View Full Version : Why do girls like guys that are total a-holes!?!

08-01-2007, 06:53 AM
Seriously, I was at a party on sunday and I met my friends cousin. I'm talking to this girl on AIM and she said I was making her laugh so hard that she was crying, which was good cause she said she felt like crap. Then she says "Can I tell you something?". I'm hoping she would say she liked me or something like that, but noooooooooooooo! She said she likes this other guy I know named Alex, WHOSE A FUCKIN DOUCHE I might add! Seriously, I know that he doesn't like me and I don't like him. At the party though, I decided to at least try to be nice. He gets there with his friend Jeorge. I go up to both of them and say hi. Jeorge says hi, he's cool and whatnot, but this Alex kid................. oooooooooooooo I hate him. He looks at me and says nothing. His friend even said "dude, he's saying hi." I never understood why girls like guys that are total assholes! It f'n pisses me off man!

08-01-2007, 03:18 PM

why must you spam? *bans*

anyways back on topic... if it helps you, nobody likes me.. but you know what, either move on or dont give 2 shits. it works for me.

08-01-2007, 03:26 PM
OK this is BS, Kellie told me if I do not post something immediately or else I would be banned, now I am getting in trouble for posting?

08-01-2007, 03:41 PM
^Either stay on topic or get banned for spamming because im sick to death of you

08-02-2007, 10:23 AM
Dude your right ... i have noticed this .. Girls always like those who are totally fucked up assholes .. the one who smoke like hell, drink like thirsty vampire and have nothing to do in life .. or desire to become something ....

08-02-2007, 12:00 PM
When I am dick dick girls seem to pay attention to me. But the ones I attract that way are normally skanks. I will prove it, I have been a complete asshole to Kellie and instead of her accepting my wedding proposal she is on the verge of banning me. Now if she was a skank we would be engaged right now. But its more than just the bad guys. During high school I had a major crush on this girl named Tawnya. but Tawnya liked this guy Aaron. Aaron cheated on her, was dishonest, called her names and would "forget" to give her a ride home and what not. Aaron started hitting her and my reaction was to hit him over and over again, which resulted in a week suspension from school, probation and court ordered anger management course. With the plus of Tawnya never wanting to speak to me again. I dont get this at all, in fact while at the dentist the other week I read in a magazine that girls should act like a bitch to get the guys they want. If you come to a blind date with me and treat me like crap its over.

08-02-2007, 02:18 PM
ur right dude .... thats why me and my buddies have a rule ....

Fuck and leave girls .. .... :D:bat:

Big Evil
08-05-2007, 09:50 AM
This is perhaps one of the things that pisses me off more than most... guys that are absolutely the most worthless pieces of shit ever to walk the earth... and women actually go for them. I guess its the danger factor or something... that 'bad boy' thing that girls like. I think they are idiotic to not only go for a screw-up like that, but will defend him when he treats them like shit. You know what I'm talking about? Like this guy who was hanging out in the same place I was a few nights ago. He treats his girl like crap, then somehow thinks SHE is cheating on HIM, when in reality HE is on HER. So he blows up and gets physical with her, i.e. pushing her around, getting in her face. It doesn't help that she's eight months pregnant with his kid! So a few of the guys weren't going to take it and they defend her. There ends up being a big fight and he gets the shit beat out of him. Bleeding all over the place and stuff, he is getting in a car to take off, and SHE IS STICKING UP FOR HIM! Crying her eyes out, saying she loves him and stuff, and its all so stupid because he got beat up for physically threatening HER! I just don't get this stuff anymore. The worst part is, when these girls think they 'love' this asshole, they won't listen to reason, and will stay with him while he treats her like shit even more, and she just won't give up until something really bad happens. I hate to get a rant going here, but this shit really pisses me off!

Girls need to pick the guys that actually have respect for them as people, not a guys who think they're hot shit and that the girls are just pieces of ass. Get the right, caring guy, not the worthless bastards!

08-05-2007, 12:27 PM
I will give the answer I give one of my really good friends (who is a super sweet guy), and he asks me this question all the time...

I have absolutely no idea! Personally, I cannot stand guys who are pricks, and I much prefer a nice guy, so it is just beyond me why other girls are attracted to guys like that!

08-06-2007, 07:14 AM
I don't bother with girls anymore as they only care about gangster guys where I live... Personally, not caring about them saves me money and time:)