View Full Version : Bobby Lashley injured!

07-31-2007, 03:06 PM
WWE.com is reporting that Bobby Lashley suffered a possible rotator cuff tear "due to the kick he took from Ken Kennedy" last night on Raw. He was actually already injured going into the match last night.

The story we have gotten from two sources is that Lashley has been feeling pain in his shoulder at least going into TV last night and that they shot the angle last night to allow him to get the shoulder looked at and taken care of. It is not known of the severity of the injury at this time but keep an eye on latest news here and we will get it up as soon as we know.

That would explain why his program with Carlito was dropped without explanation on last night's show.

I feel this could be an excuse so he has time off for his body to recover from roids but I am not saying that for sure. If he is the same size when he returns, then I will not worry to much since WWE will not risk one of their top men to be on roids. Although, I will still be suspicious, I mean look at his size when he was in college. Some 40 - 50 pounds lighter, that is alot of size mass to put on IMO.

Partial source: PWInsider.com


To follow up on an earlier story, Bobby Lashley is set to meet with Dr. James Andrews in Birmingham, AL tomorrow to get a diagnosis on his injured left shoulder. WWE.com had stated last night that WWE physician Dr. Ferdinand Rios said it may be a rotator cuff tear.

To follow up on our story from earlier today, Lashley has experiencing pain in the shoulder since suffering an injury at the Backlash PPV in April. He saw Dr. Andrews in May but continued to work until this week when the injury worsened.


07-31-2007, 03:53 PM
I actually thought Lashley was a decent wrestler, I wonder when he will come back

Bad Boy
07-31-2007, 06:09 PM
Hope this doesnt turn out serious, cuz Lashley is good...

07-31-2007, 06:41 PM

To follow up on an earlier story, Bobby Lashley is set to meet with Dr. James Andrews in Birmingham, AL tomorrow to get a diagnosis on his injured left shoulder. WWE.com had stated last night that WWE physician Dr. Ferdinand Rios said it may be a rotator cuff tear.

To follow up on our story from earlier today, Lashley has experiencing pain in the shoulder since suffering an injury at the Backlash PPV in April. He saw Dr. Andrews in May but continued to work until this week when the injury worsened.


07-31-2007, 06:43 PM
another victim to the injury plague maybe it is a message to wwe

07-31-2007, 09:48 PM
This is becoming a serious problem. I assumed nobody major would get injured anytime soon since Edge got injured. Just go to wonder whos next.

07-31-2007, 09:53 PM
he is really growing on me as a wrestler. i hope he wont be gone long :sad:

08-01-2007, 04:37 AM
This is a major loss. Not only a good wrestler but a good character. His "soft spoken, hard hitting" character was great. He was becoming the old HHH - even fueding with McMahon. Didn't anybody see him do the HHH-esque vapor thing on Monday? As much as this is a loss to RAW, I think Vince realizes having him in a fued with Carlito is not a good thing. He's just that much of a main event playa' and shouldn't be put aside for Randy Orton. Having him take time off is actually pretty smart...
-One less "big build" on RAW, especially with HHH coming back. *You know with all the media on them right now*
-Ratings won't get any lower cuz HHH will take his place
-His major 2007 push won't get buried by fueding with Carlito - he'll be back in the main event when he returns...I hope...I still can't believe he had this major push and then got buried. As much as he and Cena are great wrestlers, Lashley beating Cena is more believable than Orton beating Cena. I say they at least should have had Orton "cripple" Lashley - not Kennedy. It would have helped his gimmick. Coming off "crippling" Lashley would make his threat more believable than crippling an old man and a newcomer, and an excuse for Lashley not competing in the main event...
-And most importantly, Lashley will heal and come back better than ever

08-02-2007, 02:45 AM
Imo he needs the rest...........

08-02-2007, 11:55 AM
new injury for wwe who is next weeks victim