View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 12th May 2006

05-13-2006, 07:34 AM
Smackdown Results - 12th May 2006
Location - San Diego, California

Quick Results:
- #1 Contender: Super Crazy def. Nunzio and Kid Kash
- Gymini def. Mike Wellington and Joey Ryan
- King of the Ring Semi Final: Bobby Lashley def. Finlay
- Mark Henry def. Paul Burchill
- Non Title: Great Khali def. Rey Mysterio

We see footage of Rey Mysterio talking about how he is loving his run as the World Champion. We also see Bradshaw talking about their match at Judgment Day. We see footage from last week’s match between Rey Mysterio and Mark Henry. We then see Bradshaw saving Rey from a splash from Mark Henry with Bradshaw giving Mark the first title match after he wins the title. We then see Bradshaw tell Rey that he will face the Great Khali tonight.

In the arena:
Bradshaw comes to the ring and he has something to say. Bradshaw starts off by asking ‘Como estas, amigos’. He says that he came out here to applaud Rey Mysterio, our world champion. He is a typical, tough Mexican fighter who has machismo. Last week he promised that he would take on all comers and indeed he did. He took on the world’s strongest man. Bradshaw comments on how he is surprised that the crowd knows the numbers in English. Last week, Rey lost to Mark Henry. He guesses that Mark had not heard of machismo. Bradshaw tells the crowd that they should be thanking him because if not for him Rey would have been squashed by Mark Henry. We will see if Rey takes on all comers or if he is a chicken. He wonders if Rey will take an inner tube back to Mexico. We know that our underdog champion has more heart than brains. Bradshaw makes reference to the protests last week and talks about how he wears the American flag so they should show him some respect. Tonight, their hometown hero has the Great Khali. It does not end there because Judgment Day is coming. He tells Rey to remember that Bradshaw is the one who took the WWE Championship from Eddie Guerrero. Bradshaw says that Eddie was great, but he was just better. He is the one who took the US Title from Chris Benoit.

On May 21st at Judgment Day when he defeats the ‘third Amigo’ and completes the trifecta, he will be the only man to hold the World Title and the US Title. At that time he will be a true American hero. That is one more legacy in his Hall of Fame career. Rey will be sitting here with his people who thank God that they are here. Bradshaw says that they are the people who do the dirty work for real Americans like him. Bradshaw says that he will offer Rey and his family a job. He says that Dominick can shine his boots; and his wife can work in Bradshaw’s kitchen wearing a short dress with high heels. He suggests that Rey sell drugs on street corners, do drive bys, or do prostitution, or at a donkey show in Tijuana. Bradshaw says that these people make him sick. From out of nowhere Rey Mysterio comes into the ring and he punches and kicks Bradshaw. Bradshaw rolls out of the ring and Rey goes after him and kicks Bradshaw in the groin and he continues to punch Bradshaw before the referees pull Rey off Bradshaw. Bradshaw goes to the back and we go to commercial.

In the arena:
We are back and members of the San Diego Chargers are in the front row.

Number One Contenders Match
Triple Threat Match
Super Crazy vs. Nunzio vs. Kid Kash
Referee: Chris Kay

Gregory Helms comes to the ring and he joins Tazz and Cole at the announce position.

The start:
While Crazy rides to the ring, Kash hits Nunzio from behind and then he punches Kash. Nunzio holds on to the ropes on an Irish whip by Kash and then Crazy with a springboard missile drop kick to Kash that sends Kash at Nunzio and Nunzio with a back body drop that sends Kash over the top rope to the floor. Crazy with a rollup for a near fall. Nunzio with forearms to Crazy and then he Irish whips Crazy, but Crazy with a baseball slide through Kash’s legs to the floor.

Mid-match notes:
Crazy holds on to Kash’s legs, but Kash kicks Crazy. Kash with a shoulder and then he back body drops Nunzio into Crazy on the floor. Kash sends Nunzio into the apron and then Kash rolls Crazy into the ring and he gets a two count. Kash with a punch and head butts followed by a kick for a two count. Crazy with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot. Nunzio with a rollup for a two count and then Nunzio is sent into the corner and Kash with a sunset flip for a two count. Crazy with a rollup on Nunzio but Kash kicks Crazy. Nunzio sends Crazy out of the ring. Kash with a clothesline to Nunzio for a two count. Nunzio puts Kash on the turnbuckle and then Kash pushes Nunzio off and then Kash hits a double jump moonsault for a two count.

