View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 3rd Aug 2007

08-04-2007, 04:18 PM
Smackdown Results - 3rd Aug 2007
Location - Phoenix, Arizona
Announcers - Michael Cole and JBL

Kristal Marshall accompanies the Smackdown General Manager Teddy Long to the ring. Teddy and Kristal dance in the ring before Kristal introduces her fiancée. She says that Teddy has a big announcement to make. Teddy says that he is making the biggest announcement of his life. The date has been set and on Friday, September 21st, they are going to get married. Teddy invites everyone to their wedding. He says that since Kristal wants to share it with everyone, they are going to get married on Smackdown. Teddy says that he does not know anyone else that he would rather spend the rest of his life with than her. They kiss in the center of the ring until the Great Khali’s music plays.

The Great Khali comes to the ring with Runjin Singh. Teddy wants to know what they are doing. Khali has something to say to Teddy Long and then he scares Kristal out of the ring. Runjin Singh asks Teddy if he likes being interrupted in the middle of a celebration and he says that he does not. Singh says that the Great Khali does not like it either. Last week was supposed to be the crowning achievement of his career. It was a beautiful celebration honoring his life, his culture, and his title victory. It did not happen because Batista ruined it. He says Batista made a mockery of the Great Khali and insulted him. The Great Khali does not ask, he demands that Teddy Long set this straight. Teddy says that he does not give a damn what the Great Khali wants. Long tells Singh that nobody talks that way to him or his fiancée. He is the man in charge. Long tells Khali that he will be defending his title against Batista at SummerSlam.

Khali, Long, and Singh are interrupted by Kane’s pyro and he comes to the ring. We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Kane versus Chris Masters
Kane and Masters lock up to a stalemate. Kane with a side head lock and Masters tries to power out of the hold but Kane holds on until Masters Irish whips Kane but Kane with a shoulder tackle that sends Masters into the corner. Masters with a kick to the midsection followed by a side head lock. Kane tries to get out of the hold but Masters keeps Kane in the side head lock with a knee. Kane with an Irish whip but Masters with a shoulder tackle of his own. Masters with another shoulder tackle but Kane with an uppercut. Kane works on Masters’s hand. Kane with an arm bar and he works on the shoulder. Kane with a hammer lock but Masters backs Kane into the turnbuckle and Masters with forearms in the corner. Kane reverses an Irish whip but he charges into an elbow from Masters. Masters tries for the Master Lock but Kane is able to avoid the hold. Kane sets for the choke slam but Masters goes out of the ring to regroup but Kane gets Masters on the apron. Masters drops Kane across the top rope to stun Kane. Masters with forearms to the back and he tries for the Master Lock but Kane gets to the corner. Masters with forearms to Kane but the referee pulls Masters off Kane. Masters with a short arm clothesline to Kane for a two count. Masters with an elbow to the collarbone and then he has Kane in a neck vice. Kane gets back to his feet and he punches Masters. Masters with a swinging neck breaker for a two count. Masters returns to the neck and has Kane in a reverse chin lock. Kane with a belly-to-back suplex and then he sets for the choke slam but Masters gets to the ropes. Masters almost has the Master Lock applied but Kane powers out of the attempt. Masters tries for a suplex but Kane blocks it and Kane hits a suplex of his own. Kane with a big boot followed by punches and an elbow. Kane with an Irish whip followed by two running clotheslines into the corner. Kane with another Irish whip followed by a side slam for a two count. Kane goes up top for the jumping clothesline but Masters moves out of the way and he gets Kane in the Master Lock but Kane makes it to the ropes. Masters tries again but Kane is able to hit the choke slam for the three count.
Winner: Kane

Deuce and Domino are in the back as they get ready for their match later tonight against Ric Flair and Batista. Domino points out that Flair and Batista have won twenty world titles, but their belts mean that they are the best tag team. They will prove it tonight. Deuce says that tonight he will get his hands on Batista for the way that he looked at his girl. Deuce says that he will kick Batista in the face and the eyes so hard that he will never make eyes at Batista again. Deuce wonders where Cherry is and Domino tells him not to worry and that she is probably off roller skating. We go to commercial.

We are back with a Chuck Palumbo video package. He talks about the way he takes out his aggression on a motorcycle and in the ring.

Match Number Two: Mark Henry versus Nate Nickerson
Henry sends Nickerson into the corner and he splashes him. Henry presses Nickerson over his head and then he hits a back breaker. Henry yells at his opponent before he tosses Nickerson back to the mat. Henry with a bear hug and Nickerson is out cold.
Winner: Mark Henry

After the match, Mark Henry gets on the mic and he says that he is the World’s Strongest Man and he is the silverback. He says that this is his jungle and nobody can beat him. He says that he will tell everyone why nobody of consequence takes his challenge but we see a video package of the carnage that Mark Henry has wrought on Smackdown wrestlers. We see Henry attack the Undertaker on the night that Edge won the World Heavyweight Title.

