View Full Version : Cody Runnels' Early Push, Vince Bans Moves Due To Benoit

Black Widow
07-24-2007, 04:59 PM
Source - Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Cody Runnels was brought up so soon due to the Benoit family tragedy. After the situation occurred Vince met with his creative team and most of the producers said that, "It's your job to get the fans back into the angles instead of dwelling on the tragedies." Runnels was one of WWE's top developmental talents which had a planned push.

Another fall out from the Benoit tragedy is that Vince has banned wrestlers from using any form of choke or strangulation move. Vince feared that the media would use new footage of these holds against the company. Talent and producers now must go to Vince to get special dispensation for any move of that type before they can use them.


:think: hmmmm dont choke the chicken they might get footage :(

07-24-2007, 05:04 PM
silly as it sounds vince is probly right.

07-24-2007, 07:20 PM
Yeah this is a good idea because the media would eat that stuff up if they ran with a story about it. They are still trying to get over this whole situation.

07-24-2007, 11:26 PM
I figured he'd put a ban on the "3 amigos" suplex thing as well.
Of course maybe he has(I think Chavo was the only other one doing it after Eddie passed),but he hasn't had to make a big deal out of it.

And Cody Runnels getting a push already??? WTF
I sthis some sort of cruel joke by Dusty's influence of what?
The kid looks a dark haired version of David Flair...scrawney,and couldn't wrestle his way out of a wet paper bag(that dropkick off the top rope looked like a wounded bird trying to fly for Christs sake!!!)!
If it weren't for Orton "carrying" him the past two weeks on RAW,this kid would have made an even worse(if it were actually possible!!!)impression!

Cody needs to be sent back down to OVW,thrown into a weight room locked in there for a month or 2,and than be given some real time getting his ass kicked all over a wrestling mat until he can actually do something,beside make AND take a bad fall!!!

07-25-2007, 08:35 AM
And Cody Runnels getting a push already??? WTF
I sthis some sort of cruel joke by Dusty's influence of what?
The kid looks a dark haired version of David Flair...scrawney,and couldn't wrestle his way out of a wet paper bag(that dropkick off the top rope looked like a wounded bird trying to fly for Christs sake!!!)!
If it weren't for Orton "carrying" him the past two weeks on RAW,this kid would have made an even worse(if it were actually possible!!!)impression!

Cody needs to be sent back down to OVW,thrown into a weight room locked in there for a month or 2,and than be given some real time getting his ass kicked all over a wrestling mat until he can actually do something,beside make AND take a bad fall!!!

AMEN! 100% agreed!