View Full Version : parents

08-05-2007, 12:52 AM
i am fucking sick and tried parents not controlling there damn kids in public you may know what i am talking about the damn kids running up and down the aile
of the grocery store yelling and screaming throwing things at other people it seems they just don't care anymore case in point i was at eb games recently when a mom and her son walked in she told him to get three games while she
talked on her phone first thing this kid does is grab games of the wall throw them on the ground and yell i want five games when she said no he goes over to strategy guides and then rips out pages and throw them on the floor then he plays x-box 360 demo seconds later he screams i hate this game it cheats then proceeds to push the display down to the ground while she still talks on the phone about who got voted of dancing with the stars when the manager of the store said she needed to pay for damaged items she pulls out a credit card and says fine we are never coming back here again.it seems they just don't get
it when they say i want to be a friend to my kids so when they have problem
will come to me bullshit your main responsibility is a parent first friend later

08-05-2007, 02:56 AM
A couple years ago I almost hit a kids dad in Wal-Mart. I had gotten surgery on my left knee and was cane bound. The parents lat their kid(who couldnt see over the cart) push it with his siblings in it. He was running making car noises and rammed right into me. Thank God they hit my right side. I grabbed the kid by the arm and told him to bring me to his parents. After I told his father what happened.(Expecting an apology or it will never happen again) he threatens me and says I better be right with God if I ever grab his kid again. So I told him I would never do it again, I would grab him and not let go until he quit kicking. I give my friend my cane and shove the guy then hobble forward.(I am literally a foot taller than he is) My friend gets in between us. all in all I over reacted, but I know what you mean when you are sick of this. I will say this though. Earlier today I went to the Ranch store (My damn dog keeps finding new ways off escaping) When pulling out an SUV pulled in. I start going and a kids jumps out of it in a full sprint right in front of my truck. (I drive a GMC Sierra which is quite large) I slam on my breaks and look up, I cant see anything. I put it in park going around thinking I killed him. As it turns out just in the nick of time his mother yanked him back behind their SUV and she even had the kid apologize to me. So even though some people let their kids run wild, at the same time it gives us a new respect for those who keep their kids in check. So if this really annoys you, when you see somebody who has well behaved kids, thank them and compliment them. That is what I do, because picking a fight with their parents doesnt solve anything.

08-05-2007, 08:07 PM
i know what you are both talking about. it so annoys me to see parents letting their kids act like that :no: austin knows he is supposed to behave and he is a very good boy. dont get me wrong he does act up sometimes. but he knows when i give him the mommy look that i mean business lol

Big Evil
08-05-2007, 09:22 PM
You know I agree with you all completely. It saddens me that there are parents that will spoil their kids to the point you get the reactions that gator pointed out. That kid will always be a bad apple as long as that woman lets him behave like that. As far as the Dad and his cart-pushing kid, that situation should never have happened. A parent should have the common sense to not let a child push a cart around the store (especially when most of the boys think its a race car lol). But there are those that are good parents. I hope I turn out like that. I would hate to look back and find that I was just another irresponsible, careless jackass of a father.

08-06-2007, 05:56 AM
"The Mommy Look" OMG! I know that look. I have been mouthing off with my friends and not known my mom was behind me, but even though she was behind me that look is so powerful I can feel it. It like fuckin death rays!

Glorious Maxxwell
08-06-2007, 02:33 PM
Yeah, I was at the local Walmart, and I saw this kid, he was a complete imbecile. He was always like 5 fucken feet away from his mother. And he was doing all sorts of shit. Ripping bags of chips open and eating some, tripping people, taking things out of people's baskets, shoplifting, etc. Well he came over to me and tried to take something out of my basket, and I saw him do it. So I told him, "Fuck, put whatever you taken out back into my basket." His mother whipped around and started screaming at me, "You don't talk to him like that." And then she starts calling me all sorts of things that had nothing to do with nothing, like fatass, and, since I bought the movie Undercover Brother that day(she saw it in my basket, it was flush against the side), N*****lover. Trust me, this is what the stereotype of an inbred, piece of shit hillbilly is based off of. Anyway to make a long story short. I get kicked out of the store, but not before asking if I still wanted to purchase everything I got.

I know not all mothers are that bad, and the kid would occasionally do something bad. But yeah, a lot of parents drop the ball in child raising in public

Bad Boy
08-06-2007, 04:02 PM
basically, some parents are worried about their children and some are not, thats the diff between good parents and bad parents, all small kids tend to go crazy, all of us have, and seeing it at stores is the most normal thing, but a good parent, is who keep her/his child under control, we can't hit them or do anything, as they are not our kids, all we can do is hope the child's parents are understanding and even give a damn...

as we grow up, we mature, and until then all we can expect from the little one's is fun and crazyness lol... and Jody, "the Look"... lolz, seeen that a million times :D