Crazy with a senton splash to break up the cover. Crazy gets a two count on Nunzio followed by a two count on Kash. Crazy continues the attack with a springboard drop kick to Nunzio and a spinning heel kick to Kash. Crazy with a standing moonsault on Nunzio for a two count. Crazy chops Kash and then Irish whips him. Crazy with a kick to Kash. Kash with an Irish whip and then he charges into the corner but Crazy moves out of the way. Crazy goes up and he hits a moonsault for a two count. Crazy punches Nunzio and then kicks him in the corner. Crazy with a running drop kick to Kash in the corner and then he punches Kash.

The Finish:
Kash with a punch to Crazy followed by a kick. Nunzio attacks Crazy from behind, but Crazy punches Nunzio. Crazy puts Kash up top and then Crazy pushes Nunzio away. Nunzio has Crazy up for the electric chair and Kash goes for a cross body from the top turnbuckle, but Crazy with a rollup forcing Kash to miss and Crazy gets the three count on Nunzio.

Winner: Super Crazy

The Aftermath:
After the match, Crazy gestures that he is going to be wearing the title belt at Judgment Day and Helms holds the belt for Crazy to see it.

We go to the back and Kurt Angle walks into the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Kurt Angle is in the Office with Teddy Long. He says that he cannot wait and it has been three weeks. Teddy reminds Kurt that he has already forfeited his spot in the King of the Ring because he is not medically cleared. Kurt knows that he cannot be in the King of the Ring, but that is not why he is there tonight. He wants Mark Henry. Teddy says that his hands are tied and he has to do what the doctors tell him. They are telling him that Kurt is in no shape to wrestle. Kurt grabs Teddy by the collar and says that he does not give a damn what the doctors say. Mark Henry tried to end his career and he is being asked to wait. Teddy tells Kurt to listen to him and he says that he wants to help Kurt, but Kurt is not helping himself. Kurt lets go of Teddy’s collar. He says that he cannot make that match tonight, but he can get Kurt in a match when he is medically cleared at Judgment Day. Kurt likes that option.

The Gymini vs. Mike Wellington and Joey Ryan
Referee: Charles Robinson

Gymini’s music hits and they make their way to the ring. No Simon Dean to be seen.

The start:
Jake and Wellington start things off and Jake backs Wellington into the ropes. Jake pushes Wellington to the apron and then he hip tosses Wellington back into the ring followed by a clothesline and a gutwrench suplex and then Jake knocks Ryan off the apron. Jake kicks Ryan in the chest and then he tags in Jesse. The Gymini with a double shoulder tackle. Jesse punches Ryan and then he slams Ryan’s head into the turnbuckle. Jake with knees to Ryan that take him off his feet.

The Finish:
Jesse tags in and they both send Ryan into the corner followed by double forearms. Jesse with a rear chin lock to Ryan. Jesse kicks Ryan and then he tags in Jake. Jake with a head and arm suplex and then he clotheslines Wellington trying to make the save. Jake slams Wellington onto Ryan and then Jesse tags in. The Gymini toss Ryan into the air and get the three count.

Winners: The Gymini

Kurt Angle is walking out of the arena.

In the arena:
Booker T comes out with Sharmell and they walk to the ring. Booker gets on the mic and he wants to say for the record that he is really upset that Mark Henry injured Kurt Angle. If Kurt Angle had faced him one on one in the semi-final match, he would have beaten him down like a dog. This is the real deal. Kurt Angle knows the real deal. All of Booker’s loyal subjects know the real deal. Kurt Angle is afraid of Booker T. He says that he refuses to win a match by forfeiture. He will give Kurt Angle one last chance to come out here and face him like a man. He gives Angle ten seconds to come out here. Booker counts and Angle does not show up. Sharmell announces that Booker is the winner and they celebrate in the ring. Booker does a celebratory Spinaroonie.

