View Full Version : No phone hangups during sex

09-05-2007, 08:42 AM
GOING to the toilet and having sex are some of the activities people get up to when talking on the phone, says a British poll.
A survey released yesterday found 7 per cent of people had "been intimate" with a partner when on the telephone to someone else.

Men were more likely than women to have been involved in a romantic clinch when chatting on the phone, with 9 per cent admitting to answering a call when making love compared to 5 per cent of women.

The survey found one in 10 people admitted to taking a call while otherwise engaged. It also found that people in the Newcastle region of northern England, for example, were also most likely to chat to friends while sitting on the lavatory, with 44 per cent of people admitting to it compared with just 21 per cent of Scots.

Across Britain, nearly a third of people (31 per cent) admitted to having phone conversations while on the loo.

A total of 2188 people were questioned for the survey, which was carried out on behalf of the British Post Office.

Martin Moran, head of telephony at BPO, said: "We are certainly a nation of talkers – and judging by these figures, we won't let anything stand in the way of a good old gossip, which could turn out to be a fairly pricey habit."

Couriermail AU

09-05-2007, 11:27 AM
yeah let my man try to talk or answer the phone during sex :furious:

09-05-2007, 08:21 PM
LOL. I guess they can 'multitask' really well:shifty: