View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 27th Jul, 2007

07-31-2007, 07:30 AM
Smackdown Results - 27th Jul, 2007
Location - Fresno, California
Announcers - Michael Cole and JBL

We begin tonight’s show with a look back at the Great American Bash with highlights from the pay per view. We start off with footage from the World Title match where the Great Khali defeated Kane and Batista to retain the title. We are told that there will be a celebration for the Great Khali.

Batista vs Deuce (with Domino and Cherry)
Deuce pushes Batista from behind and then he seeks the approval of Cherry who responds with a kiss that is blown to her man. They lock up and Batista pushes Deuce down to the mat and then Batista poses for Cherry. Deuce yells at Batista for doing that to his girl and Batista blows a kiss to Cherry. Batista pushes Deuce down when they lock up again and Domino gets frustrated outside the ring. While Batista focuses on impressing Cherry, Deuce is able to attack Batista from behind. Deuce kicks Batista out of the ring and Domino connects with a clothesline while Deuce was talking to the referee. Batista returns to the ring and Deuce kicks Batista but Batista responds with punches and a kick. Batista with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and Batista runs his shoulder into the ring post. Deuce takes Batista down and gets a near fall. Deuce with a crossface and then he goes to a key lock. Batista with an arm drag to get out of the hold but Deuce with a thrust kick and snap mare. Batista with a spear to Deuce but both men are down. Deuce with punches to Batista but Batista pushes Deuce away. Batista with a clothesline followed by a running clothesline into the corner and a series of shoulders to Deuce in the corner. Batista with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot. Deuce charges at Batista but Batista hits an uranage. Batista sees Domino get on the apron and Batista sends Deuce into Domino, sending him to the floor. Batista hits the Batista Bomb for the three count.

Winner: Batista

We see highlights from the Cruiserweight Title Match from the Great American Bash when Hornswoggle won the title after pinning Jamie Noble with a frog splash. Michael Cole tells us that the hesitation by the referee was due to the fact that since Hornswoggle was in the ring at the start of the match, he was eligible to win the title.

Jamie Noble is in the interview area and he is asked about his Cruiserweight Title Match against Hornswoggle. Noble asks if people enjoy laughing about him. He talks about the people who say that he is the man who lost to a leprechaun. Jamie says that he hopes that troll had a nice five days because it ends tonight. He is the number one contender and he will have his revenge. He will restore dignity to the name ‘Noble’. He will go home Cruiserweight Champion. We go to commercial.

We are back with a video package for Michelle McCool and she is relaxing by the pool before going for a swim.

Jamie Noble vs Cruiserweight Champion Hornswoggle for the WWE Cruiserweight Title

Hornswoggle does not come out after they introduce him twice so Noble goes under the ring to look for Hornswoggle but he cannot find Hornswoggle. Noble asks Cole and Bradshaw where Hornswoggle is and then Noble turns around and Hornswoggle is standing in the ring. Hornswoggle with a baseball slide that sends Noble from the apron to the floor. Noble tries to corner Hornswoggle and then he throws the champion into the corner. Hornswoggle kicks Noble in the shins and then he bites him in the knee. Hornswoggle runs around the ring and hides behind the ring steps. Noble kicks the steps but Hornswoggle is not there when Noble checks. Hornswoggle reappears in the ring. Hornswoggle leaves the ring again and then he hides in the ring skirt and Noble goes after him but Hornswoggle punches Noble. Hornswoggle with a running forearm and Noble responds with a forearm of his own. They exchange forearms until Hornswoggle connects with a series of punches. Noble pushes Hornswoggle to the ropes but Hornswoggle with a Yakuza kick to Noble for a near fall. Noble responds with a running boot to Hornswoggle’s head. Noble tosses Hornswoggle under the bottom rope to the floor. Noble chases Hornswoggle around the ring again but Noble grabs his leg. Hornswoggle kicks Noble off his leg and Hornswoggle returns to the ring as the referee makes the ten count.

