for him. He asks for some help with the lighting and he is draped in blue light. He says that when he grew up in Canada, he used to watch the World Wrestling Federation and he vowed to become World Champion, a world champion that everyone could be proud of. He says that his crowning achievements have not come without their setbacks and injuries. He catalogues his injuries and says that he has torn his pec, ruptured his groin, broke his foot, separated his shoulder, and broke his neck. Edge says that he came back from all of those injuries and he came back for the fans. He did it for himself to prove that he could do it. There were a lot of people who doubted him. He says that he could deal with those injuries because they happened at home and the ring is his home. They happened in the field of battle. Last week, he was attacked by a seven foot psychotic monster named Kane. Kane crashed his Mardi Gras celebration without provocation to get an advantage for their match at the Great American Bash. Edge says that Kane knew that he could not beat him at the Bash. Edge rhetorically asks Kane if he is happy now because he is not getting the title match because during the attack, his left pectoral muscle was torn from the bone. He says that he will need surgery and will be out for four months. Kane has deprived everyone the chance to see their World Champion. Edge says that he is not going to leave the fans without something. Edge says that he has a tribute video for himself. We see the video and it is titled ‘Edge: Simply the Best’.

Teddy Long wants the lights turned up. He says that this is a lot of drama for the fans and him. Edge is there to surrender the title because he is hurt. Edge will be coming back healthy and if he gets a few wins, he will be back in line for a title match. Teddy says that the show must go on. Teddy announces that there will be a twenty-man battle royale to determine the champion. Teddy says that this is going to happen tonight. Teddy asks Edge to give him the belt. Edge says that he cannot do it. Edge wants to know how Teddy can move on so quickly. He wonders how the fans can move on so quickly. Edge says that he has given the fans everything that he has and that is what he gets in return. Edge tells Teddy that it has not even been thirty days. He wants Teddy to wait the thirty days. Teddy says that it is the right thing for the company, the title, and Edge. Edge points out that he is a three time World Champion. He says that he has defeated John Cena, the Undertaker, and Batista. Edge says that when he comes back, he will become a World Champion for the fourth time. Edge reluctantly gives Teddy the World Title belt. Edge leaves the ring and walks to the back but he looks back at the belt a number of times before we go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Edge surrendering the World Title to Teddy Long.

We see Mark Henry, Chris Masters, Eugene, and Kane get ready for the battle royale.

Torrie Wilson versus Victoria

Victoria and Torrie have some words before the match and then Victoria pushes the former Playboy cover girl into the corner. Torrie kicks Victoria and gets a two count with a rollup. Torrie with forearms to Victoria followed by a kick to the midsection. Victoria with a knee and she tries to slam Torrie’s head into the turnbuckle but Torrie blocks it and Torrie slams Victoria’s head into the turnbuckle. Torrie with kicks in the corner followed by a chop. Torrie continues the attack by tossing Victoria by her hair. Victoria goes outside and Torrie hits a Louise Thesz Press. Torrie rolls Victoria back into the ring and then Torrie kicks Victoria through the ropes and then hits a baseball slide when Victoria tries to get back into the ring. Victoria trips Torrie on the apron and then Victoria kicks Torrie before she re-enters the ring. Victoria with a kick but Torrie tries to punch Victoria. Victoria with a punch to Torrie followed by a kick. Torrie with a forearm but Victoria with a kick. Torrie with an inside cradle when she blocks a suplex. Torrie with a forearm but Victoria with a punch. Victoria gets Torrie up for a side slam but Torrie counters with a sunset flip and gets a two count. Victoria with a reverse chin lock. Torrie with an elbow but Torrie is thrown to the mat by her hair. Victoria tosses Torrie by her hair again. Torrie with a chop but Victoria with a kick. Torrie with a swinging neck breaker but she can only get a two count. Torrie charges into a knee and then Victoria gets Torrie up for the Widow’s Peak and she hits it for the three count.

Winner: Victoria

Matt Hardy is walking in the back and they go past Deuce and Domino and Domino says that one of them could be World Champ. Jimmy Wang Yang whoops it up. Batista walks by Deuce and Domino and Deuce has to hold back Domino. We go to commercial.

