View Full Version : ECW Results - 7th Aug, 2007

08-08-2007, 10:25 AM
ECW Results - 7th Aug, 2007
Location -
Announcers - Joey Styles and Tazz

ECW for August 7th opened with a recap of last week's show, where CM Punk won a three way match with Tommy Dreamer and Elijah Burke for the right to face ECW Champion John Morrison in a "15 minutes of fame" match this week. Punk also declared that if couldn't beat John Morrison or last 15 minutes (thus earning an ECW Title match) this week, he would never challenge Morrison for the title again.

Great sign in the crowd listing all of John Morrison's former identities with "What's your name?" on it.

The Boogeyman vs. Jason Guilmette.

New look for the Boogeyman, as he came out with a black wig on, then took it off to reveal a new headpaint design, with a lot more red than he wore in the past. Boogey started knocking Guilmette around, hitting a clothesline in the corner and a powerslam. Boogey went to the top rope and hit a splash for the pin in under a minute.

Winner: The Boogeyman.

Post-match, Boogeyman put some worms in his mouth, then opened Guilmette's mouth and drooled them in. Matt Striker came out, saying the worms were "unsanitary". Striker kept talking, distracting Boogey, while Big Daddy V got in the ring and attacked Boogey. V kept yelling "You think I'm afraid of you?" and hit him with chops in the corner. Big Daddy V hit an avalanche, a Samoan Drop, then a pair of elbowdrops. Big Daddy V hit the ropes and dropped one more elbow. Striker got in and yelled that Boogeyman "Wasn't tough". Big Daddy V stood over the downed Boogeyman.

Elijah Burke vs. Tommy Dreamer.

They locked up at the bell, and Burke grabbed a side headlock, but Dreamer broke free with legkicks and clotheslined Burke to the floor. Dreamer went to go after him, but Burke slammed Dreamer off the apron and to the floor. Burke threw Dreamer back in and stomped the back of Dreamer. Burke teased his elevated elbow in the corner, stopped, then did the move anyway, dropping it right on Dreamer's back. Burke put Dreamer in a surfboard, but Dreamer fought out of it and hit a back suplex. Dreamer hit some punches, decking Burke twice, then applied a Texas Cloverleaf. Burke made the rope for the break. Dreamer catapulted Burke into the corner, then went for a DDT, but Burke dropped down to avoid it. Dreamer ran into a boot by Burke, who flipped himself over the ropes and began to climb up to the top. Dreamer met him there, and they jockeyed for position on the top rope. Burke jumped to the floor, pulling Dreamer chest first across the top rope. Burke got back in the ring and hit the Elijah Express (jumping double knee) to Dreamer's back for the pin at the four minute mark.

Winner: Elijah Burke.

The announcers talked with John Morrison, who was backstage. They asked his thoughts on the match tonight, and Morrison said CM Punk was "excited" about his 15 minutes of fame. Morrison said while Punk gets up at 5am to workout, he's just getting in at 5am. Morrison said after tonight, no one will remember Punk's name.

I see SciFi now has an "all-new" Flash Gordon, to go along with their "all-new" Battlestar Galactica. So, when's the "all-new" Buck Rogers coming out?

The Miz, with Extreme Expose, vs. Balls Mahoney.

Yep, the Solid Gold rejects now accompany Miz to the ring before taking seats at ringside. Miz got on the mic and noted he was a "chick magnet". He said women loved him, and their men "fear" him. Balls put him in a headlock, but Miz shoved him off, only to be knocked down by a shoulderblock. Balls avoided a leapfrog and a right hand, then hit a series of punches with the crowd chanting for them. Balls missed a shot, almost went over the top rope, then rolled to the floor. Miz hit a baseball slide kick, knocking Balls down. Kelly actually checked on Balls, and Balls and Kelly looked at each other and smiled. Miz grabbed Balls, threw him back into the ring and hit a slew of punches on the mat. Miz hit a sloppy slam for a two count. Miz tried another one, but Balls avoided it. Miz kicked Balls in the gut and hit the kneelift/neckbreaker combo for the three count at the four minute mark.

