View Full Version : Woman To Sue WWE Over WM23 Incident w/ RVD

Dangerous Incorporated
08-02-2007, 03:03 PM
Wrestling Observer has learnt in the past few days that a woman, from Detroit, Michigan, is launching a lawsuit against World Wrestling Entertainment and Rob Van Dam for an incident that occured at WrestleMania 23 on April 1st.

Details are sketchy at the moment, but it is believed the incident occured during Rob Van Dam's entrance through the crowd, in which he is said to of "spat" at the woman. The woman is then believed to of left the arena.

World Wrestling Entertainment have declined to make a comment. We will have more on this story in the coming weeks.

Source: Wrestling Observer

I take what Meltzer or WO says with a grain of salt these days due to alot of false stories lately so we'll see what happens with this but if this is real I wonder why she is only suing now. Let me guess.....the publicity!