View Full Version : iMPACT! Results - 8/16

Flair Country
08-18-2007, 01:30 AM
We start off tonight’s show with a look back at highlights of Hard Justice. We first see footage from the Humiliation Match where Eric Young lost the match, but did not get ‘tarred and feathered’. Instead it was Traci Brooks who wore the feathers at the end of the night. We then move on to the Steiners/Team 3D match which saw Scott Steiner hit a Frankensteiner. We then see highlights from the Bar Room Brawl and Doomsday Chamber of Blood Match. We then go to Pacman Jones’s comments about how he wants to show that he is the best team player to ever live. We then see Pacman laid out and taken away in an ambulance. We move on to the main event where Karen Angle toyed with Samoa Joe and allowed her husband to win all of the gold in TNA.

We go to Jeremy Borash outside the Impact Zone and he is on the red carpet for the Angle Awards. Eric Young joins Jeremy and he says that he is going to be the first to get Pacman’s autograph because his family loves Pacman. Kurt Angle arrives with Karen and Jeremy asks Kurt if he is impressed that he pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes at Hard Justice. Kurt says that Jeremy and the rest of the world witnessed the greatest act in the history of sports entertainment. He says that him, his wife Karen, his best friend Trademarc, and Dr. Nash all played Joe and the fans like the idiots that they are. Kurt says that it is only fitting that he hand out awards for the people in that elaborate scam. Kurt says that everyone is invited. Kurt says that it is great to be Kurt Angle and then leaves. Eric says that it is good to know that we still have heroes like Pacman Jones.

We are live on tape from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida and your announcers are Mike ‘TNA’ Tenay and Don ‘You have got to be kidding me’ West.

It is time to take a look back at the impact that Pacman Jones made at Hard Justice. We see the media coverage on television as well as in the print media. We see how SportsCenter covered Jones’s appearance at Hard Justice

Mike Tenay is in the ring and he introduces the ‘most controversial man in professional sports today’, Pacman Jones. Pacman comes into the Impact Zone and enters the ring. Pacman offers his hand and Tenay shakes it. Mike talks about the mainstream media attention that him and TNA received and how it was incredible. Mike talks about the fanfare and controversy surrounding Jones. Mike then talks about Jones’s comments that he was the greatest team sport athlete and he mentions Ron Killings. We see footage from Hard Justice of security taking Ron Killings down while Tenay talks about the need for extra security because of Jones’s contract situation. We then see footage of Jones being taken away in an ambulance on Sunday night. Tenay wants to know what happened backstage on Sunday night and who was involved.

Jones takes the mic and he tells Tenay that he is going to tell us how it is. He wonders why people wouldn’t think that it was Ron Killings. He says that where he comes from it is face-to-face and not from behind his back.

Ron Killings dances to the ring and he asks ‘What’s Up’ with the fans. Killings enters the ring and he gets in Jones’s face. Killings tells Jones that he has a problem in TNA but it is not with him. Killings reminds Jones that he came to the ring to confront him and if he has a beef, he will eat it. He says that he wants to see him coming. Killings says that he did his research on Pacman Jones and he says that they are birds of a feather. Killings tells Jones not to worry about the fans. He says that Jones came up from nothing and made something. Killings says that he did the same thing and he became a two time TNA World Champion. They can make history but Jones wonders why he would want to make history with Killings after all of the trash talking on Sunday night and the fact that he got beat up in the back and had to be taken to the emergency room. Ron asks Jones if he wants a teammate and he says that Jones does not have to look any further for a teammate. Jones wants to know how he can trust Killings, but Killings says that they will get revenge on the coward who attacked him from behind; and Team Pacman will look good as the TNA Tag Champions. Killings says that they can talk to Jim Cornette right now.

They leave the ring and they are stopped by Eric Young on the Ramp of Facial Impact. Eric wants Pacman to sign his shirt and Killings tells Young to turn around. Killings hits Young from behind.

We go to Leticia in Jim Cornette’s office and Cornette has Matt Morgan with him. Cornette says that he has two more cashews to deal with in this bowl of mixed nuts. There is a knock on the door and Christopher Daniels enters with Senshi and Elix Skipper. Daniels wants to know why he is wrestling Jay Lethal tonight with the winner getting the X Division Title Match at No Surrender. Daniels reminds Cornette that he is the number one contender so it is his title shot. Cornette tells Daniels that he was the number one contender until Lethal beat him in the ring on Sunday. Daniels points out that it was in a tag match, but Cornette says that does not matter because Lethal beat him. Cornette says that they are going to do it the old fashioned way and the winner of the match gets the title match. Cornette asks Daniels if he has a problem with that and then Cornette gets Matt Morgan’s attention. Daniels, Skipper, and Senshi leave the office.

Christian Cage enters the office with Tomko and A.J. Styles. Christian says that after Hard Justice, he is over and done with Abyss. He says that the champ is moving on to bigger and better things; and Cornette can try to book him in all the First Blood Matches he can but Christian says that he has lawyers and they will be in his office so fast it will have Cornette’s head spinning. Cornette says that if Christian does not want to be in the match, he will take him out of the match for a title shot. Christian stops Cornette and asks what title shot. Cornette tells Christian that Abyss wants to get Christian’s blood on him so bad, that Abyss is willing to put his title match on the line. Christian says that he is not screwing around when it comes to the title and he says that he will be the number one contender again. We go to commercial.