Winner: Cruiserweight Champion Hornswoggle

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rey Mysterio is coming back soon as we see highlights of Rey in and out of the ring. We go to highlights from the I Quit match between Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero on October 20, 2006.

Chavo Guerrero vs Eugene

Eugene shakes the referee’s hand and hugs him and then he wants to shake Chavo’s hand but Chavo slaps Eugene and then he punches him before slamming Eugene’s head into the turnbuckle. Chavo chokes Eugene in the corner with his boot. Eugene with elbows and forearms but Chavo with a drop toe hold and somersault senton splash. Chavo slams Eugene’s leg into the apron and then the ring post. Chavo with a single leg crab but Eugene makes it to the ropes. Chavo with a forearm but Eugene responds with an elbow. Eugene tries to get Chavo on his shoulders for an airplane spin but he cannot get Chavo up. Chavo hits a Saito suplex for a two count. Chavo with a Latino uppercut to Eugene and then he returns to the leg as he tries to hyperextend the knee. Chavo kicks Eugene in the knee followed by elbows to the knee. Chavo uses the ropes to work on the knee. Chavo with a slingshot double sledge to Eugene’s knees and then he gets a two count. Chavo continues to work on the knee. Eugene with a reverse atomic drop and then he tries to send Chavo into the turnbuckle but Chavo blocks it. Chavo slams Eugene’s head into the turnbuckles but Eugene appears to get stronger. Eugene does the Finger Point of Doom followed by punches. Eugene with an airplane spin followed by a flying clothesline for a two count. Eugene tries for a Stunner but Chavo hits a drop kick and Chavo follows that with a brainbuster and the frog splash for the three count.

Winner: Chavo Guerrero

Matt Hardy walks in the back and Ric Flair stops him and wants to know if they are ready for their tag team match. Flair and Hardy strut and woooo into commercial.

We are back with Jesse and Festus talking about America this week. Jesse says that being at the Great American Bash made them remember how much they love this country. Jesse says that Festus is a real Patriot because he bleeds red, white, and blue. Jesse says that Festus is the face of a true American.

We see footage from Montel Vontavious Porter’s attack on Matt Hardy two weeks ago on Smackdown.

United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter and Chris Masters vs Matt Hardy and Ric Flair
Hardy and Masters start things off after Porter tags in Masters. Masters backs Hardy into the corner on a collar and elbow tie up but Hardy escapes Masters’s attempt to connect with a cheap shot. Hardy with a side head lock on Masters but Masters with a shoulder tackle. Masters with an Irish whip but he charges into an elbow. Hardy comes out of the corner but Masters with a clothesline. Masters punches Hardy and then he tags in Porter. Porter and Masters double team Hardy with punches and then Porter with a front chancery take down for a near fall. Porter with forearms and kicks but the referee pulls Porter out of the corner. This allows Masters to choke Hardy. Porter with a snap mare for a near fall. Porter sets for a power bomb but Hardy is able to get out of the hold and he hits a side Russian leg sweep and then Flair is tagged in. Flair chops Porter and Masters followed by a back elbow to Porter. Flair with a back body drop to Porter and then he clips Porter’s knee and tries for the figure four leg lock but Porter is able to get out of it before Flair can apply it. Porter rolls out of the ring and he discusses strategy with Masters and we go to commercial.

