View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 10th Aug, 2007

08-12-2007, 06:25 AM
Smackdown Results - 10th Aug, 2007
Location - Youngstown, Ohio
Announcers - Michael Cole and JBL

We go to footage from last week when the Great Khali came out during the main event and applying the claw on Ric Flair.

Batista vs Domino (with Deuce and Cherry)

Batista sends Domino into the corner and he connects with a series of shoulders followed by an Irish whip and running knee into the corner. Batista with a knee to the ribs and a series of short arm clotheslines and gets a two count. Domino with forearms to the abdomen but they have no effect. Batista with a suplex to Domino and a float over for a two count. Domino with a kick to Batista and a flying knee but when he comes off the ropes again, Batista hits an uranage. Batista tries for the Batista Bomb but Domino gets out of the hold. Cherry gets on the apron to distract the referee and Domino slaps Batista before leaving the ring. Batista chases after Domino and Deuce tries for a sneak attack on Batista but Batista with a clothesline to Deuce and then one for Domino. Batista rolls Domino back into the ring and Batista hits a spear and Batista Bomb for the three count.

Winner: Batista

After the match:
Batista gives Deuce a spinebuster and Batista Bomb. Cherry roller skates to the back while Batista poses on the turnbuckles.

We see that Ric Flair will be facing the Great Khali later tonight on Smackdown and then we see the Great Khali addressing Batista from the interview area. Runjin Singh tells Batista that Khali told him to enjoy and savor his victory tonight because at SummerSlam he won’t be doing any celebrating. We see footage of Khali applying the claw one more time to Ric Flair from last week’s episode of Smackdown. Khali speaks again and Singh says that what Khali did to Flair last week is what he is going to do to Batista at SummerSlam. Khali gives the camera the claw as we go to commercial.

We are back with a Chuck Palumbo video package. He talks about his intensity on his motorcycles and in the ring.

Tony Chimmel is in the ring and he introduces the returning Rey Mysterio. Rey comes out and he looks a little taller as he comes to the ring. ‘Rey’ poses in the corners for the fans before he gets on the mic. ‘Rey’ says that it has been a hard road back and the injuries that he sustained at the hands of Chavo Guerrero, who ‘he’ says is a better wrestler and human being than himself. ‘He’ says that it is a miracle that he came back from these injuries. ‘He’ says that he does not know in his heart if he can face Chavo Guerrero at SummerSlam or if he can ever face Chavo Guerrero again because Chavo is in the prime of his career. He says that his return at SummerSlam might not just be his return, but his final match. ‘He’ suffered so much pain that he had to say ‘I Quit’. ‘He’ begs Chavo to not have to say ‘I Quit’ again.

Eugene comes to the ring to face ‘Rey’.

Eugene vs Chavo Guerrero

Eugene looks confused at his opponent and Chavo kicks Eugene and hits a tilt-a-whirl head scissors. Chavo with a side head lock. Chavo hits a rana on Eugene and then he goes to the second turnbuckle for a seated senton. Chavo with an arm bar but Eugene reverses it and Chavo reverses it as well. Chavo with a drop toe hold and then he sets for the 619 but he falls through the ropes when he tries it. Chavo takes off the mask because the crowd was laughing at him for the failed 619. Eugene realizes that it was not Rey Mysterio and he blocks a punch and responds with European uppercuts. Eugene with a Gory Special to Chavo and he mocks Chavo. Eugene with the Three Amigos to Chavo and then he goes up top for the frog splash. Eugene misses the frog splash and Chavo with a somersault senton and then he hits the frog splash for the three count.

Winner: Chavo Guerrero

Victoria is in the back getting ready for her match and Kenny Dykstra stops by. Michelle McCool stops by to interrupt Victoria and Kenny and tells Janet that she will probably be a while with Victoria. Victoria wants to know what Michelle meant. Michelle says that she came here to work and suggests that Victoria and Kenny get a room. Victoria tells Michelle that at least she has a man and Michelle comments on Kenny. Michelle says why have one man when you can have them all. We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

Mark Henry vs Sterling Keenan

Henry grabs Keenan by the throat and throws him into the corner. Henry presses Keenan over his head and drops Keenan on the top turnbuckle and Henry kicks him in the midsection. Henry with an elbow drop and then he applies the bear hug for the victory.

Winner: Mark Henry

After the match:
Henry gets on the mic and he says that this is getting redundant. The crowd is starting to feel sympathy for his opponents. That is what the Silverback does. We go to a video package showing what Henry did to the Undertaker. We then go to a video package for the Undertaker pointing out that he always comes back. Unforgiven is mentioned. A hooded man walks from the ring to the back and Henry appears to be unnerved as we go to commercial.

We are back with the latest Jesse and Festus segment and this week they are talking about fame. Jesse says that they are recognized everywhere they go. Jesse says that Festus has been working on his autographs. Jesse says that he is shy around people he doesn’t know but Festus will take pictures with anybody and talk their ears off. Jesse says that Festus is the face of a ‘social butterfly’.