We are back and Karen Angle arrives on the red carpet with Trademarc. Jeremy asks Karen about what is going to happen when Samoa Joe shows up tonight. Karen says that she will not have to worry about Samoa Joe because she has an Order of Protection. She says that if Joe cannot take a joke, then she is sorry. Karen says that it is time to talk about something more important, Karen Angle. She says that she was amazing in her performance last week. She says that she sucked JB in along with all of the fans. She says that everyone felt sorry for Karen Angle . . . the victim. She wonders if everyone was that stupid or was she that good. She says that it is hard to be humble when you are an Angle. She says that without the people, she would not be here tonight. Karen says that it is hard to be Karen Angle.

We return to Don and Mike at ringside and Mike talks about the Angle Awards. Don and Mike talk about how Samoa Joe will be there tonight. Don talks about the two number one contender matches tonight on Impact.

Before our first match of the night, we see footage of Jay Lethal getting the pinfall on Christopher Daniels at Hard Justice.

Match Number One: Christopher Daniels (with Senshi and Elix Skipper) versus Jay Lethal (with Sonjay Dutt) in a Number One Contenders Match for the X Division Title
Daniels attacks Lethal before the bell rings and he punches and head butts Lethal. Daniels with an Irish whip and back body drop. Daniels charges into the corner but Lethal moves out of the way. Lethal with punches and a kick followed by a head scissors. Lethal with a hip toss followed by a drop kick for a two count. Lethal with a side head lock and then Daniels throws Lethal over the top rope to the floor. While Daniels talks to the referee, Senshi slams Lethal on the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Daniels hits an Arabian Press for a two count. Daniels with an arm bar and cross face. Lethal with punches to Daniels but Daniels pulls Lethal down by his hair. Daniels points to the corner for the BME but Lethal gets up. Daniels lands on his feet. Daniels charges into a back elbow and then Lethal hits a leg lariat from the second turnbuckle and both men are down. Lethal with running elbows to Daniels’s head and then Lethal hits a knee lift. Lethal leaps over the top rope to the floor that drops Daniels’s arm onto the top rope. Lethal goes up top and hits the double sledge but he can only get a two count. Lethal with punches and elbows to Daniels. Daniels with a kick and he tries for Angel’s Wing but Lethal is able to counter it. Lethal with an enzuigiri and then he slams Daniels. Lethal goes up top but Elix Skipper distracts the referee while Senshi grabs Lethal’s leg. Daniels with a palm thrust followed by Fall from Grace for a two count. Daniels thought that he got the three count and then he yells at the referee and that allows Senshi to choke Lethal in the ropes. Dutt knocks Senshi off the apron and then Daniels hits Dutt from behind. Dutt hits a somersault plancha onto Skipper and Senshi. Daniels sees what happened on the floor and then Lethal falls victim to the backbreaker and inverted DDT combination for the three count.
Winner: Jay Lethal

We go to the red carpet where Jeremy Borash is with Kevin Nash. Jeremy congratulates Nash for fooling everybody. Nash says that he is honored to get an award. He says that he won a Best Actor award for his German snuff films. Jeremy asks about whether there was a connection between Karen and him. Nash says that Karen was like Angelina Jolie where she felt something for her leading man. He does not want to stir anything. Nash brings up the red briefs. Jeremy asks Nash if he really is a doctor and Nash says that he went to the University of Phoenix. We go to commercial.

We are back and Ron Killings and Pacman Jones have made their way to Jim Cornette’s office. Jones enters and says that he does not know who Cornette is but Cornette knows who he is and he tells Cornette that he is Pacman Jones. Cornette gets ready to leave but Killings keeps him from leaving. Killings says that they are the best kept secret and that Cornette will love their idea. Killings asks if they get paid based on their ratings, and Cornette also says that they get paid for victories. Killings suggests the idea of Pacman Jones as the TNA Tag Team Champion and the publicity that it would get. Killings says the entire world will be watching. Killings wants this match booked. Cornette asks Killings what he would do if Cornette does not agree to this match and wonders if he would do the same thing to Cornette that he did to Eric Young. Cornette says that he has seen Jones’s contract and knows what he can and cannot do in TNA. Killings says that Eric Young got what he deserved. Killings says that Team Pacman has a way to get around anything, but Cornette needs to book this match. Killings says that Cornette can do this the easy way or the hard way. Matt Morgan gets between Cornette and Jones. Killings asks for everyone to get along. Killings says that they will leave peacefully this time.