We are back and Flair continues to work on Porter’s leg and he has Porter in a single leg crab. Hardy tags in and he punches Porter and then he slams Porter’s head into the turnbuckles. Flair tags back in and he chops Porter followed by punches. Porter with a thumb to the eye but Flair with a chop. Porter with punches to Flair in the corner and then Masters is tagged in. Masters is greeted with a chop from Flair but he comes back with a punch to Flair. Masters takes over with a series of punches and kicks and the referee yells at Masters. Masters tags in Porter who punches Flair. Porter with an Irish whip to Flair and he hits the running boot into the corner and Flair goes down. Porter is only able to get a two count. Porter with an arm bar on Flair. Masters tags in and punches Flair in the midsection and head for a two count. Masters with a leg drop and Flair backs into the corner where he chops Masters. Masters with punches to stop Flair’s offense. Masters with a power slam for a two count. Masters with elbows to Flair’s arm before applying an arm bar. Masters and Flair slap each other while Masters backs Flair into the corner. Flair kicks and chops Masters but Masters with a knee. Flair kicks Masters and he is able to make the tag to Hardy. Hardy with punches to Masters but Masters with an Irish whip. Masters misses the charge into the corner and Hardy hits a running clothesline followed by the bulldog. Hardy knocks Porter off the apron and then Hardy with an elbow from the second turnbuckle and a Side Effect but Porter breaks up the cover. Masters with a knee to Hardy and then he tries for a running power slam but Hardy gets out of the hold and hits the Twist of Fate for the three count.

Winners: Ric Flair and Matt Hardy

Montel Vontavious Porter gets on the mic and he wonders what Hardy and Flair are celebrating for because they did not win anything. They did not beat the champion, they beat his partner. Porter says that he proved that he was better than Flair when he beat Flair at Vengeance. He has shown that he is better than Matt Hardy at the Great American Bash because Hardy brought everything for that match but the better man won.

Hardy gets a mic and he addresses Montel Vontavious Porter. Hardy wants Porter to put his money where his mouth is. Matt wants another United States Title match. Porter says that he already beat him for the United States Title so that is off the table. Porter says that there is nothing that Hardy can beat him at. He says that Hardy cannot beat him at running, jumping, football, basketball, checkers, chess, or hopscotch. Hardy says that confidence has not been a problem for Porter. Hardy says that since Porter thinks he is better than him, Hardy gets to name the game and he will beat Porter. Hardy says that he will beat Porter again and again. Hardy says that he will beat Porter all over the United States and even all over the world to the point where Porter will put the United States Title on the line. We go to commercial.

We are back with another Chuck Palumbo video of him riding motorcycles.

Mark Henry vs Joey Blaylock
Blaylock charges at Henry and Henry takes Blaylock down with a body block. Henry with a forearm to the back followed by a punch to the head. Henry with a big boot to Blaylock followed by a running power slam but Henry does not cover Blaylock. Henry with a splash but he pulls Blaylock up at two. Henry with a bear hug and Blaylock is out and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Mark Henry

Henry gets on the mic and he reminds everyone that he is Mark Henry and that he is the World’s Strongest Man. He says that there is not a man in the locker room, or a beast who can beat the World’s Strongest Man. He says that he is the silverback and this is his jungle.

Henry picks up Blaylock and presses him over his head and drops him to the floor.

It is time for the Raw Rebound and we go to commercial.

We are back and we go to Teddy Long and Kristal Marshall in the office looking through bridal magazines. Vickie Guerrero interrupts them and says that ‘he’ is here. There is a knock at the door and it is Ron Simmons. Teddy says that he has something to ask Ron. Teddy says that he wants Ron to be his best man. Ron thinks about it for a second and Ron says DAMN and hugs Teddy. Teddy suggests that they catch up on some old times and celebrate. Teddy and Ron leave. Kristal says that this wedding is going to be incredible.

We go to the Great American Bash video package that started off tonight’s show and we go to commercial.

We are back with a video package showing Edge’s surgery. Edge says that Kane tore his pectoral muscle and he blames it on the fans cheering Kane on. Dr. James Andrews says that there was a complete rupture of the pec muscle tendon as we see footage of the surgery. Edge tells the people who do not appreciate him and want to see him in this situation that they can go to hell. When you hear people cheer that you have to relinquish your lifelong dream there is some bitterness. He says that he needs to get back.

Bradshaw says that Kane robbed Smackdown of its brightest light.

