View Full Version : Bobby Lashley Update, Injury More Serious, WWE, More

Black Widow
08-09-2007, 06:21 PM
Source: PWinsider.com, pwheadlines.com

- Bobby Lashley had surgery on his should two days ago in Birmingham, AL. Details remain sketchy, at this point. Sources are saying that they found something, other than the rotator cuff injury, which was said to be serious. He will be out of action for at least a month. That is a rough estimate and will probably be out longer. As we receive more information, we will keep you updated.

Chad Davis sent in: This won't mean anything to those who weren't there on Tuesday night, but for those of us in attendance of the Smackdown/ECW tapings in Youngstown, OH, we were treated to the outcome of the John Morrison/CM Punk match about an hour before it was to begin. Before the Khali/Flair match at the end of Smackdown, they announced several matches for SummerSlam, and one of them was John Morrison vs. CM Punk for the ECW title. At first, they showed John Morrison and then cut the feed, but then when the screen came back on, it said John Morrison vs. CM Punk for the ECW Title.

Ryan Mulloy sent in: CelebTV has a video called "WWE Paternity Suit" running right now. The video itself is about Monday's angle and seems to treat it as real, even crediting WWE.com with comments about how Vince was upset no one missed him after staging his own death and some "no comment" about the suit, followed up by presumed frustration over it as Vince's limo left some skidmarks. You can find it at www.celebtv.com. Gotta wonder if any other media outlet like and E! or something has picked this up. ... Thanks to Russ McCall, Chuck in Chicago and Dale for also sending that along.