View Full Version : Real story about Jeff Hardy - Suspended for one month!

08-01-2007, 07:12 PM
ok, here is the real story of Jeff Hardy, I got this form PWInsider.com and I trust them as a source, especially Dave Scherer as I have followed him for years. This hopefully shows you the fact that alot of sites will say anything to keep you people returning to them, if a lie helps a story, they will say it.

First off, Jeff Hardy is not released as alot of sites have been saying, Jeff Hardy has been suspended for a month, so he will not be at SummerSlam. The reason has not been made official but it is either to do with steroids or drugs. With Congress breathing down the WWE's neck at this time, they needed to do this to show they are not mucking aorund and i agree with them 100%.

All these Hardy sites with other stories are cover stories on the whole situation or could have possibly some truth to it, not sure on that right now or of the whole situation reagrding Jeff Hardy.

Many WWE officials are upset at the lack of maturity of Jeff Hardy when he returned he seemed like a new man with a new focus and maturity. They were thinking about moving him up into the singles feature but WWE were always scared and had it in the back of their mind that the past would occur again as has been proven.

WWE will take a hit with hardy being suspended due to Hardy being over with many fans and it is possible, fans will not turn into SummerSlam due to hardy not being on. So this was a major decision by WWE and usually they would suspend the superstars but let them perform or have a paycut etc.

As for this weeks RAW, Hardy was not even suppose to be there this week, he was not written into the script, so all those websites saying he did not turn up or left are just nutty.

On a Umaga note at RAW, he was as not meant to turn into a babyface, he is known as a big bad ass but people are just not into Marella at this time. WWE heard the pop from the crowd for Umaga and are wondering where to go now with it now.

Anyhoo, there it is. Thanx.


Black Widow
08-01-2007, 07:19 PM
imo they should run umaga as a face but who would he destroy, although i would love to see marella get his ass kicked every week by him

and jeff starting to disappoint the fans like he did before, and same reason i think too

08-01-2007, 07:38 PM
This is REALLY bad news for WWE. They did the right thing if the above is true, but that doesn't mean they won't feel the reprecussions. It's pretty much a given that Jeff vs. Umaga was on the card for Summerslam. It could have been a ladder or TLC match too. To me, that's a better draw than Cena/Orton and Batista/Khali. This is going to hurt RAW ratings, as it bombed Monday already, and Summerslam too.

08-01-2007, 07:40 PM
Jeff Hardy doesn't seem build up enough to the bodys of those steriods and other drug takers. But I guess thats the way it is.

08-01-2007, 07:42 PM
Did Randy Orton look like a steroid user, well he did now he has gotten so small lol

Superkick Kid
08-01-2007, 08:31 PM
I believe it was PWinsider who also stated first that Hardy no showed Raw and didnt contact the WWE about it.

I havent seen any other source verify this and I wont believe it until it has been verified.

08-01-2007, 08:42 PM
Do not believe lies other sites have said what PWInsider have said. They are even pissed about it, alot of sites reworded things said etc. As i said yesterday there was no official word and they were rumours, nothing official was said at all.

08-01-2007, 09:11 PM
Did Randy Orton look like a steroid user, well he did now he has gotten so small lol

I know that Orton's only problem isn't steroids, he does other drugs also.

08-01-2007, 09:19 PM
if it is to do with drugs, i wouldn't be surprised if they release jeff as a way of the wwe showing they are trying to improve how they deal with the use of drugs

08-01-2007, 09:56 PM
They won't release one of their most popular stars, a suspension would be as far as they would go. If it was someone not that important, they may have released them.

Phenomenal One
08-01-2007, 10:15 PM
i dont believe this for one second. i think the story of wwe letting him rest his injuries is the true story because of the injury plague hitting wwe

08-01-2007, 10:57 PM
Life isnt perfect and these wrestlers all have their problems. If your last icon left in the WWE turns out to be on roids or whatever you shouldn't try to defend it you should deal with it and be happy WWE is doing something about it now instead of trying to cover it up...

08-01-2007, 11:10 PM
He has to heal some time look at the moves he does.

08-01-2007, 11:12 PM
i dont believe this for one second. i think the story of wwe letting him rest his injuries is the true story because of the injury plague hitting wwe

This isn't a bible story. If alot of wrestlers are getting injured, doesn't mean others will to, there is no plague, just bad timing.

Lady DeathStrike
08-01-2007, 11:30 PM
the only way to teach jeff isnt through suspending him....

send him through to my bedroom ... like the naughty boy he is...

argh...his suspensions suck..

Dangerous Incorporated
08-01-2007, 11:45 PM
Real story according to who? Another one of them sources?? I call bullshit until we hear an official word. When WWE suspeneds someone they say so on their site and especially right now at a time where they are being scrutinized, if they can make an example out of someone they will and yet the only word that can be considered realible is from Jeff himself. Otherwise he's just made himself a liar to the rest of the world and I doubt he'd put himself in that position of embarresement.

Funny how its all technically rumours still right?

08-02-2007, 12:33 AM
I gotta agree with DangerousInc on this one. Nothing is "The real story" Unless its said by WWE themselves.

Triple X
08-02-2007, 01:22 AM
oh i cant imagine umaga face boy haha

08-02-2007, 02:40 AM

Big Evil
08-02-2007, 01:28 PM
Look what has happened to Joey Mercury and the others who have been busted for drugs/steroids recently. They were not as big of stars, and they were booted from the WWE. I agree that they will only suspend a guy like Jeff Hardy since he is big with the fans. He is a big draw, and they would not make a mistake like that, since TNA would probably just pick him up again. Anyways, with the WWE starting to crack down on this more, the question is, will it take the heat off? I think not. Congress and the general public won't relent for a while, considering how big of a situation this is. We won't see the end of this for a while, I guarantee that much.

08-02-2007, 06:43 PM
maybe he failed the drug test they have to take. maybe it was just some pot he did. all we can do is wait for the official word on why he was really suspended. i am sad is not going to be at SS :sad:

08-05-2007, 12:23 PM
No Jeff Hardy is a huge hit to the WWE... I just wish Jeff could clean up his act, and stop all these problems (I know, a hell of a lot easier said than done).

Marella winning the IC title was a joke, and I have not liked him from the second he first got into the ring.... I would gladly watch him get his ass kicked every week on RAW!

08-06-2007, 02:28 AM
I'm glad they're buckling down on the situation even if it is someone who I like... The Umaga thing should be put to good use, I like Umaga kind of now, and I hate Santino... Make Umaga turn face and Santino heel and make Umaga crush Santino for maybe a month or two then fire him and I'll like Umaga even more:)