Kane vs Dave Taylor
Taylor with a slap to Kane but Kane wonders why Taylor would do that. Taylor with European uppercuts to Kane but Kane with a big boot to Taylor. Kane follows that with punches and elbows in the corner. Kane with a snap mare followed by an elbow drop. Taylor with a kick and head butts to Kane followed by a European uppercut. Taylor with an arm bar and elbows to the shoulder and he adds a crossface to the arm bar. Kane gets out of the hold but Taylor with another European uppercut to stagger Kane. Kane with a shoulder instead of a clean break. Kane with an Irish whip and running clotheslines followed by a side slam. Kane goes up top and hits the jumping clothesline. Kane sets up for the choke slam and he hits it for the three count.

Winner: Kane

Jimmy Wang Yang is walking in the back singing along with the music that he is listening to. Jimmy is stopped by Torrie Wilson and she says that she wanted to get something special for their tag match. Torrie asks Jimmy if her shorts are too short and Jimmy lets out a ‘yeehaw’. They walk into commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Torrie Wilson falling victim to the Widow’s Peak in her match against Victoria.

Jimmy Wang Yang and Torrie Wilson vs Kenny Dykstra and Victoria

Victoria and Torrie have to be held back by their tag team partners before the match begins. Dykstra with a kick to Yang for a near fall. Dykstra follows that with a series of forearms and short arm clotheslines for a near fall. Dykstra with a punch to Yang’s head and Yang goes down after Dykstra dives at Yang’s knees. Dykstra with a forearm to the back of the head for a near fall. Dykstra with a rear chin lock but Yang gets to his feet. Yang tries to slide between Dykstra’s legs but Dykstra stops Yang and connects with a forearm. Yang with a drop kick to counter Dykstra’s attempt to toss Yang into the air. Victoria and Torrie tag in and Torrie with a series of clotheslines and a kick. Torrie with a suplex and float over for a near fall. Victoria kicks Torrie and then Victoria hits a side slam but she can only get a two count. Victoria with kicks and forearms to Torrie. Victoria with an elbow as Torrie tries to get back to her corner to make a tag. Victoria with a snap mare. Torrie hits a swinging neck breaker and both women are down. Dykstra pulls Yang off the apron to prevent Torrie from making the tag. Victoria pulls Torrie into their corner and Dykstra is tagged in. Torrie kicks Dykstra in the face and Yang hits a cross body from the top turnbuckle followed by a drop kick and a leg sweep that takes Dykstra down. Yang with a jumping kick to the back of Dykstra’s head for a near fall. Victoria tries to break up the cover and Torrie hits a clothesline on Victoria as they fight outside the ring. Dykstra with an Irish whip but Yang with an elbow and Yang hits an Asai moonsault for the three count.

Winners: Jimmy Wang Yang and Torrie Wilson

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the World Championship Celebration. Dancers come to the ring as rose petals are spread on their way to the ring. The Great Khali comes to the ring with his translator, Runjin Singh. Singh gets on the mic and he says that tonight is the official celebration of our World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali. Khali gets on the mic and he addresses the crowd. It is translated that he is the first WWE champion to hail from the magnificent country of India. Last week, he tossed nineteen other superstars over the top rope to win the championship. On Sunday, he defeated two of the top superstars in the WWE, Batista and Kane. They were no match for the giant as he successfully defended his title. The Great Khali now ranks as one of the most famous Indians. Singh mentions Ravi Shankar, M. Night Shyamalan, and Mother Teresa. Indians compare and revere the Great Khali to be on the same level as Mahatma Gandhi. He is not only one of the greatest Indians of all time, but he is the greatest World Champion of all time. He wants everyone to celebrate Punjabi style. They dance in the ring but the celebration is interrupted by Batista.

Singh wants to know how Batista could disrespect Khali’s celebration. Batista says that he is here to challenge Khali to a match for the World Heavyweight Title. Khali says no. Batista with a spear and Khali leaves the ring and we go to credits.