View Full Version : Detective Learns Hard Way About ID Theft

09-01-2007, 10:27 AM
COVINGTON, Tenn. (AP) - As a police detective who often counsels people on how to avoid identity fraud, Linda Gamblin wishes she had taken more of her own advice.

A thief recently swiped Gamblin's debit card number and has purchased more than $1,300 of merchandise in four states over the past two weeks.

"I guess I never thought about being a victim myself," Gamblin said. "It's a mess. Lord, it's a mess."

She hasn't discovered how the perpetrator got her information, but she realized something was wrong when a restaurant declined her card on Aug. 21.

The swindler bought a camcorder with a Miami, Fla., shipping address and ordered a DVD player and other items to an address in Shelbyville, Ind. An online ad for "cute English bulldog puppies" was purchased with her card, listing "Linda Gamblin, Covington" as the contact for the dogs along with a bogus phone number.

The thief even bought an online personal ad using Gamblin's debit card number.

Gamblin and Lt. Allen Wilson have been tracking the purchases and calling police agencies in the states where the merchandise was to be shipped. They traced one buy to the Philippines.

She said she thinks she's dealing with someone who knows she's a police officer, perhaps someone she's investigated for fraud in the past.

"I guess I figured I was exempt," Gamblin said. "Like nobody would dare target the cop."

She said a good relationship with your bank is helpful in recovering from identity fraud. She also plans to bank online from now on, rather than receive account information through the mail, and run an annual credit report to look for additional fraud.

"You need to stay on top of stuff," Gamblin said. "I'm going to use cash as much as I can."


09-01-2007, 04:48 PM
that can happen to anyone :shock: be careful people.

09-03-2007, 05:21 AM
She should have really taken her own advice...