We are back and we see that Rey Mysterio is coming back.

We have an Earlier Tonight Moment of Edge’s criticism of the Teddy Long’s decision to take the title from him.

Teddy Long stands by the World Heavyweight Title belt as the wrestlers are already in the ring for the Battle Royale.

The participants in the Battle Royale are: Chavo Guerrero Junior, Jamie Noble, Mark Henry, Matt Hardy, Dave Taylor, Shannon Moore, Deuce, Domino, Jimmy Wang Yang, Funaki, Eugene, Chris Masters, Brett Major, Brian Major, Kenny Dykstra, Batista, Great Khali, Montel Vontavious Porter, Fit Finlay, and Kane.

Twenty Man Battle Royale to determine the new World Heavyweight Champion.

Kane is the last man to enter and as soon as he enters, the match begins with everyone pairing off. We see Batista and Khali battle while Kane and Finlay square off. Batista now squares off with Mark Henry. Masters works over Funaki and Yang. Hardy is on the apron and he tries to eliminate Porter. Kenny Dykstra turns around and sees the Great Khali and he backs up. Mark Henry press one of the Majors over his head and tosses him at his brother and both men are eliminated. Hardy punches Henry while Kane tries to eliminate Jamie Noble but Noble holds on to the ropes. Shannon Moore is eliminated by Khali and Funaki is eliminated next. We go to commercial.

We are back and the match continues. Khali works over Taylor while Mark Henry works over Guerrero and Dykstra. Khali, Mark Henry, and Fit Finlay are on their feet while the remaining wrestlers are strewn on the mat. Khali punches Yang and then we see Khali and Henry have words for each other. Kane punches Khali while Batista goes after Henry. Kane and Khali battle while everyone else eliminates Mark Henry. Domino with knees to Batista and Deuce joins in as they attack Batista. Finlay takes over on Batista. Finlay with a punch to Domino. Kenny Dykstra is sent over the top rope by Hardy but Dykstra rolls back in. Chavo and Noble try to eliminate Yang. Chavo kicks Batista while Noble is trying to stay in as Eugene and Yang try to eliminate him. Khali punches Yang while Deuce and Domino return to Batista but Finlay makes the save as he works over Deuce. Hardy gets Porter to the top rope and apron but Porter is able to get back into the ring. Khali punches Hardy and sends him to the ropes. Khali chops Hardy but Porter punches Hardy. Khali chops Porter. Hardy is next to go after Khali but Khali punches Hardy. Khali with a head butt to Chavo while Deuce and Domino battle Batista. Batista is able to snap mare Deuce and Domino at the same time to the floor. Dave Taylor charges at Batista but he ducks down and Taylor is eliminated. Kane punches Khali as he stares down Batista. Hardy and Masters try to eliminate each other in the background. Noble punches and chops Batista and Kane and they brush it off as if it was just a breeze going through the building. Batista and Kane both eliminate Noble and then Eugene comes by to congratulate them for the elimination. Eugene wants a high five from either man but then he realizes that he is going to be the next man eliminated. Kane punches Yang and Yang goes down hard. Kane presses Yang over his head while Finlay sends Masters to the apron. Yang is able to land on the mat. Hardy tries to eliminate Porter but Porter holds on to the ropes. Chavo with a cross body on Batista. Kane with an uppercut to Finlay. Hardy hits a Side Effect on Porter. Finlay almost gets Batista eliminated, but almost does not do the job. Khali punches Batista. Khali with a head butt to Chavo as we go to commercial.

We are back and Kenny Dykstra has been eliminated by Chris Masters. Hardy hits a neck breaker on Porter followed by an elbow. Khali with a back elbow to Masters in the corner. Finlay gets Yang up but Yang holds on to the ropes. Chavo punches Finlay but Finlay tries to eliminate Chavo. Porter misses a running boot into the corner and Hardy eliminates Porter. Yang comes off the second turnbuckle and Masters catches him and puts Yang in the Master Lock. Chavo hits Masters from behind and Masters lets go of the hold. Chavo tries to block the Master Lock and then Yang hits Masters from behind before Chavo joins him in eliminating Masters. Yang and Chavo shake hands but it was a trap for Chavo to take advantage of Yang. Yang repays the favor by eliminating Chavo from the battle royale.

