View Full Version : Another WWE Creative Team Member Gone

Flair Country
07-22-2007, 06:12 PM
PWInsider.com confirmed last night that Court Bauer, who had most recently been working on the Smackdown creative team, gave notice and left World Wrestling Entertainment last week.

The story going around the company is that once Dusty Rhodes moved onto working on the ECW brand, Bauer and Michael Hayes were often at odds creatively. After being frustrated for some time, Bauer finally decided to give notice and finished up last week.

A similar situation with Hayes took place involving former Smackdown creative team member Andrew Goldstein. Goldstein was given a lot of credit internally for helping to turn the Smackdown brand around last year, only to be dropped with little warning by the company after butting heads with Hayes on creative issues. Goldstein now works as a TV producer for several MTV series.

Bauer is the former owner and promoter of independent promotion Major League Wrestling. From what I understand, Bauer recently had meetings about working with a MMA organization, although I'm not sure which one.