It is time for Jesse and Festus to talk to us about fashion. We see Jesse wearing a suit tonight and he says that his mom always told him to impress their boss with their first paycheck so he went out and got a tailor made suit. Festus enters the shot wearing something out of Saturday Night Fever. Festus says that he bought his suit himself. Jesse says that Festus is the face of a true Hollywood fashion plate.

We go to commercial as the arm wrestling table is brought to the ring for Montel Vontavious Porter and Matt Hardy.

We are back and we are told that Mr. McMahon will be on Raw on Monday night.

Matt Hardy comes out for his arm wrestling match against Montel Vontavious Porter. We go to footage from last week when Matt Hardy pinned Chris Masters in his tag match with Ric Flair against Montel Vontavious Porter. We hear Porter’s comments that Hardy did not beat him. We also hear Matt Hardy’s challenge.

Montel Vontavious Porter comes to the ring. The referee wants to know if Montel is going to wear his title belt during the arm wrestling contest. Montel takes his time getting set for the match. Matt asks Montel if he is going to take his sunglasses off and Montel says that he will take them off for Matt.

They get locked up for the arm wrestling contest but the referee stops things because he sees Montel wrapping his leg around the leg of the table for better leverage. Porter gets some tape for his wrist since Matt’s hand is taped up. Before they start, Montell pulls away and says that the tape is too tight. Montel uses the resin bag for his hand and then they lock up again. Porter pulls away one more time and he tries to get a better grip. Montel is admonished by the referee and Hardy slaps Porter’s hand so he releases the ball Porter was using for a better grip and Hardy locks up with Porter and the contest begins.

Things start off even with each man getting a slight advantage. Porter looks like he has it won but Hardy fights back and gets it back to even. Hardy ends up winning the contest.

Montel Vontavious Porter gets on the mic and he says that he was not ready and everyone saw that. Porter says that in a fair competition Matt Hardy cannot beat him. Porter says that he can beat Hardy wrestling any time and any place. Porter says that he will beat Hardy right now. We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter versus Matt Hardy in a non-title match
Porter with a kick to Hardy’s midsection but Hardy with a punch and then Hardy works on the arm. Hardy slams Porter’s arm into the top turnbuckle. Hardy returns to the arm bar. Porter with a kick on a break and then he punches Hardy. Porter tries for a hip toss but Hardy takes Porter down and returns to the arm with an arm bar. Hardy slams Porter’s arm to the mat and then he gets Porter in an arm bar submission. Hardy with a kick and punch to Porter but Porter with a kick to Hardy. Hardy with a divorce court for a two count. Hardy returns to the arm and drops the arm across his shoulder. Porter gets to the ropes and the referee pulls Hardy off Porter. Hardy with a rollup for a near fall. Porter with an Irish whip but he charges into an elbow. Hardy with an elbow from the second turnbuckle and Hardy gets set for the Twist of Fate but Porter rolls to the apron. Hardy is dropped across the top rope by Porter and Porter returns to the ring for a two count. Porter kicks Hardy followed by a snap mare and kick to the back for a two count. Porter with a seated abdominal stretch. Hardy with a short arm clothesline and then he punches Porter. Hardy misses an elbow drop when Porter rolls out of the way. Hardy with a punch to Hardy but Hardy with a series of kicks to Hardy’s leg. Porter with the running boot to the head that sends Hardy out of the ring. Porter goes out after Hardy and then he rolls Hardy back into the ring and gets a two count. Porter with a kick to the back and Hardy returns to his knees. Porter with a front chancery but Hardy gets back to his feet. Hardy appears to be ready to get free but Porter slams Hardy’s head back into the mat. Porter gets a two count and then he returns to the front chancery. Hardy returns to his feet and he puts Porter on the top turnbuckle and he punches Porter. Hardy punches Porter in the arm and then Hardy hits a superplex and both men are down. Hardy and Porter exchange punches but Hardy gets the advantage and hits a short arm clothesline and follows that with an inside cradle for a two count. Hardy with an Irish whip followed by a running clothesline. Porter gets out of the bulldog attempt but he is not so lucky the second time. Hardy gets a two count and Porter rolls out of the ring. Porter grabs the title belt and he starts to leave the ringside area. Hardy with a baseball slide that sends Porter into the ringside barrier. Hardy rolls Porter back into the ring and hits a side effect for a two count. Hardy slams Porter and then he goes to the turnbuckles and hits a leg drop from the second turnbuckle but Hardy can only get a two count. Hardy tries for the Twist of Fate but Porter gets out of the hold and he leaves the ring. Porter takes his title belt and he leaves the ringside area and heads to the back and gets counted out in the process.
Winner: Matt Hardy (by count out)

Deuce is walking in the back and he is looking for Cherry. Deuce asks a backstage worker if he saw Cherry and he says that he saw Cherry roll into one of the doors down the hall. Deuce goes to that room and it is Batista’s locker room. Deuce gets ready to hit Batista as he comes out of the locker room but Cherry comes out. Deuce yells at Cherry but Domino stops him and says that they need to talk strategy for tonight’s match.