We are down to the final six with Matt Hardy, Fit Finlay, Jimmy Wang Yang, Great Khali, Batista, and Kane still in the match. Finlay hits a clothesline on Yang. Hardy hits a bulldog on Finlay. Kane is punched by Khali and Batista. Hardy tries to eliminate Finlay but Finlay holds on to the ropes. Kane punches Khali and then he tries to clothesline Khali over the top rope. Kane and Batista work together on Khali but Khali fights them off. Finlay punches Hardy and then he gets Yang to the apron but Yang holds on to the ropes. From out of nowhere, Hornswoggle pulls Yang off the apron and Yang is eliminated. Khali punches Hardy and Hardy goes down hard. Khali kicks Hardy over the top rope to the floor.

We are down to the final four and Khali slams Kane’s head into the turnbuckle. Batista attacks Khali from behind but Khali punches Batista. Khali clotheslines Kane and then he chops Batista sending Batista to the mat. Khali does the same to Kane. Finlay hits Khali with the shillelagh but Kane catches Finlay for a choke slam only to see Kane get speared by Batista. Batista throws Finlay over the top rope to the floor. Kane and Batista exchange punches but Kane gets the advantage. Kane chokes Batista in the ropes but Batista fights back. Batista almost has Kane eliminated but Khali grabs Batista and he eliminates Kane and Batista.

Winner: Great Khali

Teddy Long presents the World Title belt to the new World Champion and Khali takes it. We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment with highlights from the battle royale that saw the Great Khali become the new World Champion.

Kristal is in the back with the Great Khali and his translator. Khali speaks for a little while before it is translated. He said that all over the world Indians are celebrating the first ever Indian World Heavyweight Champion. He says that there are parades and fireworks everywhere from New York to New Delhi. The days of Indians being labeled as Qwik-E-Mart owners, taxi drivers, and doctors is over. The reality of the situation is that the Great Khali is the pride of India. Tonight marks the greatest chapter in the WWE because the Great Khali is the champion. This will be a reign of terror and ‘no remorse’. It will be a reign of total domination.

Vickie Guerrero is in the office and Teddy Long comes into the office. Teddy says that it has been a hectic night with Edge having to relinquish the title and now there is a new champion. Teddy wonders what else could happen. Vickie says that there is a small problem. Vickie asks Teddy who will face the Great Khali at the Great American Bash. Teddy says that he did not even think about that. Vickie points out that Batista had a contract to face Khali but Kane had the title match against Edge. They were the final two men in the battle royale so Kane will face Batista with the winner facing Khali at the Bash for the title. We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

We see footage of Matt eliminating Montel Vontavious Porter earlier tonight in the battle royale. We also see footage of Chris Masters eliminating Kenny Dykstra earlier tonight.

Matt Hardy versus Kenny Dykstra

Dykstra backs Hardy into the corner and he misses a punch on the break but Hardy tries for a rollup and gets a near fall. We see Montel Vontavious Porter watching from the locker room. Back to the action in the ring, Dykstra tries for an inside cradle and gets a near fall. Hardy with a side head lock and take down. Dykstra with a head scissors but Hardy escapes. Hardy returns to the side head lock. Hardy with a sunset flip for a two count. Dykstra gets up and connects with a knee and forearm. Dykstra with a slam but he misses two elbows. Hardy with a running forearm but he is unable to send Dykstra into the turnbuckles. Hardy throws Dykstra out of the ring and then he hits a baseball slide. Hardy rolls Dykstra back into the ring. Dykstra with a hot shot into the turnbuckle but Hardy responds with punches. Dykstra with a drop kick to the knee and then he hits a slingshot forearm to the back of Hardy’s head for a two count. Dykstra with a rear chin lock. Dykstra with a drop kick for a two count. Dykstra follows that with two short arm clotheslines and gets a two count. Dykstra returns to the neck and he applies a rear chin lock and has his knee in Hardy’s back to apply more pressure. Dykstra with a sleeper but Hardy escapes the hold with a belly-to-back suplex. Hardy charges at Dykstra but Dykstra with a drop toe hold that sends Hardy into the ropes. Dykstra with the rear chin lock. Hardy hits a clothesline and then he punches Dykstra and follows it with forearms and a knee. Hardy with a running clothesline and bulldog for a two count. Hardy slams Dykstra and then he goes up to the second turnbuckle for an elbow to the back of the head. Hardy tries for the Side Effect but Dykstra blocks it. Dykstra goes up top but Hardy crotches him. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate while Dykstra is still on the top turnbuckle and gets the three count.

