View Full Version : Raw House Results - 28th Jul, 2007 (Las Vegas, Nevada)

07-31-2007, 07:36 AM
Raw House Results - 28th Jul, 2007
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

(Doors were opened around 6:15 and was close to a sell out in my observation. The whole top was tarped off but they're not to many seats on top any ways. Show started at 7:30 with Justin Roberts as ring announcer and "America The Beautiful".)

Match #1: Val Venis defeated Sylvan w/Maryse via Money Shot. Crowd was really pumped due to it being the first match, Val got a huge ovation and Sylvan got the normal USA and You Suck chants directed towards him.

Match #2: William Regal defeated Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Match was pretty blah, mostly Duggan running around with his thumb up chanting USA and yelling HOO.

Match #3: World Tag Team Champions Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch defeated Paul London & Brian Kendrick. Cade got the pinfall on London while Murdoch was holding Kendrick from breaking the pin. Crowd was really into London and Kendrick.

Match #4: Carlito defeated Super Crazy via Back Cracker. Crowd popped loud for Carlito and from where I was sitting I could see Carlito ask the ref. why they keep cheering for him. Crowd popped for Super Crazy but overall they were behind Carlito.

Match #5: WWE Women's Champion Candice Michelle defeated Melina using Christian's Unprettier. Honestly was the best Women's match I've personally seen in person. Melina was helped to the back by two ref's. Either she was hurt or just really sold well.

Match #6: Booker-T defeats Cody Rhodes with the book end. Pretty much a squash match.


Jillian Hall comes out and throws 4 shirts into the crowd than starts to sing. Santino Marella's music plays and crowd is still feeding in from intermission. He begins to tell Jillian that she's beautiful and since Maria isn't there that he will sing to her. He begins to sing, very bad, and than Mr. Kennedy's music hits and he gets a very large pop.

Match #7: Mr. Kennedy defeated Santino Marella with the Inverted Samoan Drop. Kennedy carried the entire match.

As Santino is walking towards the back, Umaga appears and takes Santino out with a clothesline and begins to kick him. He gets to the ring and it's announce that a non-title open challenge is going to happen. This leads to...

Match #8: Bobby Lashley defeating Umaga. Pretty good match, Umaga had the upper hand for most of it. Lashley got a huge pop from the crowd.

Match #9: John Cena defeated Randy Orton with the F-U. We saw everything from the STFU to the RKO in this match. Very solid and good match, good offense from both guys. Crowd was 99% behind Cena, as always in Vegas.

After Orton went to the back Cena was in the ring playing to the crowd when the big fat oily guy's music hits and he comes danceing out to the ring. Cena pulls a chair in the ring and points to a hot blonde (probably a stripper) in the front row to come in. She get's in the ring and sit's down while the fat guy takes off his clothes wearing nothing than a very small man thong. He squirts oil all over and dances on her. Cena goes to give him a high five but end's up giving him the F-U. The girl gets out and squirts the rest of the oil on the fat guy and hugs Cena as she makes her way back to her seat.

Overall a solid house show. Crowd was hot all night, can't wait for them to come again. SmackDown! hasn't been to Vegas in about 2 years so they should be next.

-5 Biggest Crowd Pops-

1. John Cena
2. Bobby Lashley
3. Mr. Kennedy
4. Val Venis
5. Carlito's Entrance/Paul London & Brian Kendrick

-5 Biggest Crowd Heats-
1. Randy Orton
2. Booker-T
3. Umaga
4. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch
5. Sylvan

Source - WrestleView.com