View Full Version : Former WWE Diva Debra Discusses Stone Cold And More

Black Widow
08-21-2007, 02:35 PM
Former wife of Steve Austin and Steve McMichael, Debra Marshall appeared Inside Edition. She talks about alcohol, pills, and steroid use and that it is out of control.

Chris Benoit's Family tragedy was discussed as well. Debra also mentioned that she was a friend of Chris Benoit and Bryan "Crush" Adams. Her reaction to Crush's death was "oh my god another wrestler has died"

Debra stated that during her 3 year marriage to Austin he has earned as much as $12 million a year. Debra also said that Austin took steroids and if you remember her being on media outlets in recent past, she did mention Steve Austin being abusive. Inside edition did try to contact Austin's lawyers but received no return calls. According to Marshall she was hit on three different occassions by Austin. On air they showed Austin's mugshot and mentioned Austin pleaded no contest to domestic abuse, divorcing shortly thereafter.

Marshall said drug and alcohol abuse is common among pro wrestlers. The voiceover guy said that wrestlers are on the road an "exhausting 250 days a year with no vacations, no pension, no health insurance, and little time for their families." She said wrestlers have no life and its all about looking good and constantly having to stay in shape. She said that Vince McMahon rules, "this little world and if you complain then you're going to lose your job."

WWE issued a statement saying, "WWE is committed to doing everything we can to help the WWE performers of today lead healthier lives than pro wrestlers of past generations." WWE (via statement) said that they have a zero tolerance drug testing program in place.

Debra thinks more steps need to be taken because "our friends are dying here all the time." Debra also claimed that the whole ordeal with Steve Austin caused her to suffer from depression.

- PWInsider.com

Y0UR Messiah
08-23-2007, 12:18 AM
what a load of crap. Debra got smacked, big deal. She ten to one pushed him into it.