Winner: Matt Hardy

We go to a video package for Chuck Palumbo and we go to his garage where we see him making motorcycles. We go to commercial.

We are back with Jesse and Festus talking about magazines. Jesse says that the greatest thing about being in the WWE is getting their picture taken all of the time. He talks about being on the cover of the WWE Magazine. Jesse says that Festus’s face is a face that will sell a lot of magazines.

Montel Vontavious Porter is in his locker room and he is stopped for a few questions. He is asked about his match at the Great American Bash. He also points out that Matt Hardy eliminated him. Porter says that he was not asked about Matt Hardy in his locker room. He says that he has done and seen things that others have only seen in a movie. He says that he has been to and survived places that he hopes he never goes. The United States Title says that he is better than the Smackdown fans and Matt Hardy. He will prove it on Sunday.

We go through the card for the Great American Bash this Sunday:
Matt Hardy versus Montel Vontavious Porter for the United States Title
Jeff Hardy versus Umaga for the Intercontinental Title
John Cena versus Bobby Lashley for the WWE Title
Dusty Rhodes versus Randy Orton in a Texas Bullrope Match
Melina versus Candice Michelle for the Women’s Title
CM Punk versus John Morrison for the ECW Title
Great Khali versus Batista or Kane for the World Heavyweight Title

We see Batista and Kane walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with the Stay in the Game Moment: Highlights from the Battle Royale.

Kane versus Batista in a Number One Contender Match

Kane starts off with a side head lock and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Kane with another side head lock but Batista with a clothesline for a near fall of his own. They lock up again and they work their way around the ring. Kane does not give Batista a clean break as he punches Batista and chokes Batista with his boot. Kane with a slam for a near fall. Kane with a reverse chin lock but Batista escapes the hold with a belly-to-back suplex. Batista slams Kane’s head into the turnbuckle and then he connects with a series of shoulders. Batista with a knee to Kane as Kane comes off the ropes. Batista with a choke with a body scissors. Kane with a back elbow to Batista followed by an uppercut. Batista with an Irish whip and running clothesline into the corner. Kane returns the favor with an Irish whip and running clothesline of his own. Batista with a forearm when Kane telegraphs a back body drop but Kane with a boot that sends Batista out of the ring. Kane goes out after Batista and both men hit clotheslines at the same time and they are down. We go to commercial.

We are back and Batista and Kane exchange punches inside the ring. Batista with a side head lock but Kane with a big boot. Kane goes up top but Batista gets to his feet and stops Kane. Batista hits a running power slam and then he sets for the Batista Bomb but Kane runs Batista into the turnbuckles. Kane punches Batista in the corner and then Kane hits the side slam for a two count. Kane goes up top and Batista sees Kane try for the flying clothesline so he moves out of the way. Batista with a spinebuster and then he tries for the spear but he is met with a boot from Kane. Kane with a choke slam but he can only get a two count. Kane clotheslines Batista over the top rope to the floor and Kane follows him outside the ring. Batista reverses an Irish whip and sends Kane into the ring steps. Batista rolls Kane back into the ring and Batista hits a shoulder tackle from the turnbuckles.

The Great Khali comes to the ring and he punches Batista. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: No Contest

Khali punches Kane as well. Kane and Batista attack the new champion and they both clothesline Khali over the top rope.

Teddy Long comes out and he tells the Great Khali that he was going to defend the title at the Great American Bash against one of the men. Instead, he will defend the title against both men in a Triple Threat Match. We holla into credits.