King Of The Ring Semi Final Match
Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay
Referee: Nick Patrick

The start:
Finlay has something to say to Lashley before they lock up. They lock up and Finlay tries to back Lashley into the corner, but Finlay cannot move Lashley. Lashley backs Finlay into the corner and Lashley with a clean break. Lashley with a single leg take down into a front face lock and then he connects with forearms to Finlay. Finlay makes it to the ropes. Finlay jabs at Lashley and Lashley backs Finlay into the corner.

Mid-match notes:
Finlay punches Lashley and connects with a European uppercut followed by a short arm clothesline. Finlay with a rear chin lock into a side head lock. Finlay with a crossface to Lashley and then to a rear chin lock. Finlay rakes at Lashley’s face and then puts Lashley in a rear chin lock followed by an elbow into Lashley’s chest. Finlay with a boot to Lashley’s hand followed by a kick and a rear chin lock. Lashley with elbows to Finlay, but Finlay with a kick to the leg. Lashley with a big boot to Finlay followed by an Irish whip and then he presses Finlay into a gut buster. Lashley with an Irish whip followed by a running clothesline into the corner. Lashley pulls Finlay off the ropes and then Finlay sends Lashley into the turnbuckles. Finlay kicks Lashley in the head. Finlay pulls Lashley to the apron and then he uses the ring apron to smother Lashley. Finlay chokes Lashley on the bottom rope. Finlay continues the attack with a kick to Lashley and a rear chin lock. Finlay with kicks to Lashley and then he gets a series of two counts. Booker T and ‘his wife’ Sharmell come out and they sit at the throne to watch the match. Finlay with a nerve hold on Lashley and then he punches Lashley. Finlay goes up to the second turnbuckle and he comes off into boots from Lashley. Lashley with kicks and punches that send Finlay out of the ring.

Lashley goes to the apron and he tries for a splash off the apron, but Finlay pulls out the apron and Lashley crotches himself on it. Finlay punches Lashley outside the ring. We go to commercial. We are back and Finlay with a Fujiwara arm bar. We see footage during the break when Finlay sent Lashley into the ring post. Finlay continues to work on the arm and turns it into an arm bar. Lashley gets to his feet and he punches Finlay, but Finlay with a kick to Lashley. Finlay with a hammer lock but Lashley backs Finlay into the corner. Finlay with a clothesline to Lashley followed by a two count. Finlay stomps on Lashley’s hand and then he punches Lashley. Finlay continues to work on Lashley’s arm in the ropes. Finlay with an arm bar but Lashley with forearms to Finlay. Lashley with an Irish whip, but he charges into a boot. Lashley grabs Finlay by the throat and then he sends Finlay into the corner. Lashley with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and then he connects with a running double sledge and clothesline followed by a back body drop. Lashley with clotheslines and then he hits a running power slam.

The Finish:
Lashley sets up for a spear, but he runs into a boot from Finlay but Finlay can only get a two count. Finlay goes to get a chair and he throws it into the ring. The referee gets rid of the chair and Finlay tries to use the shillelagh. The referee sees the shillelagh and takes it from Finlay. Finlay gets the chair and hits Lashley with it. Lashley responds with a spear to Finlay for the three count.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

The Aftermath:
After the match, Lashley gets on the mic and he tells Booker that he is sitting in his seat. He tells Booker to either get out or he will throw him out. Booker gets up from the throne and goes to the back. We go to commercial.

In the arena:
We are back and MNM come to the ring with the red carpet and photographers. Nitro gets on the mic and he asks if it is hot in there or is it just them. He says that MNM are the it team on the scene. They are the hottest, sexiest, and greatest tag team in WWE history. Mercury takes the mic and he says that nobody can hold a candle to the three time WWE tag team champions. They don’t take too kindly when people try to embarrass them. That is why Kendrick and London were on the receiving end of three snap shots. We see footage from last week when Kendrick and London fell victim to a total of three snapshots. Melina tells everyone that London and Kendrick are a couple of punk kids trying to get a few seconds of fame by rubbing up against the tag team champions. Last week they learned their lesson when they were humiliated. They are going to do it again at Judgment Day. Jillian Hall comes out and she has a mic with her. Jillian asks if Melina wants to talk about embarrassing. That is what happened when she kicked Melina’s butt at the make up table a few weeks ago. Melina says that ‘it’ speaks. She tells Jillian that she has a lot of nerve to interrupt her. What is embarrassing is that she looked better with that growth coming out of her face. Jillian says that they don’t have to wait until Judgment Day and they can have their match now. Jillian walks to the ring, but from out of nowhere, Paul London and Brian Kendrick come into the ring from the crowd and they attack Mercury and Nitro. Kendrick with a jumping leg lariat to Mercury and London with a dropsault to Nitro. They take off Nitro and Mercury’s jackets and then the tag team champions get pantsed. Jillian comes into the ring and she removes Melina’s skirt.

