View Full Version : Wellness Policy Discovers Heart Condition For MVP

Dangerous Incorporated
08-11-2007, 12:22 AM
WWE.com is reporting that during a standard Wellness policy physical, an abnormal accessory pathway to the heart (Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome) was discovered in US Heavyweight MVP. It is a potentially life threatening condition that could lead to a heart attack if untreated. He will be able to continue wrestling because according to WWE.com, MVP "underwent a precarious radio frequency treatment this past Monday – a procedure that is equally dangerous in that one in 1,000 individuals die during it. Next week, tests will be performed again to see if the procedure was a success."

WWE.com says that the testing took place at the Great American Bash. The body of the story is written to explain how The Wellness Policy caught this condition early. A cynic might say that mentioning the Bash and the benefits of the policy are a calculated move by WWE. A cynic may be right, but you also can't deny that the policy did what people want it to do either.

08-11-2007, 12:39 AM
I hope everything is alright with him. Anyway, I find it convenient that they mentioned the Bash and the timing of the results in accordance with the wellness program, I mean maybe to make it sound good but at least it did what it's supposed to.

Darth Fozzy
08-11-2007, 02:56 AM
BULLSHIT!!! If it is true then I am sorry to MVP, but this, to me, seems like a move to make everyone think that the Wellness Policy is all good again. Making the WWE look good after all the bad press from the Benoit incident.

08-11-2007, 03:05 AM
Let's just all be happy that they discovered it and perhaps saved another victim okie? :)