We go to the Impact Zone where Kurt and Karen Angle enter on the AngleVator for the Angle Awards. Angle lays the belts on the mat before addressing the fans. Angle says that tonight is a night to celebrate a celebration of sucking the idiots in so deep that they never saw the screwing of Samoa Joe coming. It is a celebration of the greatest husband and wife team in sports entertainment today. Kurt says that it is Karen and Kurt Angle. To really understand the story in its entirety, they need to go to the video tape. We see the events leading to the eventual turn by Karen Angle on Samoa Joe. Kurt says that it brought a tear to his eye. The first award is for Best Supporting Actor for Trademarc and Kevin Nash. They come to the ring. We see footage from Sunday of Trademarc with Karen. Kurt says the next Angle Award goes to the first lady of Total Nonstop Angle. It is for Best Actress and it goes to Karen Angle. Karen accepts the award and she has a speech. She thanks all of the simpletons in the Impact Zone because without their childlike innocence and outright stupidity, none of this would have been possible. She also wants to thank the victim Samoa Joe for allowing her to suck him in like the sucker he is, she would not be here now. Kurt tries to prevent Karen from hearing the boos by covering her ears.

Jim Cornette comes to the ring and he interrupts the ceremony. Cornette asks if this is a wrestling program or the Golden Globes. Cornette says that he hates to interrupt his little party. Cornette wants to congratulate Angle for doing something that has never been done and that is win all three TNA titles at the same time. Kurt says that it will never happen again. Cornette says that Angle will be defending all three titles at No Surrender. He will defend the X Division Title against Jay Lethal; the TNA Heavyweight Title against the winner of the Christian Cage and Abyss match; and the TNA Tag Team Titles against Team Pacman.

Angle kicks the lectern and then he grabs Cornette but Matt Morgan pushes Angle off Cornette. Angle is held back and then Karen gets in the middle of things. Karen slaps Matt Morgan and then security gets in the ring to separate them. We are told that Samoa Joe just arrived and we go to commercial.

We are back and Jeremy Borash is in the interview area. He talks about something involving Pacman Jones that you can get through the TNA Mobile service. Christian Cage joins Jeremy and he says that nobody wants to hear about Pacman Jones, they want to hear about something that people care about and that is him. Every man has their breaking point and he is at it. There will be no Tomko or A.J. Styles tonight, it will just be him because in order to do something right, you have to do it yourself. Christian says that he has never been pinned and he never submitted in TNA. Christian says that he is the real champion. Something is thrown from off camera that hits the Impact sign and Samoa Joe wants to know what Christian just said about being the real World Champ. Joe says that he gets to the building and this bull**** is the first thing that he hears. Joe says that if Christian watched the pay per view, he would know who the real champion is. Joe says that if Christian wants to be the champ, it will be over his dead body. Joe says that he will see Christian out there and then he leaves. Christian calls out for A.J. Styles and Tomko as we hear Christian’s music.

Match Number Two: Christian Cage versus Abyss in a First Blood Match to determine the Number One Contender for the TNA Heavyweight Title
Christian attacks Abyss from behind before the bell rings. Abyss blocks an Irish whip and then he tosses Christian into the air. Abyss misses a charge into the corner and Christian tries to bite Abyss’s forehead but Abyss pushes Christian off. Christian charges into a boot and then Abyss with a running butt splash into the corner. Christian rolls to the apron and Abyss grabs Christian and punches him in the head. Abyss tries to use the exposed turnbuckle on Christian but Christian blocks it. Abyss sends Christian into the turnbuckles and Christian goes to the floor. Abyss charges at Christian but Christian with a drop toe hold that sends Abyss into the ring steps. We see Tomko come out to the ringside area as we go to commercial.

We are back and we see highlights from the commercial break after Christian uses a chair on Abyss. We see Tomko hand Christian a screwdriver before Tomko was sent to the back. Back to live on tape action and Christian sets for the one man conchairto but Abyss moves out of the way. Abyss sets for the choke slam but Christian gets out of the hold. Abyss tries for Shock Treatment but Christian gets out of the hold. Christian tries for an Unprettier but Christian gets out of the hold. Abyss tries for Shock Treatment again but Christian gets out of the hold. Christian grabs a chair but Abyss punches the chair into Abyss but there is no blood. Abyss grabs a chair and he wedges it into the corner. Christian with a drop kick to Abyss’s knee and then he puts the chair on Abyss’s head. Christian goes up top for the frog splash, but Abyss removes the chair and he grabs Christian by the throat. Christian sends Abyss face first into the chair wedged in the corner but Abyss is not bleeding.

A.J. Styles comes out to the ring and he reaches under the ring and he grabs the barbed wire bat. Christian takes the bat but Samoa Joe comes out with a chair and chases Styles away from the ring. Joe grabs the barbed wire bat from Christian and then Joe hits Christian with a chair. Joe tosses Christian a chair and then he hits Cage with the chair and Christian is bleeding.
Winner: Abyss

After the match, Kurt Angle comes out and he attacks Abyss and punches him. Angle hits Abyss in the head with the chair repeatedly and then he hits Abyss in the body. Angle hits Abyss in the head two more times. Kurt gives Karen the chair but Cornette appears on the video screen and tells Karen to stop. Cornette says that next week on Impact, Kurt Angle will wrestle in a handicap match against The Steiners. Cornette says that Karen will be at ringside and if the Steiners beat Kurt, the Steiners will get five minutes alone with Karen.