Batista and Flair walk into the hall and they both laugh. Flair woooos and then they return to Batista’s locker room. We go to commercial.

We are back and Jamie Noble is walking in the back and he stops by Funaki and Shannon Moore and Noble wonders why they are laughing. Moore says that they were talking about Hornswoggle and how Noble got embarrassed twice by the only person shorter than him. Funaki says that Noble has a short fuse. Noble tells them to enjoy themselves because when he makes an example of Shannon Moore, they won’t have anything to laugh about. Moore says that it will be a ‘short’ match. As Moore and Funaki leave, Noble is visibly frustrated by their comments. In the background we see a trash can lid rise and Hornswoggle pops his head out of the trash can as Noble walks away without seeing the Cruiserweight Champion.

We go to a Rey Mysterio video package and he will be back at SummerSlam.

Vickie Guerrero and Kristal Marshall are looking through magazines for honeymoon suggestions when there is a knock on the door. Chavo Guerrero enters and congratulates Kristal on her upcoming marriage. Chavo says that he needs to talk to Vickie so Kristal leaves. Chavo says that Rey Mysterio is coming back as a one-legged wrestler. Chavo says that he did what no other wrestler has done and that is to make Rey Mysterio say ‘I Quit’. Chavo says that he hopes Rey comes back so he can put Rey out of his misery. Vickie tells Chavo that he can have that and he will face Rey Mysterio at SummerSlam.

We see the SummerSlam commercial before we go to some more commercials.

We are back with another Chuck Palumbo video package of him riding his motorcycle. He talks about pushing the limits of his motorcycle.

Before Noble enters the ring, he looks under the ring for Hornswoggle but the Cruiserweight Champion is not ‘home’. We see footage of Hornswoggle pinning Jamie Noble to win the Cruiserweight Title. We see footage of Hornswoggle’s victory last week over Jamie Noble by count out.

Match Number Four: Jamie Noble versus Shannon Moore
Noble with a kick after backing Moore into the corner on a collar and elbow tie up. Moore avoids a chop and he punches Noble. Moore with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot. Noble with forearms to the neck followed by a Northern Lights suplex and bridge. Noble with an arm bar and he add a reverse chin lock. Noble returns to the neck and then he stops Moore with a knee. Noble with a snap mare and snap leg drop for a near fall. Moore with an arm bar and crossface. Noble with a head butt and slam. Noble continues the attack with an elbow to the head followed by a cravate. Moore with a punch but Noble with a forearm and then he sets for the Gibson Driver but Moore blocks it and hits a back body drop. Moore hits a spinning heel kick followed by punches to Noble. Noble with an Irish whip and he charges into an elbow. Moore goes up top and hits a corkscrew moonsault for a two count. Moore tries for a neck breaker but Noble hits a leg lariat followed by a gutbuster from a fireman’s carry position for the three count.
Winner: Jamie Noble

After the match, Hornswoggle comes into the ring and he shows Noble his Cruiserweight title belt. Hornswoggle starts to go under the ring but he re-emerges with a pie in his hand. Hornswoggle throws the pie in Noble’s face and then he hides under the ring. Noble waits for Hornswoggle to come out the other side of the ring and he is met with a fire extinguisher. Hornswoggle runs over Noble as he heads to the back. We go to commercial.

We are back with the Smack of the Night: Torrie Wilson and Jimmy Wang Yang defeating Kenny Dykstra and Victoria from last week’s Smackdown.

