View Full Version : Sal Corrente Speaks On Filing Charges Against Jerry Lawler

Dangerous Incorporated
07-26-2007, 10:00 PM
Sal Corrente issued the following statement regarding the assault charges he filed against Jerry Lawler:

On August 1st I will be in Tunica Ms appearing in court where Jerry Lawler will have to answer the charges that he assaulted me.

I have faith that the legal that the legal system will do what its designed to do. It is clear to me at this point that Jerry Lawler has treated this entire situation as a joke.

They tried to use it to get more people into the Sam's Town Casino on July 20th that didn't work. If the King of Memphis knew anything at all he would have understood that his issue was with me. It was a waste of TV time and a desperate attempt to draw before the powers to be at Sam's Town realizes that Memphis Wrestling is not going to do the necessary things to draw a crowd into the building. The real problem with Corey Maclin and Lawler's plan is that , the issue that I have with Lawler and Memphis Wrestling is not an angle, its not a bluff, it's real.

There will be no appearance by Sal Corrente on Memphis Wrestling to further their angle. I have been accused of wanting publicity that's why I am doing this. I ask you what would be in it for me? I have left Memphis Wrestling, if I wanted publicity I could have stayed on TV, all I had to do was get in line with everyone else and kiss the King's ring.

Oh I know Vince is going to hire me to come on TV and run an angle with Lawler, sure he is. If anyone thinks about it , I am sure that my actions have made me a very unwelcome person in many circles of the business.

I have been in this business for twenty five years, if I am held accountable for my actions, it will be for standing up for what's right. I along with everyone else will find out what Jerry Lawler does after swearing to tell the truth in a court of law.

If you have been paying attention to this story , you should have realized that every time this story is told Lawler tells it a little differently.

In closing isn't it funny that the only people I am aware of that Lawler has "slipped" with are Jimmy Hart(Broken Jaw) many years ago, he claimed it was an accident, Paul Heyman (Broken Jaw) he claimed it was an accident and now myself. If you notice all non-wrestlers who really cant defend themselves and all guys who can keep up with Lawler on interviews. I find it to be very ironic, perhaps someone better warn Queen Sharmell not to say anything out of line, she could be next.

Source: WE

07-26-2007, 11:41 PM
Wow... Can someone fill me in on the situation? This makes me worried about Jerry Lawler possibly doing something to Queen Sharmelle, leading to backstage Booker/Lawler heat...

Ill Will
07-27-2007, 12:51 AM
OMG, I hope Lawler destroys that annoying bitch Sharmell!

But seriously, Lawler does need to be held responsible for his actions. He needs to learn a little bit of self control and self restraint. I hope he gets what's coming to him. I don't think Sal is doing this for publicity. I would be pissed if Lawler smacked me too, of course, I'd probably just hit him back instead of fuss about it like this, but either way, Lawler needs to be reprimanded.

07-27-2007, 01:32 AM
What did Lawler do? Hit someone outside of the ring?

07-27-2007, 08:35 AM
Since its Memphis Wrestling it should be under the Independent Section but if you wana know EeL, Jerry Lawler hit Sal Corrente after Lawler believed Correnete hit a fan. Lawler in context then delivered a stiff shot to Correnete breaking his nose I believe and Correnete the worthless sac of shit pressed charges for the hit. Corrente was labeled The Big Cheese and thought he was higher than the business he was in and rubbed Lawler the wrong way.