Mark Henry is in the back and he walks into commercial.

Mark Henry vs. Paul Burchill
Referee: Charles Robinson

We see footage from Mark Henry interfering in Kurt Angle’s match two weeks ago against Rey Mysterio and then Mark hitting a splash from the apron through a table.

The start:
Henry with a short arm clothesline to Burchill followed by a kick to Burchill’s back and then a kick to the chest. Henry biels Burchill into the corner. Burchill avoids a charge into the corner and then he kicks Henry. Burchill tries to Irish whip Henry, but Henry will not budge. Henry tosses Burchill over the top rope to the floor with one arm. Henry pulls Burchill back into the ring from the apron and he follows that with a punch. Henry with shoulders in the corner followed by a forearm.

The Finish:
Henry with a running splash into the corner and then he hits another one. Burchill rolls outside the ring and then Henry runs Burchill’s back into the ring apron and then he splashes Burchill against the ring post. Henry with a kick to Burchill’s ribs followed by an Irish whip and a splash to the back and another splash into the corner. Henry gets the mic and he says at Judgment Day Kurt Angle is going to get the same. Henry with a standing power slam for the three count.

Winner: Mark Henry

We are back with the ‘Hunka’ ceremony for a New Lakota member. It is one of the seven sacred ceremonies and it introduces him to the Lakota family. An integral part of the Hunka journey occurs before the ceremony. They learn the traditions and how to become part of the family. The Hunka begins as the grass dancers prepare the ground. The elders then pray to the four corners to help guide the new member on his journey. The spotted eagle feather is passed down to the new family member. He will carry their traditions with him. It will make him stronger as a man and a proud Native American. Next week, it will be the warrior ceremony.

Nunzio tells Vito that he came close to beating Super Crazy. Vito tells Nunzio not to worry about it. The night is on him. They are going to get something to eat and they will party like champions. Orlando Jordan asks Nunzio if he has a second. Orlando says that he was at a club in London and he saw someone in drag who looked just like Vito. Nunzio tells Orlando that Vito is an Italian Stallion and he is a ladies man. He doesn’t do any of that funny stuff.

Judgment Day:
- World Title: John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio (c)
- Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry
- King Of The Ring Finals: Bobby Lashley vs. Booker T
- The Undertaker vs. The Great Khali
- Cruiserweight Title: Super Crazy vs. Gregory Helms (c)
- Tag Titles: Kendrick and London vs. MNM (c)
- Melina vs. Jillian Hall

Non Title Match
The Great Khali vs. Rey Mysterio (c)
Referee: Jim Korderas

Bradshaw comes out in the JBLimo and then he comes to the ring to join Cole and Tazz at the announce position and we go to commercial. Before the match, Rey comes out and he hits a senton splash onto Bradshaw at the announce position and then he punches Bradshaw.

The start:
Khali pushes Rey and they stand face to belly button before the bell rings. They continue to stand face to waist and then Rey tries to run away but Khali throws Rey out of the ring. Bradshaw tells Rey to get up because his family is watching. Rey gets back into the ring and Khali throws him out of the ring one more time. Rey tries for a missile drop kick but he bounces off Khali’s chest.

The Finish:
Khali picks up Rey and he head butts Rey out of the ring. Bradshaw gets up from the announce position and he punches Rey and then rolls Rey back into the ring. Khali with a kick to Rey’s head and then he picks up Rey and then gets him up for a vertical choke and then drops him to the mat. Khali with a cover using his boot for the three count.

Winner: The Great Khali

The Aftermath:
After the match Bradshaw gets in the ring and he tells Rey that his family is watching him and he let them down. Bradshaw asks Rey if he is still a man of his word because he tells Rey to wait until next week to see who he has to face. Bradshaw picks up Rey and then slaps him and Rey goes outside the ring to the floor.

Report by: PWInsider.com