Torrie Wilson (with Jimmy Wang Yang) vs Victoria (with Kenny Dykstra)

Victoria with a knee to Torrie at the start of the match followed by an Irish whip but Torrie avoids the charge and hits a sunset flip. Torrie with forearms to Victoria followed by a kick and clothesline. Torrie with a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Torrie tries for a head scissors in the corner but Victoria sends Torrie to the apron. Torrie responds with a forearm to Victoria but Victoria with a drop kick that sends Torrie to the floor. Kenny comes over to yell at Torrie but Yang hits a side kick from the apron that take Dykstra down. Yang punches Dykstra and both men are sent to the back by the referee. While Victoria complains about it, Torrie gets a two count with a rollup. Victoria gets Torrie up for the Widow’s Peak and she hits it for the three count.

Winner: Victoria

After the match:
Victoria continues to attack Torrie. Michelle McCool comes out and she kicks Victoria and punches her. Michelle throws Victoria out of the ring and checks on Torrie.

We go to highlights from last week’s arm wrestling match between Matt Hardy and United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter. We then see highlights of the match that Matt Hardy won by count out.

Michael Cole talks about the WWE Wellness Program and the testing that it does. Bradshaw talks about how the testing showed that Montel Vontavious Porter had an abnormality in his heart and he had an outpatient procedure that might have saved his life. Cole says that Porter should be ready to wrestle again in a few weeks.

We go to Montel Vontavious Porter in the WWE Studios in Stamford. Montel says that last week before his arm wrestling match against Matt Hardy, he told Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long that he suffers from a potentially lethal heart condition called Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome that causes his heart rate to speed up to over 250 beats per minute. Because the Smackdown fans desperately wanted to see their United States Champion in action, he answered the call. While in the ring, he tried to slow down his heart rate. However, Matt Hardy jumpstarted the match and with a heart that was not working at full capacity, he was barely beaten by Matt Hardy. As a result, he had life threatening heart surgery. He will be cleared to return to the ring in one week by his doctors. He says that a lesser man would never return from such surgery and a normal man would take a year. Porter says that he is half-a-man and half-amazing. He will be back next week and he will challenge Matt Hardy to a competition and beat him. He says that he is better than Matt Hardy.

Speaking of Matt Hardy, he is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Triple H is almost ready to come back. In case you forgot what Triple H looks like, we have a video package for his return at SummerSlam.

Matt Hardy vs Fit Finlay

Hardy and Finlay lock up and Hardy backs Finlay into the corner and we have a clean break. They lock up again and they have another clean break but Finlay does push Hardy a bit on the break. Finlay with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Hardy with a side head lock and Finlay backs Hardy into the ropes. Hardy with a forearm on the break followed by a punch and then he slams Finlay’s head into the turnbuckles. Hardy with a clothesline into the corner for a two count. Finlay with an arm bar but Hardy with a punch. Hardy connects with an elbow to the jaw of Finlay as Finlay comes off the ropes and Hardy hits an elbow drop for a two count. Finlay backs Hardy into the corner and Finlay with a clean break. Finlay holds on to his jaw and the referee checks on him while keeping Hardy away. It was only a trap as Finlay connects with a forearm and European uppercuts. Finlay with a knee to the midsection followed by an Irish whip but he charges into a boot from Hardy. Hardy with an elbow drop to Finlay’s back. Hardy with a side head lock and Hardy follows that with a series of clotheslines and then he gets Finlay back in the side head lock for a bulldog. Finlay throws Hardy out of the ring and then he hits a baseball slide to return Hardy to the floor. Finlay goes out after Hardy but Hardy sends Finlay into the apron. Hardy with a side head lock on the floor but Finlay sends Hardy’s shoulder into the ring post. We go to commercial.

We are back and Finlay works on Hardy’s arm. We see footage from during the commercial of Finlay sending Hardy shoulder first into the ring steps. Hardy punches Finlay but Finlay pulls Hardy to the mat with help from the hair. Finlay wraps Hardy’s arm in the ropes and then he kicks the arm. Finlay with a forearm in the corner followed by a shoulder to Hardy’s injured arm. Finlay returns to the arm and then he covers Hardy but he was using the ropes for leverage. Finlay with a forearm to Hardy’s head and then Finlay returns to the arm. Hardy punches Finlay in the head to get out of the hold. Hardy with a side head lock and then Finlay tries for a shoulder tackle but Hardy braces for it and there is a stalemate. Finlay returns to the arm. Hardy with head butts to Finlay and then he kicks Finlay in the midsection. Finlay returns to the arm and then he slams Hardy’s arm into the ring apron. Finlay continues to work on the arm with an arm bar. Hardy with punches to Finlay and then he goes to the second turnbuckle for an elbow to the head for a near fall. Hardy tries for a back slide and he is able to get a two count. Hardy with more punches followed by a Side Effect for a two count. Finlay sends Hardy into the corner but Hardy with an elbow when Finlay charges into the corner. Hardy goes to the second turnbuckle but Finlay gets up and pulls Hardy off the turnbuckles by his injured arm and gets a two count.

