View Full Version : ECW On Sci-fi Results - September 04, 2007

09-05-2007, 08:48 AM
They opened the show with a recap of C.M. Punk winning the right to face John Morrison for the ECW Title. Joey Styles said they wouldn't have to wait long for Punk to get his title shot.

Boogeyman came out to start the show. Matt Striker then followed out ready to wrestle. Striker said he knows he will be victorious because he is all-knowing, while his man is all-powerful. Big Daddy V then came out and Boogeyman salivated at the sight of the rack of spare ribs on V ripe for consumption.


V tried to distract Boogeyman early on, but Boogeyman quickly cleared Striker out of the ring to the floor. Boogeyman followed out and V had enough of this match, so he clotheslined Boogeyman hard to the floor. The match was thrown out, then V raised Striker's hand in symbolic victory.

WINNER: Boogeyman via DQ in 2:00. Just keeping the feud going. (n/a)

Backstage, Armando Estrada talked to C.M. Punk about his ECW Title shot tonight. Armando reminded Punk of his past failures in trying to capture the belt, but Punk reminded Armando that he has earned chance after chance after chance. Armando told him it's his last chance at the belt, so good luck. Punk said the last time he checked, luck is for losers.

Up next, Balls vs. Miz.

[Commercial Break]

Balls Mahoney came to the ring to a nice reception. They showed a clip of Balls appearing on the Superhero show to air on Thursday. Some weird folks there. Miz then brought out Extreme Expose to sit ringside for the match. We've found our new Guess Jeans models. Kelly Kelly shot a smile to Balls before the match started.


2 -- BALLS MAHONEY vs. THE MIZ (w/Extreme Expose)

Miz took control early on and he played to Expose, but Kelly only shook her hand in disdain while Leyla and Brooke egged her on. Balls started a comeback with a back elbow smash before nailing a flying forearm to the face. Balls wound up the Balls punches before executing a side belly-to-back suplex for a slow nearfall. Miz then nailed a knee lift into a neckbreaker for the pin and the win. Leyla and Brooke jumped up and down in celebration while Kelly remained seated.

After the match, Miz announced Balls as the loser. Kelly then slid into the ring to check on Balls while Miz, Leyla, and Brooke tried to figure things out. Miz then grabbed Kelly by the arm and pulled her away from Balls and out of the ring. Balls pulled himself to the middle rope and put a lovable, yet grumpy look on his face. Ah, how could Kelly turn down a hapless face like that?

WINNER: Miz in 3:00. Just keeping the program going, which is fine until they reach the payoff. (Well, hopefully there will be a payoff.) (*)

Backstage, John Morrison cut a promo about giving the fans a champion to believe in. He said Punk's words are nothing more than an illusion. Like Mr. Kennedy's? Morrison went back to a previous decade to call Punk a Blink 182 groupie who cried himself to sleep when he couldn't get backstage. Morrison essentially said he would end Punk tonight.

[Commercial Break]

They recapped last night's Raw with the McMahon family challenging Vince to humble himself and change. And we will find out the results of The Clue next Monday.

Elijah Burke came out for a match. Ah, the most underutilized man on the roster. Kevin Thorn then came out. Apparently they're doing a tag match. Stevie Richards came out as one-half of the babyface team, followed by Tommy Dreamer.



Joey Styles talked about there being a turf war in the locker room between the Originals and New Breed. Dreamer and Richards started things off working on Thorn. Burke then took his licks before Thorn nailed Dreamer with a kick to the back from the apron to give Burke control. The heels took control only momentarily before the match broke down. Burke then caught Richards in the corner with the Elijah Express double-knee strike to the back. He covered Richards for the win.

WINNERS: Burke & Thorn in 4:00. Good win for Burke with the crowd into the action. It will be either Burke or V in that title picture after tonight. (*)

[Commercial Break]

They showed a video package on John Morrison's ECW Title reign. Props for promoting Creation in the promo. They transitioned from the Morrison recap package to a loud "C-M-Punk" chant before showing a video package on Punk's journey to challenging for the ECW Title. Nice head-to-head video package to set up tonight's title match.

C.M. Punk then came out for the title match.

[Commercial Break]


John Morrison came out and they did some crazy music video slow-motion-fan-in-the-face entrance. Like the SNL perfume skit with the Olsen Twins, only far less entertaining.

4 -- JOHN MORRISON vs. C.M. PUNK -- ECW Title match

They exchanged early pin attempts looking for a quick decision. Punk landed a kick to the face, then landed a series of body blows. They battled to the outside and Morrison went for a sunset flip powerbomb off the apron, but Punk kicked him away and hit a springboard moonsault. They cut to a break after five minutes of solid action.

[Commercial Break]

[Q5 -- over-run]

They came back with Morrison in control. The fans rallied with a Punk chant while Morrison maintained a headlock. Punk escaped, but Morrison reapplied a headlock. They battled up top and Punk landed a superplex. Both men recovered on the mat and Punk came up with a roundhouse kick to the gut. Punk built momentum and nailed a flying dropkick for a nearfall. He caught his breath, then nailed a kick in the corner before hitting a bulldog for a nearfall. The fans exhaled as Punk regrouped. Punk then went for a double underhook, but Morrison drove him to the corner and nailed a leaping back kick. Morrison then set up Punk in the corner and hit a split-legged corkscrew moonsault for a close nearfall that popped the crowd. Morrison then went for his finisher, but Punk escaped. Morrison tried to hook the tights on a pin, but the ref caught him in the act. Punk then nearly surprised Morrison with a roll up, but good for a nearfall. Amazing energy in the building. Morrison then missed with a springboard back kick that would have ended the match. Punk quickly scooped up Morrison and put him on his shoulders. Morrison tried to fight out, but Punk dropped him with the Go 2 Sleep that Morrison sold like he was shot in the face. Punk then made the cover and the crowd exploded.

Afterward, Punk celebrated with the belt as the crowd continued to cheer. Nice camera work to capture the crowd reactions and Punk's near-tears celebration. They replayed the highpoints in the match before Punk went to the corner to hoist the belt in the air.

WINNER: Punk in 17:00 to capture the ECW Title.

Source: PWTorch.com