Winner: The Miz.

As Miz and Extreme Expose celebrated and left, Kelly kept looking at Balls, laid out in the ring.

The announcers talked with CM Punk, who was backstage. Punk talked about being focused, and said that John Morrison will never for get the name C.M. Punk at the end of tonight.

We had a nice recap of Raw from last night, for those of you that missed it. For those of you that recorded ECW, this is a great time to test out your DVR's FFWD feature.

The recent wins by Stevie Richards over Kevin Thorn were recapped. Stevie Richards was then given a promo! He started to talk about how long he has been an ECW wrestler and how "Extreme" things can happen in wrestling. However, he barely got in ten words when he was attacked by Kevin Thorn, who rammed him into the interview set and an equipment case. Mike Rotundo, Arn Anderson and others came in and broke it up.

ECW Champion John Morrison vs. CM Punk - Non-title "15 Minutes Of Fame" match. If Punk wins or lasts 15 minutes, he will receive an ECW Title match at Summerslam.

Punk didn't rush at the start, and took his time locking up with Morrison. Punk grabbed an arm wringer and took Morrison down with a hammerlock. Morrison tripped out with a single leg, but Punk kicked him away. Punk grabbed a waistlock and took Morrison down, then switched into a front facelock. Morrison escaped and grabbed a hammerlock, then went into a chinlock. Punk powered out into an overhead wristlock and tripped Morrison down for a two count. Punk grabbed a chinlock of his own, and Morrison made the ropes. Morrison kicked Punk in the gut, then took him down with a snapmare. Morrison pulled Punk's hair and forced him to look at the clock, then hit him with a few kicks. Morrison did the old Rick Rude hip swivel. Punk reversed a whip, and Morrison tried a kick, but Punk caught it, then jumped to the second rope and hit a springboard dropkick for a two count. Punk then delivered a legdrop for another two. Punk hit two kicks to the chest, then a hammerlock into a clothesline for a two count. Morrison hit a shot to the gut to change momentum.

Five minutes gone.

Morrison slammed Punk and hit a handstand legdrop for a two count. Punk hit a kick and punch, then a clothesline. Morrison hit a series of kicks to the gut, but Punk came back by clotheslining Morrison to the floor. Punj hit Morrison with a pescado. Punk threw him back in the ring, then got on the apron for a springboard, but Morrison dropkicked Punk to the floor. Morrison went to suplex Punk in, but Punk blocked it and suplexed Morrison, dropping him to the floor. Morrison was down on the floor and Punk was standing on the apron with eight minutes left as they went to break.

We know the clock is ticking, but there is always time for a Summerslam commercial before going back to the ring.

Back from break with four minutes left. Punk elbowed out of a cobra clutch, and Morrison went for a neckbreaker, but Punk turned it into a backslide for two. Morrison hit a sidekick for a two count. Morrison went for a second rope twisting moonsault, but missed as Punk rolled out of the way. Punk hit some punches, then a back elbow. Punk hit a kick to the back, then one to the gut, then a clothesline. Punk hit some knees to the body, then a jumping knee in the corner. Punk hit a bulldog, then a springboard clothesline for a two count. Punk went for a suplex, but Morrison floated over. Punk reversed and rolled up Morrison for a two count. Punk hit a Shining Wizard for a two count. Punk charged Morrison, who grabbed Punk with a backbreaker then a neckbreaker for a two count. A chant for Punk began.

A minute left.

They traded reversals, and Morrison catapulted Punk in the corner, but Punk landed on the middle rope, then leaped into a sunset flip for a two count. Punk went for the GTS, but Morrison kneed out of it. Morrison went for a springboard, but fell off the rope, so he just jumped up into an enzugiri. Morrison went for the flipping neckbreaker on Punk, but Punk blocked it and picked up Morrison. Punk it the Go To Sleep and got the pin with five seconds remaining.

Winner: CM Punk.

It will be ECW Champion John Morrison vs. CM Punk at Summerslam, with the ECW Title on the line.

Punk celebrated to end the show.