Cruiserweight Champion Hornswoggle appears from under the ring and Finlay pulls him into the ring. Jamie Noble pulls Hornswoggle out of the ring. Noble charges at Hornswoggle but he moves out of the way. Finlay grabs Noble but Hardy gets a two count with a rollup. Noble chases Hornswoggle to the back while Hardy connects with a clothesline. Hardy tries for the Twist of Fate but Finlay rolls out of the ring. Finlay goes to the back and he is counted out.

Winner: Matt Hardy (by count out)

We go to the back where Jamie Noble is looking for Hornswoggle. Noble asks Shannon Moore and Funaki if they saw him. Moore and Funaki start laughing and Noble tells them to stop laughing at him. Finlay pushes Noble from behind and he wants to know why he would lay his hands on Hornswoggle. Finlay says that he should knock Noble’s head right off. Noble says that maybe Finlay should look around and says that there are three of them. Finlay knocks Shannon Moore’s drink out of his hands and Funaki leaves while Finlay grabs Noble’s shirt. He says it will take more than three of them. Kane shows up and he grabs Finlay by the throat and throws Finlay around like a rag doll before leaving. We go to commercial.

We are back and Sylvan is in the ring and he has a mic. He talks in French but he is interrupted by his opponent’s music and pyro.

Kane vs Sylvan Grenier

Kane with an uppercut and then he sends Sylvan into the corner followed by a punch and back body drop. Sylvan backs Kane into the corner and punches Kane followed by a kick. Kane with a slam followed by an uppercut and knee to the midsection. Kane with back elbows in the corner followed by a snap mare and drop kick to the head for a two count. Kane with an elbow to the top of the head followed by an Irish whip and running clothesline. Sylvan with an elbow when Kane charges. Sylvan with kicks and then he goes to the second turnbuckle but he is met with a big boot to the midsection. Kane goes up top for the jumping clothesline. Kane signals for the choke slam and he hits it for the three count.

Winner: Kane

After the match:
Finlay attacks Kane with the shillelagh. Kane sits up but Finlay hits him again with the shillelagh.

We go to Teddy Long’s office and Teddy is with Vickie Guerrero. Teddy says that he is excited about the wedding. He talks about having kids after they get married. Vickie says that Teddy should be focusing on enjoying each other. Vickie says that she has been thinking about an early wedding present. She gives him some Viagra and he says that he does not need it. Vickie says that it will spice things up for him and Kristal. Vickie says that if Teddy doesn’t need it, she will keep it. Teddy reconsiders and takes it. We go to commercial.

We are back and Chris Masters is in the ring and he has a mic. Masters says that since he could not find any suitable competition tonight, he is going to issue an open Master Lock Challenge to anybody in the crowd. Masters asks a woman in the front row if she wants to take the Master Lock Challenge and then he says that he was only kidding. Masters asks another fan if he wants to accept the challenge. After some hesitation, he comes into the ring. Masters wants to know what makes this man think he can break the Master Lock. He says that he was three times all-state in football, was the captain of his high school wrestling team, and was convicted of manslaughter and was just released from prison. Masters asks him if his family is here because he does not want to embarrass him in front of his family. Masters finds another person in the crowd. Masters applies the Master Lock and he gives up. We go to commercial.

We are back and Rey Mysterio is coming back at SummerSlam.

Cole and Bradshaw run through the card for SummerSlam:
Chavo Guerrero versus Rey Mysterio
John Morrison versus CM Punk for the ECW Title
John Cena versus Randy Orton for the WWE Title
Great Khali versus Batista for the World Title

Ric Flair is in the back and Batista checks on him. Flair says that the Great Khali humiliated him last week and treated him like a rag doll. Flair says that he has been in the ring with every wrestler who has used the claw. He mentions Blackjack Mulligan, Blackjack Lanza, Baron Von Raschke, and the Von Erichs. However, nobody has had a grip like Khali. Tonight, Ric Flair is going to go out there and grab Khali and find out his weak link. Flair says that he is going apply the figure four leg lock and make Khali tap out. Flair woooos into commercial.

Great Khali vs Ric Flair

Flair stands face to neck with Khali and then they lock up but Khali tosses Flair to the mat. Flair woooos at Khali and then charges at Khali but Khali with a shoulder tackle. Flair chops Khali, but Khali brushes them off and then he slams Flair. Khali hits a short arm clothesline on Flair and then he applies a nerve hold on Flair but Flair gets to the ropes. Khali returns to the nerve hold and Flair gets to the ropes again. Khali with a chop to the top of Flair’s head followed by a chop and big boot. Khali chokes Flair in the corner but Flair with a rake of the eyes. Singh gets on the apron and that allows Flair to connect with a low blow while the referee was distracted. Flair chops and punches Flair and then he struts. Flair with more punches but Flair comes off the ropes and Khali applies the claw on Flair and Khali gets the three count.

Winner: Great Khali

After the match:
The referee refuses to let go of the hold. Singh talks to the referee to distract him. Batista comes to the ring and he attacks Khali and hits two clotheslines into the corner. Batista tries for the Batista Bomb on Khali but Khali is able to apply the claw on Batista. Batista passes out from the claw as we go to credits.