View Full Version : Jeff Hardy might not be back till after SummerSlam or at all.

07-31-2007, 05:01 PM
Rumours are flying that Jeff Hardy might be out till after SummerSlam. This is not confirmed by any means but the true reason why he was not there last night is not known at this time, many rumours are flying but it could be peronal or anything. This is why creative made Umaga a face last night. If Jeff does not come back, then their SummerSlam would be over, so this is a precaution for Umaga. If I hear more or if anyone else does, please share. I heard this on PWInsider, so keep an eye out for more news.

07-31-2007, 06:46 PM
Found this.

From wrestlingmag.com:

by Phil Lowe
31 July 2007, 1:06 pm EST
The planned Umaga vs Jeff Hardy match for Summerslam is in doubt after Jeff Hardy was not at last night’s edition of Monday Night RAW.

Details are sketchy, and in the world of WWE things can change from day to day, but my understanding is that as of last night, WWE were planning on going forward on the basis that Hardy will be off TV for the next few weeks and that the planned match was scrapped.

We hope to have an update on this a little later today.

Either he's hurt or something's gone wrong.

07-31-2007, 07:32 PM
Maybe he was injured last week when he fell on his head after trying Whisper in the Wind?

07-31-2007, 07:35 PM
"Gah. I don't know where these sites are getting all their sensationalist reports, but Jeff was absent on Raw last night because he was working a benefit show for Kirby Mack, aka Krazy-K, his fellow Omega alum. Kirby had a cracked rib a little while back, that somehow bent and punctured his lung and collapsed it, and apparently he's going to need surgery. That's where Jeff was this week, no need for alarm on his front (on Kirby's... a bit more alarm.) "

Found that on another forum. Now it's getting confusing.

07-31-2007, 08:17 PM
No source from where they got the news, now is not the time to believe anything until WWE make a statement IMO or a very reliable source says something and there is only 1 or 2 of them.

07-31-2007, 09:42 PM
Man, I was excited for this match too :\

07-31-2007, 09:49 PM
I hope everything's OK...

07-31-2007, 09:58 PM
*will wait untill Mr Lion founds something out on this before i panic* :shock:

Dangerous Incorporated
08-01-2007, 12:00 AM
Don't believe everything you read. All these ridiculous rumors about Jeff are just that, rumors.

I can't post things until I'm given permission and straight from Beth (Jeff's girlfriend), Jeff is hurt. That is why he wasn't on Raw last night.

That's all I know right now.


Source: Tiffany (insideaway.net) - A close friend of Jeff and Beth

Flair Country
08-01-2007, 12:05 AM
I found a pretty reliable source IMO...

According to PWInsider.com, Jeff Hardy may be done with WWE. Hardy wasn't at RAW last night and there's concern within WWE that he won't be back for SummerSlam and that he might not be back at all. His program with Umaga was scrapped and Umaga was turned babyface on RAW.

I honestly can't say that I'm suprised about this news. Jeff is famous for no shows with every company that he's been involved in.

08-01-2007, 12:08 AM
I hope he is just hurt an not fired.

Dangerous Incorporated
08-01-2007, 12:27 AM
I found a pretty reliable source IMO...

So did I contrary to your news.:wink:

Triple X
08-01-2007, 12:57 AM
it looks he is busy with something else so they are giving him time

08-01-2007, 01:11 AM
I think I will wait for all the facts to come out before I pass Judgment on Jeff he really had no reason to just leave.

08-01-2007, 03:37 AM
"ok.. this is going to end right now! it has it's own thread because enough is enough. i have been gone all day and now i'm home and i'm home with news (even tho it had been posted by tiff and bubu).. just this very minute from jeff!

he wants all of you to know that he sustained neck and back injuries from his fall last week on raw. they (wwe) are giving him time off to heal!"

From the Hardy Show forums.

So. Jeff is hurt, He did not no show. WWE just gave him time off.

By the way, the poster was Tamran, who knows Jeff personally, So it is reliable.

08-01-2007, 04:36 AM
But Flair Country, alot of sites are not saying what PWInsider has said, they are making shit up. All i know for sure now is that Jeff Hardy told WWE he would not be there last night. Even PWInsider is pissed cause websites are taking what they said and changed it all around, typical sites looking for hits or forums.

08-01-2007, 05:02 AM
I was dissapointed last night on RAW. For me, I watch the show, a majority because of Jeff Hardy. He's simply entertaining. Throughout the night I found myself asking, "Where's Jeff?" However, this is just the reason why WWE can't push him to main event level. By the way, this is hard to say because he's that good! Once you have a past like Jeff's, its very difficult for the public, even for me, a fan, to believe in him even after something as small as missing one taping. When people have doubt towards anybody in the WWE, it makes the WWE look bad for having "doubtful" people in their company. Please don't let the rumors be true!!!

08-01-2007, 05:34 AM
Some harsh comments lol if he is injured, it is not his fault. From what I understand he has been clean and going well, they would never have let him have a feud with Umaga as a lead up to SummerSlam if they did not trust him.

Just KC
08-01-2007, 06:20 AM
So much for the reprts of Umaga going face huh? o the wrestling news sites make me laugh

Bad Boy
08-01-2007, 12:10 PM
Dave Scherer is reporting that Jeff Hardy no showed last night's Raw without ever contacting anyone to say he wouldn't be there. He is in serious hot water right now and his job is in serious jeopardy.

His program with Umaga has been scrapped and Umaga was turned face on last night's Raw. The entire show had to be re-written.

Credit: Wrestlezone

Flair Country
08-01-2007, 02:05 PM
Already posted boss, http://www.uowforums.com/showthread.php?t=107458.

Flair Country
08-01-2007, 02:16 PM
But Flair Country, alot of sites are not saying what PWInsider has said, they are making shit up. All i know for sure now is that Jeff Hardy told WWE he would not be there last night. Even PWInsider is pissed cause websites are taking what they said and changed it all around, typical sites looking for hits or forums.

Yeah that's a good point man, as it does look like he is just taking time off for an injury. I swear this all happend once before though, didn't Hardy originally no show at a PPV because he said he was "injured" and WWE fired him?

I guess I could be making that up... :)