Match Number Five: Kenny Dykstra (with Victoria) versus Jimmy Wang Yang (with Torrie Wilson)
Dykstra with a side head lock and shoulder tackle and then Dykstra slaps Yang in the head. Dykstra gets tripped by Yang and Yang with a side head lock. Dykstra gets Yang up in the air, but Yang holds on to the side head lock and he takes Dykstra down again. Dykstra backs Yang into the corner and he connects with a knee on the break. Dykstra puts Yang on the top turnbuckle but Yang with a rana and a clothesline that sends Dykstra over the top rope. Yang hits a slingshot pescado onto Dykstra on the floor. The action returns to the ring and Dykstra hits a leg drop for a two count. Dykstra with a neck breaker for a two count. Dykstra with a rear chin lock on Yang. Yang comes off the ropes but Dykstra trips Yang and then Dykstra goes to the apron and hits a slingshot forearm to the back of the neck for a two count. Dykstra with a slam to Yang and then he hits a forearm to the head for another near fall. Dykstra returns to the rear chin lock. Dykstra puts Yang in the tree of owe and then he connects with a series of elbows and Victoria gets a shot in of her own. Torrie comes around to try to confront Victoria, but Dykstra gets in the way and tells Torrie to get back on her side. Dykstra returns to the ring and Yang hits a drop kick. Yang with punches followed by a series of kicks and Dykstra is in the corner. Yang charges at Dykstra in the corner and hits a spinning heel kick. Yang goes up top and tries for a cross body but Dykstra has his knees up. Dykstra gets a two count. Dykstra goes up top but when he comes off the top, Yang hits a spinning heel kick and Yang gets a two count. Dykstra charges into an elbow. Yang goes up top but Dykstra crotches him on the top turnbuckle. Yang with elbows and Dykstra falls to the mat. Yang hits an Asai Moonsault for the three count.
Winner: Jimmy Wang Yang

We go to the back where Deuce, Domino, and Cherry drive to the ring for their match and we go to commercial.

We are back and Michelle McCool is playing football at the beach, running on the beach, and relaxing at the pool.

Match Number Six: WWE Tag Team Champions Deuce and Domino (with Cherry versus Batista and Ric Flair in a Non-Title Match
Batista and Deuce start things off and Deuce punches Batista. Batista with a kick and punches followed by a back elbow. Batista slams Deuce’s head into the turnbuckle and punches Deuce before tagging in Ric Flair. Flair with a hip toss and hammer lock before tagging Batista back into the match. Batista punches Deuce and wraps Deuce’s arm around the top rope. Batista with an arm bar take down but Deuce with a knee and he tags in Domino. Domino is met with a punch and then he is brought into Batista’s corner where Batista connects with a few shoulders before tagging Flair back into the match. Flair with a kick but Domino with an Irish whip and back body drop. Domino slams Flair followed by a knee drop for a near fall. Deuce tags back in and he punches Flair. Deuce tries to distract the referee to allow Domino to work over Flair but Deuce does not get the referee’s attention and the referee tells Domino not to try anything. Deuce with a forearm to Flair and Domino is tagged back in. Flair chops Domino but Domino with a flying back elbow for a two count. Deuce is tagged in but he misses an elbow drop when Flair moves out of the way. We go to commercial.

We are back and Batista is tagged in and he slams Deuce two times. Batista with a knee to Deuce and then Flair is tagged back in. Flair starts to work on the leg and he applies the figure four leg lock on Deuce. Domino breaks up the hold and Deuce is able to tag in Domino. Domino attacks Flair before Flair can tag Batista back into the match. Domino with an arm bar. Domino with a shoulder tackle and he tags in Deuce who hits a flying fist drop. Deuce punches Flair in the corner but the referee pulls Deuce off Flair. Deuce continues to punch Flair in the corner and the referee stops him one more time. Flair starts to go to his corner, but Flair does the Flair Flop before he can make the tag. Deuce with a knee drop to Flair’s head. Flair backs into the corner and Deuce punches Flair again but the referee stops Deuce one more time. Flair with chops to Deuce. Deuce with punches to Flair and Flair goes down to the mat. Domino tags back in and Deuce and Domino slam Flair’s head into the mat and Domino gets a two count on Flair. Domino returns to the arm bar. Deuce tags in but Flair chops Deuce while Deuce continues to work on Flair’s arm. Deuce gets a near fall on Flair and returns to the arm with an arm bar. Domino tags back in but Flair fights his way out of the corner with chops and punches. Domino grabs Flair’s ankle to prevent Flair from getting to Batista. Deuce tags in and Flair staggers towards his corner. Deuce charges at Flair but Flair moves out of the way. Deuce comes out of the corner and hits a clothesline but both men are down. Domino and Batista are tagged in and Batista punches Domino and then he knocks Deuce from the apron. Batista with an Irish whip and running clothesline to Domino. Batista with a spear to Deuce. Batista with another Irish whip but he charges into an elbow from Domino. Domino charges at Batista and Batista hits a spinning uranage and it is time for Batista to shake the ropes. Batista sets for the Batista Bomb but the Great Khali’s music plays.

Khali walks to the ring and Deuce hits Batista from behind. Batista punches Deuce but Domino clips Batista and then Deuce hits a jumping leg lariat. The referee calls for the bell.
Winners: Ric Flair and Batista (by disqualification)

After the match, Deuce with a running boot to Batista’s head. Khali enters the ring and Flair tries to attack Khali from behind but Flair is tossed aside. Khali grabs Flair with a claw and then he lets go and Flair collapses to the mat. Khali leaves the ring and Batista checks on Flair and we go to credits.

08-05-2007, 07:33 AM
Thanks for the play-by-play Lion!