View Full Version : Undertaker at Unforgiven?

08-18-2007, 02:40 AM
During the Undertaker promo after Mark Henry beat that guy up on tonight's SD!, the ghost girl voice at the end said 'Unforgiven' at the end. Is this hinting to when he is returning?

08-18-2007, 02:48 AM
That has to be it i would be dumb to show a return promo say the next pay-per-view and not have it be the return date

08-18-2007, 06:45 AM
Well, she more or less whispered it, so I assume it was to give us the feel of when he'll be back. Plus, the posters that are out have Undertaker on them so I'm sure he'll be back at Unforgiven, hopefully they're not rushing him to get back in the ring and allow the injury to heal properly.

08-20-2007, 04:55 PM
If he does come back i hope that it is a buried alive match

08-20-2007, 05:05 PM
^ I think that is the worst gimmick match of all time lol.

I say it's probably going to be Unforgiven also.
The feud with Henry should be pretty good when Taker comes back from his injury. That feud will probably go on for about ah month or so. Then maybe he might get another title shot.

08-20-2007, 10:15 PM
Hopefully, he'll get another title shot...

08-20-2007, 11:10 PM
He will he's the UnderTaker and the company wanted him to keep it before but he got hurt so if he's healthy enough he might actually get it back soon after he comes back.

08-21-2007, 07:18 AM
^^ Same as I Think

ATM Smackdown needs someone to carry the brand as world Champ I think atm due to the lack of star power Taker is the guy to do it he has the experience and the talent to do it until the big stars are back on SD! SO yes I think Taker will Get the title after he has feuded with Mark Henry